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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. Yes. I also refuse to upgrade tapatalk because they made the old paid version free, added advertisements, and released a new paid version.
  2. Or the AIB and SIB findings were different.
  3. Because the AF cannot measure diversity of socioeconomic background and whatnot. But they can go "we have X ____ officers, Y ______ officers, 68 females," etc. The AF only cares about race and gender when talking about diversity.
  4. Huh. If only us dumbasses here on BODN had ever heard of or discussed this godsend... Hint: yes, we all know about Dave.
  5. Full BCU replacement fleet wide was funded in FY12. Not sure of current progress replacing them...but if they don't get replaced, we will have cargo only KC-10s.
  6. They also set the O-5 board for 3 Mar 14.
  7. Buy a cheap hard drive and get the OEM copy of Win 7.
  8. The post button at the bottom of threads doesn't seem to work. I have to use "more reply options" and post from the full editor. Win 7 x64. Chrome 30.0.1599.101 m.
  9. I think the makeup makes the one on the left girly...not the hat.
  10. http://www.benjerry.com/flavors/our-flavors#product_id=1096 Scotchy scotch scotch. We don't know how to put this but this flavor is kinda of a big deal. Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it "Scotchy Scotch Scotch". Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago. Stay Classy, From all of us at Ben & Jerry's.
  11. I think Chrome for iOS will let you have tabs open in private and non-private browsing. Safari will not, to my knowledge.
  12. If you're in private browsing mode, I am pretty sure it will not allow you to set cookies. Mutually exclusive goals...
  13. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/10/17/ny-police-teen-girls-had-human-remains-in-bag/?intcmp=latestnews What. The. Fuck. NY bitches be crazy, mang.
  14. Yes, supposedly only for "safety of flight" reasons. Several years ago in the KC-10, there was a crew that had an evaluator FE on board giving a check to the FE...the pilots forgot to shut off one of the engines and the FE didn't back them up. The evaluator Q-3'd at least one of the pilots and the FE. It has been a few years, so I may have some of the details wrong...but it does happen.
  15. AFPC won't release pilots for that, at least in the KC-10.
  16. JS, you are never read your rights as part of a SIB (unless something major has changed recently). When something happens that warrants it, the base will form an Interim Safety Board (ISB). The ISB will attempt to collect all perishable data/evidence/etc. When I went through FSO training, we were trained to extend Privilege (as appropriate) before we conducted interviews; however, I have heard that AFSEC is now teaching "only extend privilege AFTER someone asks for it." Bottom line: If you have not specifically been granted Privilege, be very careful. Get it in writing. Also, Privilege is only for flight and usually not for ground or weapons mishaps. If anyone has newer information, please correct where I am wrong.
  17. 2013 ARP Agreements Finalized by MDS MDS (JH) HELI-H-60 94.12% (16 out of 17 eligible) NOTE: DATA AS OF: 30SEP13 Source: AFPC Static Reports at http://access.afpc.a...Z1pub1&_debug=0
  18. The AFSEC has a very narrow definition of punishment.
  19. Oh, you mean like the official slogan of the comm sq at Al Dhafra? The one that they stamp on every in- and out-processing checklist as well as have on their walls, etc. "Shooting comm all over your base" Real professional, that one.
  20. That video is the one thing they refuse to let us see...yet it would be massively informative.
  21. I worked for him when he was a BG and he was very level-headed and a decent pilot. I enjoyed working for him for approximately 6-9 months. So to speak.
  22. Do you have the AFSAS #? I'd like to read the report for myself so I don't ask any dumb questions, because the brief we got on the incident on the KC-10 side of AMC was essentially "these guys were dumb and lucky."
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