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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2016 in Posts

  1. This. I'd say the same thing about the vast majority of C-5 FEs I've flown with. More similarities with pilots than with the regulation-blinders, yes sir, shoe-clerk Es. Hopefully they'll source appropriately and lean on these crusty enlisted aviators when building the training program. IMO, they should start with MSgt FEs as initial cadre. Not sure if the current SOs would be equally equipped to mitigate the pitfalls that concern matmac.
    2 points
  2. Yes. Let's not let good people transfer to the ARC to be a part of the "Total Force", but at the same time let's deploy the ARC more. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. There's about 0% chance of either of those things happening, but keep being optimistic.
    1 point
  4. Dude why stop at WIC?! Just proficiency advance your entire career and you could be a civilian again in just a few short months with almost no effort required! Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. He really sent me his contact info. Proof: Definitely going to rank 1 or 2 at UPT.
    1 point
  6. Sorry to get your blood pressure up man, but the short story fix to that is your Sq CC, group CC, and probably wing CV having some semblance of balls and telling the MSG or LRG CC (whatever your setup is) to unfornicate their processes to make deployments happen. I know... That's asking for a lot these days especially when dealing with BPZers just looking to not rock the boat and move on to the next thing.
    1 point
  7. They'll go out the door, but without someone working full time they won't have the proper training, equipment or sometimes even correct destination on their plane tickets. If support agencies (supply shop, CATM, LRS, etc) did their job it wouldn't be this way. I had to move heaven and earth just to get my dudes OCPs, locks that actually fit the firearms case, small arms training (tacked it onto a training TDY), and convince LRS not to send my dudes to the wrong country just because someone on another continent jacked up a spreadsheet and couldn't be bothered to fix it. I was on shift-work and frequently came in hours early or stayed hours late to have a face to face meeting with someone or their boss to resolve something that should have been fixable with an email. We were the drone squadron at a bomber base, so that didn't help. My blood pressure is going up just thinking about it. Hopefully it's different for other communities.
    1 point
  8. I'm a former chief of mobility. Putting the UDM role with the CSS is insane. Units with a significant number of taskings need someone doing that job as their primary duty. We ended up hiring a civilian and it made life much easier.
    1 point
  9. It's all cyclical. By the time you young-uns drop the AF will have screwed something else up...
    1 point
  10. I'm glad you said so. Just skip UPT then and join us in the CAF, brah! Didn't you hear there's a fighter pilot shortage? Would you mind PMing me your name and contact info so I can get your orders hooked up for Weapons School? Thanks, brosaurus-rex.
    1 point
  11. all us mid level captains have seen the bullshit...we dropped when there was only one fighter per class, we had RPAs in our -38 drops, we were in the squadrons with the TAMI 21 guys and heard how they got screwed out of their fighters, we saw the masters swing back to required for major and how our friends had to claw to get it before their board, we saw it swing back to not being required, we had friday morale shirts taken away, we had pencil tab patches made illegal, we had black boots taken away for swade, we saw dumbass ABUs come into "style" along with 1980s parachute PT pants, we saw the air force e-9s embarrass our peers in the died chow hall for wrong sock color (and be rewarded for it by the O-6), we saw 21 year old A1Cs drinking at DJ but aircrew were forbidden from even one beer, we saw our flying hours get cut back, we saw congress not do their job to the detriment of our survival in combat with zero shits given, we saw congress debate to take away dual spouse BAH, we became our own finance officer, we became our own professional CBT clicker, we saw below average yes men pilots do the minimum flying-wise and excel at queep only to get rewarded with good deal assignments and promotions (CHANG), we saw absurd increases in ROE for political purposes with no eye on victory. We saw the airlines start to hire... we didn't see our families, we didn't see clear cut victory in the war, we didn't see respect for our skills as pilots, we don't see a end in sight in deployments or war. The air force has been f***ing us since 2008. How the f*** are they surprised we don't want to stick around for the next 8 years to get run into the dirt. Most of my peers are getting TFO in a few years and i have zero fu**s or sympathy for big blue. They earned this.
    1 point
  12. I remember when the SOC Commander showed up first day with the wrong uniform, made up an awkward story explaining the screw up. Tried to redeem himself at the next all call and proceeded to insult the SNCOs in attendance with his apology...later on, tried to work an European family vacation permissive TDY in the middle of SOS instead of attending one of the key events. Dude got picked up O-7 later on. Reminds me of a certain regional manager at the Scranton branch of Dunder-Mufflin. Thank god I had a flight with good peeps, had a good time and it reflected in the final squadron standing.
    1 point
  13. Sounds a lot different than reapers. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
    -1 points
  14. Hello everyone, I hope this post is under the correct thread. I am trying to get a fighter slot (f-16, 35, or 22). Now I am at a point if i should seek out active duty or reserves for UPT. Does anyone have any info about active duty fighter positions (such as if there is a shortage). I heard a lot of UPT guys are getting RPA at UPT for active duty. If I go active duty, I know I can score 1st or 2nd in my class and ask for fighter/ bomber track. On the reserves side, I am having troubling seeking a sponsors ship from fighter units (deployed, not looking for sponsorship, or even having trouble trying to get ahold of them). Does anyone have any advice for my situation? I have already been selected as an alternate for a fighter unit and I'm currently waiting for my F1C Physical. I'm just trying to pull some G's.... Thank you. Cheers austin
    -1 points
  15. Of course! I just want to get my foot in the door to go over there and show face, sell my self, and hopefully snag a Interview. I understand the hiring process is through the units OSS/ CC. Just need assistance getting that set up! And lol, Roger that on the UPT info... Note taken. Tottaly belive your credentials! Thanks for the insight! On a lighter note, I don't think this thread is completely "ridiculous" ... I am learning a lot!
    -2 points
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