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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2014 in Posts

  1. Bender, gearpig, and BeerMan- Though I've only been posting on this forum for a couple months, I've been reading along for years. I've usually found your opinions and insights well thought out. Today I'm surprised to see such ignorance from you. A guy comes on here and says he's been pushed to the brink, and your response was to call him names and accuse him of resorting to "melodrama" (BTW, it's one word, BM). If your responses indicate the way in which you actually approach leadership and officership, then I pity and hapless soul who might be under your command. Do you have ANY idea what mbh's story is? Did you ask? Or did you take advantage of someone who's struggling with life and the AF in order to presume to grandstand and impress all of us lesser officers with your divine leadership philosophy? Thank God this medium allows you to type out your thoughts for the rest of us, because if you had to speak them aloud the only noise would be the sound of gurgling General semen. Get off your high horses and consider whether perhaps thinking like yours is part of the problem.
    3 points
  2. I've seen this come up in several posts in this thread in particular. I don't know you chizz so nothing personal but /rant on Are you guys fucking serious? I hope there is a good bit of "10% truth" when dudes claim that their productivity has plummeted and all they do is job surf and check AFPC systems. I 7-day opted an assignment, got sent anyways and am currently navigating the Palace Chase process; I get it...hell I think anyone with half a brain thinks this force management process (and many things about the Air Force) is totally fucked. But come on, there's still a job to do and I signed on the dotted line to do it. No one has been stop-lossed or has missed a paycheck. If anyone who worked for or with me stopped doing their job and was constantly job searching while at work, they wouldn't be slacking off for very long. Be an officer, nut up and give the job your all until the day you hang it up, whether that's 20+ or just until your most lengthy sentence is served. Serious question: do guys claiming they're basically ROAD not feel responsible for their units mission or mentoring younger guys to take their place? Where I come from both of those things are important and full-time jobs unto themselves. All this might be a minority opinion but it needs to be said...hopefully by front line supervisors and Commanders and not just some guy in the internet. /rant off
    3 points
  3. Yeah, you can add your personal email so they send updates to that. I'm sure they had it coming. Also, good call kicking the dog first. That way the wife takes you seriously and you don't get any lip. Well done.
    2 points
  4. I must admit that the longer this thing takes, the more I lose focus on my job/mission. I'm not proud of that fact, but I'm human, and I can also sense how unorganized this slow moving organization is. AFPC has to make some kind of decision soon, because I can't be the only one who feels this way.
    2 points
  5. My mom is at least a buck fifty more than that woman. Edit: Post 2K
    1 point
  6. Bump: With the airlines hiring, we have a mix of positions open right now or this summer...all ranks and all MWS's T-38's have 2 AGR openings this summer (O-4), multiple O-4 and O-5?TR spots open right now and 2x ART positions...one open now, one this summer. IFF has 2 x TR spots open right now. AGR spot won't open until mid 2016. T-6 and T-1's have TR openings as well. T-6 ART positions have folks lined up, so those may be thought to get. Cap-10 Posted from the NEW Baseops.net iOS App!
    1 point
  7. To all you guys who are critical of the bitching....remember this. The civilian world does not deploy you to shitholes for years on end. They also don't typically force you to move. You can look for another job and then quit when you find another. Sure are there problems in the civilian world...heck yes. The difference is you have way more control and freedom over your life. You and I were thinking the same thing.....I'm not afraid to rock the boat....and do so every chance I get these days
    1 point
  8. I'm often surprised at how many people have been brainwashed into the "shut up and color" mentality. If the majority continues to act like nothing is happening by continuing to do as you're told, then nothing will ever change. Instead of degrading those that are dealing with he RIF, TERA, etc, how about the majority join in and demand answers as well. Wait I know why that doesn't happen... It's because no one wants to rock the boat and cause themselves to miss out on that strat...let's face it... Nothing will ever change.
    1 point
  9. Very nice! Thanks for doing all the leg work! Posted thanks to DFRESH putting up with Apple.
    1 point
  10. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/baseops-network-forum/id843860006?ls=1&mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tapatalk.flyingsquadroncomforums Unfortunately, both apps still use tapatalk source code, but they're tweaked by me, so if something goes sideways, I can quickly unfornicate it.
    1 point
  11. Can't find words to describe. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ba7_1396066171
    1 point
  12. Makes perfect sense. Why wouldn't the AF would fly black world jets in the middle of the afternoon over public land in the cons? And the elusive F-22? Maybe they should try meeting at a different airport.
    1 point
  13. ^^We both know you were just looking for an excuse.... FWIW, my PC application has been sitting in the wrong CMS inbox at the Wing for 15 days awaiting signature. When they finally figured it out yesterday, everyone was out of the office for "Wingman Day"....at a fun run, hosting a circle-j*rk, or whatever it is that you do at such things. I was going to go on a throat- punching rampage, but I remembered we have morale shirts and mustaches, so everything must be ok. So I came home, kicked the dog, and yelled at my wife. Good times.
    1 point
  14. Did you guys know about this?? I'm SHOCKED!!
    1 point
  15. Also created the "Denton Program." http://www.usaid.gov/work-usaid/partnership-opportunities/humanitarian-responders/denton-program The program is still very alive today. I brought some cargo to Nicaragua for this program.
    1 point
  16. I wonder if OSI stamps little birds on the side of their building every time they get a colonel fired.
    1 point
  17. If I can't trust a guy to keep his hands out of his pockets, how can I trust the same guy to get bombs on target? Or turn the key in the silo when ordered? Or make a patty melt correctly at the chow hall? Or properly scan an ID at the gate? Or create a CBT correctly? Or install a flight control component correctly? Or monitor a satellite orbit? Or any other number of critical life or death functions worldwide that would be placed in immediate jeopardy and instant peril......all due to one singular guy on the other side of the planet in the middle of nowhere, who isn't able to keep his hands out of his pockets? Luckily, he was caught in time. And the aforementioned duties, as well as a host of others, were saved just in the nick of time; and can continue to operate at their robust pace. We can't afford to let ourselves get this close to the brink again. This is how wars start.
    1 point
  18. Everyone has a different outlook for different reasons, your outlook is as respectable as the other guys. Some of us are spent, broken, kaput: mind, body and soul...My username is literal, as for the three midget hookers...on my bucket list? Shit posted here is so we can bitch and moan, joke and bullshit. It is a sanctuary for those of us who have practiced the fine, time honored art of bitching and moaning for so many years with good ing reason. Do not be so blind to see not everyone is going to get out and be able to utilize their ATP, 5 type ratings, Aviation Masters + Bachelors, take care of their family, sleep soundly and wake up refreshed, etc etc...some of us lost it all because a billion zillion tards either lined their pockets or got promoted. I signed up with the understanding I would not be deceived nor forgotten, pretty sure that is not the case. With a little research I could show at least 300K+ ture Americans, from within the last 10 yrs, likely feels the same way as I do and the number is growing. Even after everything I still give it my all everyday; but that does not mean a whole lot these days now does it? So one has to ask; where will YOU draw the line and say " it"? I do not even know you but hope you never have to draw that line. Do the rest of us a favor and just knock it off. If you are not sure what knock if off means then you are probably in the wrong blog.
    0 points
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