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Everything posted by Aviationguy12

  1. I know this topic was somehwhat covered but I just thought I would ask so I could clear it all up. I had a pilonidal cyst surgically removed this past week and was wondering how that would affect my flight physical down the road. I looked it up in the AFI for Medical Standards for Flying Duty and it states "Pilonidal Cyst, if there is a history of inflammation or discharging sinus in the 2 years preceeding the examination. Surgery for pilonidal cyst or sinus is disqualifying until the wound is healed, there are no referable symptoms, and no further treatment or medication is required." The surgeon that performed my surgery stated that it will heal in a month or so, which is good. If everything works out with receiving a pilot slot, I will probably go for my flight physical around this time next year. So I am assuming that I am good in hopes if everything heals correctly. Also how should I go about telling my cadre about this at my ROTC Detachment? Would really appreciate any thoughts or advice anyone has in this particular topic! THANKS!
  2. When developing your package in ROTC for the Active Duty board, are there any factors that are put into your package that are outside of ROTC? Things like being a president of a student organization or any other type of leadership position. Was just curious.
  3. When developing your package in ROTC for the Active Duty board, are there any factors that are put into your package that are outside of ROTC? Things like being a president of a student organization or any other type of leadership position. Was just curious so that I can prepare for the future.
  4. Anyone know how I should prepare for the AFOQT? Im currently a senior in high school and trying to get a head start on the process
  5. I heard someone talking about how some states/school offer in state tuition to Cadets. Was wondering if this is true and if so what states/schools offer it?
  6. Was interested in becoming an Army Pilot by going through ROTC. Anyone know the process to become a pilot in the Army??
  7. I was reading up on this forum and "PCSM" was thrown around a lot. I was just curious as to what a "PCSM" is?
  8. Is it possible to get a scholarship while you are in AFROTC? I really don't think I have that great of a chance of getting a scholarship going into college, but I know I'll be working hard during college. So I was Just curious if this the Air Force did this for cadets?
  9. I was looking at a major that I'm interested in and in the description it said , that the major is a 5 year course. How would this affect me in AFROTC and trying to be a pilot? PLEASE HELP!!
  10. Thanks Wishful plinking for the response. I totally understand now haha. Would you be able to tell me what an OM is by chance. It's used a couple times in the responses and I didn't really know what it meant
  11. I read on the Air Force website that a requirement for pilots was that they couldn't have any sign of allergies after the age of 12. I'm currently 16 and I have seasonal allergies that might show up one month out of the whole year if that. Should I be worried??
  12. I'm a junior in high school and I'm taking a college class that is offered by my local community college. To pass the class and get the credits you must get an A,B, or a C. The teacher informed me that only the credits pass onto your college and not the grade. Understanding now that Grades are part of your PCSM , will my grade in this class transfer to my PCSM in the future?
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