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Everything posted by ViperMan

  1. It's hard to write a statement as short as this but which contains as much truth as it does...
  2. I saw a side-by-side of Dylan Mulvaney's first day as a chick alongside this movie's spoof of that day...let's just say it's tough to tell which one is satire and/or intentionally degrading.
  3. Blackface is. BLACKRED face is something new. We're not sure if it's offensive yet. We'll have to wait for the left to tell us.
  4. UFB...err, wait...I meant totally believable. Par for the left.
  5. It also would have made for absolutely fantastic YouTube clips - like, on the order of the Kyle Rittenhouse show.
  6. Not disagreeing with you, but in fairness, CHOP/CHAZ and what it represented - i.e. a government in name only / chaos - is third-world-type shit too...
  7. Well, you do put the 'u' in 'turd' - no one can argue that...
  8. "Turn the GD temperature DOWN!!! Jesus Christ." --- "What?"
  9. You saying this unironically is peak you. Overturning Roe was a good thing, though it may have bought some R losses for a while, it was a shitty legal fiction that needed to go, and it's after-effects will subside in time. You are right about one thing, though, most Americans agree that there should be some restrictions on abortion. You construing this as being anti-republican, however, is confusing. If most people are ok with some abortion but not unrestricted, then why is it still such an issue for the left? I'm not sure your characterization that the left doesn't want abortion on demand is actually true. Most on the left use such notions as "life of the mother", rape, incest, etc (i.e. some other extreme justification) to serve as the justification when the know good and well that it's really about getting it approved because they consider it a family planning tool - which is the justification you quoted in your post. So sure, there's some elections to be lost for a while. I'm fine with that. This is merely the first step in getting back to a rational basis for abortion. The next step is defining the issue more clearly so it rules out the real crime, which is abortion "because I want one." The "life of the mother" trope is precisely that: a trope. It was never illegal in this country for a woman to get an abortion if her life was in danger. Don't take my word for it, though, here's the Texas law that Roe overturned (https://www.sll.texas.gov/assets/pdf/historical-statutes/1925/1925-3-penal-code-of-the-state-of-texas.pdf#page=278). Read it yourself if you don't believe me, but it's your side that has been propagandized and spouts non-starters as if they're informed on the issue or historical context. In reality, your lack of SA is on blast. So yeah, the left wants abortion because they believe it's a family planning tool, or a "bodily autonomy" issue, or some other such nonsense, but they use the above tropes as emotional wedges because it's easier to sell it that way. You know that and so does everyone else. So let's not avoid the issue by saying it's all about the "health of the mother" because it isn't, and it never was. Eliminating abortion at any point for frivolous reasons is what this is all about and most Americans agree that it shouldn't be used as birth control. That's all I get from the poll you posted.
  10. One tenet helps me dive into issues like this that are so baffling (not saying you're confused). Namely, that there is no such thing as a contradiction in nature. If something like this doesn't fit (which it clearly does not), it's because we misunderstand something. That "thing" as far as I can tell, is that the left is simply trying to upset the current power dynamic in the world. Whatever their reason - which I don't claim to know - it's the reason for this chaos. It's a tactic in order to create space to allow a different world view, philosophy, or power structure to arise.
  11. My take: you're waaaaaaaaay overthinking this.
  12. Dude, not to be pedantic, but turd is spelled with a 'u'.
  13. Rog. And I hear you. I will say though, that I've yet to see such immediate and blatant disregard for the rule of law. Exhibit #1 is the student loan "forgiveness" debacle. Joe Biden loses it in court, and then immediately turns around and says "fuck that." This is dangerously corrosive to the underlying system we have in place.
  14. This is a good idea. It makes it very clear what certain things mean (i.e. the 2nd amendment) when you read the document in whole. It always baffles me why people zoom into the microcosm that is an amendment, while discarding the rest of the document. You'd think that the Constitution didn't mention militia anywhere else besides in the 2nd. When read in whole, there is no question why the phrase "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" was added.
  15. You're referring to our current administration, right? The guy who loses a case in the Supreme Court and then immediately disregards the decision, turns around, and does the very thing that was just called illegal?
  16. Most of what you said was true, buuuuuuuut it's also wholly irrelevant. Since the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, it's not anyone's business whether or not you decide to take it. This is a free country, and that means people get to make decisions for themselves, both good and bad. Think about your logic for 2 seconds dude. The vaccine was forced on all of us, and yet everyone got exposed anyway. Read that last part over and over until it sinks in.
  17. Stock up on XOM/BP/USO/SHELL. Dems never look beyond one dimension when they're making decisions.
  18. Ummm, point of order. People in the military are not allowed to murder. murder 1 of 2 noun mur·der ˈmər-dər pluralmurders Synonyms of murder : the crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing a person
  19. I got no problem with meat (sts) or hunting for food. I do have a problem with intentional disregard for life and causing suffering for the sake of a more powerful entity's pleasure. Surely you can distinguish this. Tell me you can see the difference between these two things. FFS. No animals don't have "rights" in the same sense that humans do. But then again, there is no golden tablet floating out there in the universe that enshrines what rights humans have either. But I also know you know the difference between trophy hunting and torturing an animal to death. Those things are different. I know you know that.
  20. Because he's a bad and evil person. If he thought he could get away with it, he'd be doing it to people. That's how psychopaths operate.
  21. I'm sure Russia is wondering what the answer to this question is too. Don't forget about that half of it. Probably more than they can afford. I wonder if all the Ukraine naysayers would be voicing how well Desert Storm was going if we got stopped dead in our tracks 30 miles in on day one, and a year later we were still involved in this slog of a war in a country that should have taken us 69 hours to roll. I'm sure they still think that's what "winning" looks like.
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