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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. Cool story—how much is the EU giving to the US compared to what we’re spending on their continent? I think it’s safe to say that Europe has a lot more to risk than we do…so yeah, let’s let them cover it. Unless the EU is trying to send billions of dollars to the US for our border security that I’m not aware of? Let me know when they stop their crazy socialism in order to provide more for defense of their continent…until then, the US is broke.
  2. That border bill out of the Senate was junk IMO…and the Senate refused to even take up the border bill passed by the House a while back. So let’s not pretend that politics is beings played in the House but not in the Senate. Does anybody really believe that the Democrats want to secure the border? Let Europe deal with the Ukraine issue wrt spending billions of dollars if they’re so concerned.
  3. That’s the only reason to be an airline pilot these days!
  4. Because the founders intended us to spend hundreds of billions of dollars that we don’t have protecting borders of other countries separated from us by vast oceans before protecting our own borders. Oh and you conveniently left out billions of dollars for Gaza, because we all know that money always goes to a good cause. If the House shuts this down then it will be one of the few things it has has done well lately.
  5. So if you kneel or don’t want to stand for the American National Anthem then the left thinks that’s completely fine and justified but if you don’t want to stand for the “Black National Anthem”, well then the left thinks that is really bad… https://www.foxnews.com/media/democratic-congressman-hits-super-bowl-fans-not-standing-negro-national-anthem
  6. I’d be surprised if Biden actually sent this…but one his handlers definitely might have?
  7. You guys are missing it…the AF is freaking out because of how much worse the forecast is wrt people getting out in the near future, not just because of how bad it is has been in the last 1-2 years. The only way this has any chance at working/providing any noticeable change (it probably won’t btw) is if enough people sign up to offset PCSs to other assignments which require long upgrades. For example, on the pilot side, if they could bring in a couple hundred prior T-6/38 IPs who only need a requal (or a full course with a lot of PAing) this would offset needing to send new C-17 ACs to a backed up PIT, where clearly a prior T-6 IP would do better. Now keep that C-17 pilot at their current base or PCS them to another C-17 base and the whole manning issue improved ever so slightly. This all being said, the AF screws up most things, especially when they’re trying to fix something…so I perceive things to get worse, not better. But they said diversity is our greatest strength so I think they should continue to focus their recruiting/retention efforts on DEI stuff while I cuddle up in my warm DD214 blanket.
  8. Is he trying to get a leave of absence approved with the airline or just going to quit?
  9. My concern is far less about what politicians do but is much more concerned what they are/aren’t doing which equates to horrible policy—what they say matters because it’s is very connected to the policy. We’re not where we are as a country with horrible laws and executive orders that leaves a border wide open, allows criminals to attack police officers and be let go, a massive debt, laws that incentivize the breakdown of the family, policies encouraging young children to take dangerous gender changing medication or surgery…on and on…all just because “politicians just say a lot of stuff”.
  10. Why would Putin release a journalist with no strings attached when you see what he was able to get Biden to do in order to release a female basketball player who was in jail for bringing in some basic drugs? If anyone honestly thinks Biden is better at negotiating than Trump then I really want to meet and talk…and perhaps try to negotiate with them myself.
  11. No…this is what I’m reading. Whether it be election results, poll after poll, what the leftist politicians say (did you not see the one I posted about the Dem Senator who literally said illegals are the most important people and are “undocumented Americans”?) the laws being passed which are supported by their constituents, you name it. And not wanting illegals in the country isn’t xenophobic at all, but you think the way you want to man.
  12. I wouldn’t be so sure. I originally though that a lot of the people moving from CA and NY to places like FL and TX were mostly liberals… it I think they’re mostly moderates to conservative, based on what I’ve seen. There’s a reason why FL has gone much more red compared to the last 20-30 years. Part of it I think is the older people have become more likely to vote red but also because the majority of people moving there like FL for their taxes, etc compared to NY and CA. As far as Colorado, it’s been kind of the opposite—it has mostly attracted liberals from CA and the like because of the way CO was trending over the last 20+ years. Thoughts?
  13. How funny…to stop the flow…from Texas. Not Mexico…. If so, this is even better than I thought as it puts more pressure to actually not allow nearly every person who comes in to say “I’m claiming asylum” and allow them to remain for years until a court date, which the vast majority will never show up to. Oh and if Mexico isn’t nearly as a bad place as the left tells us, what’s wrong with keeping people there?
  14. Once again, this is a good thing. Now maybe more people who support this guy and their nonsense will wake up. Maybe.
  15. Sometimes progressives will say the quiet part out loud…unbelievable. And since when are those here illegally now called “Americans”? "Well, I mean, Chris, that’s been a failed play for 20 years. So you are right that that has been the Democratic strategy for 30 years, maybe, and it has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country," Murphy said. https://www.foxnews.com/media/dem-senator-torched-calling-illegal-migrants-people-care-giving-away-game.amp
  16. I don’t understand why the AF needs to do this to fix their problems when they can just continue to implement DEI programs instead 🤷‍♂️
  17. Assuming Biden doesn’t seriously decline further in the next several months, he won’t resign. The Dems don’t want Kamala as President and they definitely don’t want her as the nominee in November…if Biden resigns soon and they don’t give Kamala the nomination then that will split the party. Most likely scenario IMO is that Biden pulls a Johnson and says he won’t accept the nomination due to health concerns and Kamala will say she doesn’t want the nomination so she can focus on doing XYZ the rest of the year (with the promise to make her SCOTUS pick or something)…and then the DNC puts in Michelle Obama with maybe Newsom as her VP nominee. The Dems need the black vote to come in strong this November if they have any chance at winning and as of now, poll after poll is showing that Biden is going to get the least amount of the black vote compared to any Dem nominee in recent history.
  18. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C299B2Kg65V/?igsh=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==
  19. In California or New York?…only if you want to go to jail. It’s kind of like conceal carrying and using your firearm to defend yourself—hopefully not only will this happen in state which supports such measures, but also in a county where the prosecutor also is supportive.
  20. I truly look at this as a positive, just like anytime a leftist state passes more crazy leftists laws/taxes—perhaps enough people will see how crazy their states are becoming and reverse the trend, or they’ll move to a better state. 50 states, along with DC and the territories—find one that works best you and your family. California is beautiful…no way I would ever live there. If millions of illegals are willing to move (illegally) for a better life, others can do the same.
  21. That would be horrible for the climate…and the left has told us that climate change is the greatest threat we face.
  22. The left tells us that if you want to deport him then you’re a racist.
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