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Everything posted by ThreeHoler

  1. Thanks for the unneeded lesson on FICO. I wasn't talking about inquiries. I was talking about things such as "too recent since last credit line opened" and so on that do actually show up. However, this statement you replied with is the best: Bottom line: there are different kinds of credit and different ways they are scored.
  2. If you open/close credit cards for the intro gimmicks, you lose out when future creditors pull your report and see a bunch of opened/closed cards...
  3. That sounds like a pretty shitty deal to me: risking 11.15 to 23.15% variable APR to get 1% back...
  4. http://usmilitary.about.com/od/sscra/l/blsscra.htm
  5. Looks like a short field landing to me.
  6. They appear to be on steps in front of him...
  7. If it doesn't, then you can, right?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bb1Cqsceos "Trucks can't snowboard. Or do barrel rolls."
  9. In the airlines, it is built into the FMS.
  10. http://www.militaryonesource.com/ Or, if you are not eligible/need a different product, Amazon has all H&R Block at Home software on sale for 50%+ off today (7 Jan 12). http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_software?_encoding=UTF8&node=229534&field-brandtextbin=H%26R%20Block Edit: Tried to fix link. Forum software may have mangled it.
  11. So, if married people can shack up, why can't single people? Discrimination, I say!
  12. I did "ground school" with an old ASA study book and the FAR/AIM. Anything more is a crutch...and a waste of money.
  13. Standard craptastic sensationalist news. A340s aren't bigger than 777s! Edit: Also, 37' short of the runway =/= 37' from the "worst air disaster in history." http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/queens/feet_from_disaster_at_jfk_e4aV6YHOoPU1UQEHnzAHPP Supposedly the Lufthansa stopped 1500' short of the offending Egypt Air. Anyone have a link to the report?
  14. Interesting. I was pretty sure Libya is how a Canuck Tac Hel General runs a shooting war. http://www.jfcnaples.nato.int/Unified_Protector/commander.aspx
  15. Search the AF Portal for AMC HUP. Win.
  16. I'm not saying the below concept is good, the right way to do it, or anything like that...but: The more I mull over this whole silliness in my head, the AAD is only a "pay-to-play" item. For example, a local senior leader recently said that he looked at all the PRFs for primary job expertise first and then AAD and PME in res. When asked about whether the school mattered, he told us straight up that no one cares about the school as it is simply "did you do it or not?" He did say he always likes to see interesting and useful degrees. I think what we should try to force as an officer corps is the concept of "right time, right education." To that end, I think we should focus on ditching the SOS correspondence and SOS residence debacle that we currently have. Instead, SOS correspondence should be a 100% completion item that awards BDE credit and a Master's degree. Perhaps this means the course is 1-2 years long, and would be structured very similar to the current ACSC OLMP, but the goal would be to take a newly promoted Captain and check all the boxes. It would also allow a return to primary job focus for the first four years (yes, many of those years are currently taken up by pipeline training like UPT etc). It would still be a choice for people to do it, but conceptually, it could be an equalizer that helps with primary job expertise for promotion and so on. I would only call it SOS correspondence (maybe even a new name) because it would be a military arts/science degree. It would be a SOS residence pre-requisite...yet would not overlap in content, as I don't think we should practice bleeding. I guess my ideal progression would be: Lt -- Focus on job (UFT or other basic training, IQT, MQT, etc), minimized additional responsibilities that increase after some time in the primary job. Capt -- Focus on expertise (Instr, Eval, etc), additional responsibilities (show leadership potential), "SOS correspondence" that gives BDE credit (in case you can't go in res for extenuating circumstances) and AAD credit. Maj -- Depth + Breadth (career broadening etc), additional duties, ACSC (yes this program needs to be fixed as well). LtCol+ -- I haven't thought that far on "fixing" the career progression.
  17. Best quote I've heard about all this stuff so far: "Look at your paycheck. How much do they pay you to be an officer? Now, how much do they pay you to be a pilot?" Should give everyone around here a real quick "craniums-up" about what our jobs are...
  18. Homestar, Can you pass on to your bros that even if they brief EMCON 1 for the formation, if no one ever tells the receiver...they're going to expect EMCON 2. So, when that magical phone call happens between the tanker and the receiver unit...it should be passed that the tanker is planning something different than normal. FYI -- KC-10s still use EMCON 2 when doing formation AAR.
  19. Good luck with that. Most tanker crews in both airplanes don't know the difference between EMCON 1 and 2. At least EMCON 3 is easy: don't talk on the radio.
  20. "First kiss" is a longstanding tradition. One sailor is selected to kiss their wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband in front of the local news upon arrival at the home port. It has always been a canned photo op.
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