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Delta and ALPA

Guest sleepy

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Guest sleepy

This might affect some Guard guys...

Can anyone confirm/deny this? If true, this is the best of example of (mis)management BS.

This memo supposedly from ALPA, not Delta.

In what can only be assumed to be another attempt to rebuild sagging employee morale, on April 5, Delta executives announced another forward-thinking campaign. Dubbed "Delta After Dark," management will kick off its first "Clean Day" volunteer effort on April 19. In essence, Delta employees are being asked to volunteer to come in "on their own time without pay" and clean aircraft remaining overnight. While we applaud the Delta spirit of those who choose to volunteer, it is ironic that a senior management that has spent millions on $1000/hour consultants to lower employee costs now attempts to reach out by asking employees to work for free. On a bright note, volunteers will get a free t-shirt-maybe something like "My Company Went To Chapter 11, and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt?" We're assuming many of Delta's consultants will participate, since their 25 year old "I Saved Eastern" t-shirts must be getting a little threadbare.

One of the "Clean Day" listed opportunities is to "Clean work spaces to set a baseline for a clean, organized work space." Ironically, due to the continued intransigence by Delta's senior executives to provide closure on the major issues that separate us, your MEC now must ask for a similar effort from you.

Effective immediately, you are asked to remove all your personal items from any and all company workspaces. This includes v-files, lockers, commuter rooms and any other areas that may contain personal items. If our contract is rejected, we will strike. If your personal items remain on company property after a strike begins, there is no guarantee that you will be able to recover your property. This effort is not "for show." Please remove all your personal property from the Delta premises as soon as possible, but no later than April 14.

Additionally, for those with lockers, please remove your personal lock and leave your locker door wide open. This will provide a visual reminder that our threat to strike is real, and that we may not return.

Finally, you should soon receive a DVD in the mail based on Delta senior management's February 28 "Town Hall Meeting." The information that matters most to us has already been presented in a different venue known as the 1113 hearings-where questions were answered under oath! A clean work space at home is every bit as important as a clean work space at work. Please bring this DVD with you the next time you come to the airport. The LEC Reps will be spending time in the lounges and will be happy to return the disk to management for you.

Please do not delay in accomplishing these efforts. It may be only a matter of days to a decision on management's ill-advised efforts to reject our contract.

Your MEC Strike Committee

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Guest sleepy

Oh crap is that classified?

I better stop.

From a Delta pilot, family. I meant what management is doing, not the union. Let's take your money, destory moral and then ask everyone to work on their OWN TIME for FREE to help out. Not to say a strike is good either.

But this might just be more propaganda.

EDIT: clarification

[ 09. April 2006, 00:42: Message edited by: sleepy ]

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Guest KoolKat

I'm not doubting, just wondering what your source is.

Maybe it is, maybe it's junk...I don't know.


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Guest thebronze

I for one, will enjoy seeing Delta go down the sh*tter.

It sucks for the employees (some of whom are my friends) but I think the majors have been bending their employees and passengers over for far too long. I'll enjoy seeing them get their comeuppance.

Maybe then they'll learn from SWA, JetBlue and the others...

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Guest kubtastic

I have nothing to contribute except that I have planned leave to California for quite some time now and this is going to really screw with me until I find out.




So please, stay afloat for another week or two.

[ 09. April 2006, 17:44: Message edited by: cafb0805 ]

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Guest SnakeT38
Originally posted by cafb0805:

I have nothing to contribute except that I have planned leave to California for quite some time now and this is going to really screw with me until I find out.




So please, stay afloat for another week or two.

This kind of stuff is why Delta Mgt keeps jamming

knives into the hearts of their employees. If the flying public would IMMEDIATELY, avoid any carrier that is doing what they are doing then stuff would change.

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Originally posted by Johann:

I for one, will enjoy seeing Delta go down the sh*tter.

Maybe then they'll learn from SWA, JetBlue and the others...

That’s a pretty $hitty thing to say. Although I know what you're saying, I don't wish for them to go under.

I think that this is in big part the government's fault for keeping their hand in the pot and not allowing the airlines to fully de-regulate.

If US AIR and United had gone out of business 4 years ago then you would not be seeing this crap.

I see you are pointing out the LCC. The only good example there is SWA. JetBlue isn't doing so well.

And don't even get me started on their E190 pay scales.

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Originally posted by SnakeT38:

If the flying public would IMMEDIATELY, avoid any carrier that is doing what they are doing then stuff would change.

Like the flying public really gives two shits.....
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Insult to injury. That's ridiculous.

Delta won't "go down the..." just like United didn't. They entered Ch. 11 under the same rules as United ie. stay for as long as you like. Who knows if they'll eventually go out or not but I doubt it will be any time soon.

Not to mention that would be awful for the employees...there's not alot of places to go being that they're all (pretty much) having the same issues.

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Guest kubtastic

"Once again something that could've been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!"

...well, last month.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest sleepy

Thread revival:

Figured this was the best place for it.


For all you airline guys out there, enjoy. Count the number of times pilot retirement is mentioned. Or don't, because it's not.

This reminds me so much of some kind of Church gathering. Complete with all the contemporary music, curtain calls, sobbing and mention of "...the resurrected Delta." Creepy.

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ive seen that exact letter you posted above from Delta a year ago..its a joke someone started on the internet..there was no truth to it. Someone just changed it around now that they are coming out from Bankruptsy.

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ive seen that exact letter you posted above from Delta a year ago..its a joke someone started on the internet..there was no truth to it. Someone just changed it around now that they are coming out from Bankruptsy.

The letter posted at the top is from a year ago... Look at the post date....

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Like the flying public really gives two shits.....

The only thing the public cares about is that they no longer get their crappy airline food on many routes. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard someone over age 45 say, "Back in my day, we got a steak dinner between New York and Washington..." :bash:

Speaking of Delta, I see they were able to put their money to good use in bankruptcy:


Edited by PapaJu
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The only thing the public cares about is that they no longer get their crappy airline food on many routes. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard someone over age 45 say, "Back in my day, we got a steak dinner between New York and Washington..." :bash:

Speaking of Delta, I see they were able to put their money to good use in bankruptcy:


Don't get me wrong...that paint scheme is pretty schwanky! But for an airline coming out of bankruptcy, you'd think that they wouldn't waste their money on new paint schemes. Oh wait, this is the airlines...nuff said!

Speaking of Delta and JetBlue....two guys in my squadron who fly for JetBlue are saying that there is talks of Delta wanting to buy out JetBlue. This is so stupid! :flipoff:

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Regarding the new paint schemes: The new scheme has half as many colors and weighs less, theoretically saving money. (Until management blows it (sts) on something else.)

[slightly related topic: Does anyone know if the new carbon based planes need to be painted for UV protection or something like that?]

Edited by C-130 Hopeful
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