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Herks to the Boneyard

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Just an FYI, Pope took 4 Herks to the boneyard a weekish ago. Our 70s AWADS birds are being replaced by 64 Guard Dumb birds and AWADS is now out of our DOC statement. Birds did their job, couldn't ask for anything more but damm we need some new blood and I'm not talking guard planes from the early 60s that just have less hours.

Some retired general who went with the J vs new H3s in the 90s should have his pension revoked...and I think we really need term limits for congressmen so they are less worried about being reelected and more worried about what is right. But I'll take a good decision now vs a perfect one tmrw, any more rumors on the J??

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Guest Xtndr50boom

What's AWADS?

I hear you with the J. But normally it's the higher ups who try gouging taxpayers like this, I wouldn't be surprised if the J is one of those "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" regarding the F-22

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Guest JArcher00

Once the J is up and running full steam, it will blow the tanks off the H3. Just wait......

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Guest HercengTN

"Once the J is up and running full steam". How long does it take???????? I could have built a couple H3s myself in the time it has taken to just get a J model over the pond. Im an engineer so im pretty biased on the subject. Ok im done venting. Time for a

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The J kicks some serious ass. The Brits and Aussies are both flying the crap out of it, and they are loving it. I was just on the assembly line on Saturday, and I was shocked that Lockheed is only currently producing 12 a year. Thats right, a dozen Js in a year. I can't remember Lockheeds capacity, but it was a shit ton more than 12. In other news, F-22s 52-56 were on the line, all of which are heading to Langley. Just thought I'd add that in.

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AWADS = All Weather Aerial Delivery System
Actually, it's Adverse Weather Aerial Delivery System

CH, I think you owe me a frosty

It's a system some C-130Es, H2s, and I think all H3s use that enables them to airdrop in IMC, and to lead formations of "dumb birds" (non-AWADS) in IMC to a drop.

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Guest HueyPilot

Speaking of E-model Herks...I just flew up to Willow Grove yesterday and picked up a couple E's to bring back to Dyess.

Now that's something...transitioning from H1s to E models. We were all laughing (and shaking our skulls) at having to attend an "H to E" differences course.

Willow Grove no longer has any airplanes...and they are getting H3s. Gotta love Congressional pork...make sure all the reserve and Guard units that are coming off of activation get the latest and greatest airplanes while the active dudes get stuck with the oldest and most derelict stuff.

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Guest evil load

Originally posted by HueyPilot:

Willow Grove no longer has any airplanes...and they are getting H3s. Gotta love Congressional pork...make sure all the reserve and Guard units that are coming off of activation get the latest and greatest airplanes while the active dudes get stuck with the oldest and most derelict stuff. [/QB]

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Guest HueyPilot

Those E models from NXX are actually nicer than our H1s. With the exception of not having TCAS and a working MWS, they aren't bad airplanes at all.

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Guest evil load

What tail numbers you guys get? NXX grabbed a bunch of MSP E's when we converted. Is there such a thing as a working MWS on any C130? :rolleyes:

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