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Outside the AF

Guest goat9

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Guest bussman

If you were a new Lt. on casual somewhere, would you be able to do a job on the weekend outside of the AF such as bartending? It seems that you would have the time and I wouldn't see why you couldnt. Just curious.

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I know folks that have attempted this in the past (bartending on the side). I don't have the reg handy, but I'm pretty sure you would need prior authorization from your squadron commander. In the case of my buddy, he was denied with the logic being that A) The Air Force pays its Officers enough that they don't need a second job and B) Your full attention should be given to your AF job. While you may not want the second job for the money, and may only work on weekends (i.e. during your AF days off) the perception, to the Enlisted folks especially, would be that you're having issues even if that's not the case. Perception is reality, remember.

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Guest flecth033

Goat, There is a thread somewhere about pimping on the side, you might want to check into it. Good money, good clothes, and it helps morale.

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Yep, you will need your squadron commander's permission, and for the most part it is frowned upon for officers, especially activities such as bartending. How would it look if some of he enlisted folks from yoru base showed up at the bar and you were serving them? If you have that much spare time on your hands, go do some charity work somewhere (church, scouts, etc), that way you are also positively representing the USAF in the community.

Sorry for the upcoming war story, but I remember at one base I was at an airman wanted to get a job as a male dancer. Of course the squadron commander didn't automatically deny the guy's request, but made him report to his office so he (the squadron commander) could see what kind of clown would submit such a request in the first place. I remember the commander later saying the guy would starve as a male dancer...

Cheers! M2

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Guest Vistar1


That's quite a quote you've got there on your signature. Can't decide if I really love it or really hate it. Makes me go hmmmmmm....



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Guest C-21 Pilot

Let's say this...

Your a bartender living in San Antonio BEFORE you join the AF. As luck would have it, you commission and get stationed back at Lackland.

Are you required to cut all ties to your former employer...although you are still on the payroll.

Sad enough, I think that before the AF examines a regulation concerning airmen getting another job, they find a way to PAY more to keep airmen (and soldiers, marines, sailors, in their respective cases, etc) to keep from working 2 jobs to keep food down and diapers on the shelf.

Far fetch, but worth a try, huh?

[ 10. May 2005, 16:06: Message edited by: C-21 Pilot ]

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