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Posts posted by raimius

  1. So, the bad news--pre-solo CR probably has a low chance of a reinstate, unless something was very strange in your scheduling/someone missed teaching you something important.

    Good news--if you show a good attitude and work hard, your leadership should help you get whatever next AFSC you are going for.  You should have a non-flying backup plan, and now is the time, most likely.  Take the positive things you learned this far, the skills you improved recently, and use those to help on your next goal.

  2. 4 hours ago, BashiChuni said:

    ukraine is losing. that is a fact. what is your plan to fix that besides throwing money at the problem?


    zelensky wouldn't be begging for money in DC if things were all good

    Ukraine is at an economic and manpower disadvantage, it would be stupid NOT to continually beg for better equipment and money from outside nations.  That's not a indicator of losing.  Terrain-wise, it's pretty much at a statement with local advances of sub-kilometer distances by each side.  

    Take away external support and Ukraine will lose the conventional fight, due to material shortages and likely increased human losses.  They may choose to go unconventional at that point, but why let that happen when they have rough parity via donations/loans?

  3. 1 hour ago, HeloDude said:

    The AF needs more fixed wing guys…not more helo pilots that go through T-6 training.

    ...and that is the reason helo-only is a thing again.  It's also the reason we are giving LTs wings with 115hrs total time.  Not quality, quantity.

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  4. IMO, long term it's bad.  Helicopters are already widely misunderstood in the AF. Now keeping them in entirely separate training pipelines from fixed wing is only going to make it worse.  Also limits cross flow opportunities.  

    Can you make a quality helicopter-only pilot?  Sure.  That's not the hard part.  Getting students with way less flight training would require a pretty big syllabus rewrite, but it's not impossible.

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  5. On 11/27/2023 at 6:18 PM, ViperMan said:

    Not disagreeing with you, but in fairness, CHOP/CHAZ and what it represented - i.e. a government in name only / chaos - is third-world-type shit too...

    It was an actual, legit insurrection....oddly/chaotically enough.  DC could have sent the 82nd Airborne.

    Probably would have ended poorly, and the local government let it collapse under it's own stupidity.  

    I have mixed opinions on whether letting it go until collapse or making a statement (with lots of firepower) saying "treason isn't a laughing matter" was the better option.

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  6. 2 hours ago, jice said:


    I’m sure we’ll settle this over the next few days by blaming team D or team R, but “what is a state” is a worthwhile recurring rabbit hole.

    If someone says "United States" do you think "POTUS, SCOTUS, and Congress" IS the United States of America?  I hope we can define it a little bit larger than just that, otherwise "we the people" have literally become irrelevant.

  7. The will to fight is both social and political.  For Russia, it is mostly Putin's will.  Judging by the reported nationalism and popularity of the war, I'd say the Russian society is supportive of the war (or at least going along with it).  As far as mobilisation, as long as someone else gets to fight and die...

    Ukraine seems supportive as well, as it is an existential fight for the nation and culture.  That said, the opponents of continuing are being silenced in reporting (unlike western reporting on Russian dissidents).

  8. On 11/13/2023 at 8:16 AM, FourFans said:

    Copy.  I'll be buying a pistol that will turn into a rifle for tyranny at close to medium ranges.  Right now my pipedream is the Sig MCX Rattle Canebrake, which would require a proper stock, which is now apparently a pistol brace.  The suppressor is a whole other story...but I'm patient.

    You could do either, while the injunction is in place.  Might get screwed if the case doesn't go our way, although I'm cautiously optimistic (both on APA and 2A grounds).

    That said, as a stock, a real stock is better.  If you don't plan on moving/traveling with it, I'd go SBR.  

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/3/2023 at 4:06 PM, wikz said:

     I always imagined if I washed out of SUPT and lost a fighter slot, that I would just do heavies, earning enough hours to apply for the majors.


    I recommend a bit more research, because that is not how that works.  If you wash out, you don't get any aircraft.  The AF doesn't hand over C-17s, etc, to people who aren't pilots.

  10. 2 hours ago, nsplayr said:

    This is a good observation and also a great reason to generally ignore ignorant student protests. It's a tale as old as time to be against "the system" and "whatever your parents think." Literally every generation since the dawn of time has done this, and predictably most people become a bit more reasonable when their brains finish forming.

    ...but what happens when no one tells them they are being stupid?  (They become lawyers and politicians...)

  11. It seems as though people vote for whichever side says nice things to them, whether or not any positive results occur.  Republicans say things conservative Christians agree with, while the DNC tends to call them heartless bigots.  Democrats claim to be helping African Americans, while Republicans don't really voice support (and the DNC casts anyone with an R after their name as a racist).  Neither party seems to actually do much work for either group, but they say sympathetic things...

    • Like 1
  12. On 9/2/2023 at 7:26 AM, Air_Space said:

    High ops tempo in UPT makes your instructor problem worse as now their living in s%*t towns and never see their family either in the process 

    Already in progress.  (Could get worse, but then you are looking at 6-12mo before burning out the entire IP corps.). The former AFSOC min-turn deployment types are already complaining about the ops tempo...

  13. 7 hours ago, bfargin said:

    When you have to stoop to Russian bot or propaganda accusations to “beat” a questioners post, you might be a zealot.
     I hope I’m wrong and the country with 36mil remaining citizens (~6 mil refugees) can beat the country with 143 million citizens.

    I simply wondered aloud if we’re pursuing the best strategic policy, and you guys have assured me we are. I’ll quit watching world news and stick to CNN and Fox.

    No, dude.  You asked a bunch of strawman/loaded questions based off of one of the most clearly biased pro-russia American commentators and Russian aligned sources.  THAT is why so many called you out.  It's not zealotry when people criticize clearly biased and VERY often wrong sources.

    Ukraine is fighting an existential war vs. Russia pursuing an entirely optional one.  That does mean something.  Additionally, UKR is getting a LOT of external support.  That doesn't mean they will win, but it does mean they do have a chance.

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  14. 3 hours ago, bfargin said:


    We’re destabilizing current alliances, risking an escalated war, fostering the complete destruction of a sovereign nation, exacerbating our own financial crisis, and strengthening the alliance between our worlds current primary threat and Russia.

    -explain how NATO is destabilizing?

    -Russia is trying to destroy a sovereign nation, not us.

    -China has been fairly quiet throughout all this.  They seem to have mixed feelings.

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