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Posts posted by raimius

  1. 11 hours ago, Swizzle said:

    So Q- because they evaluate themselves?

    With them...probably a Q1 with a few commendables.  They still post on the anniversary of Waco painting themselves as heroes...

  2. The ATF had a warrant to look for evidence, but they chose to break down the dude's door at 6AM with a SWAT team loaded for bear.  They CHOSE to pick a fight when their authority was to go rummage around the guy's records.

    It won't be ruled criminal negligence leading to homicide, but it should be....

    • Upvote 1
  3. 15 hours ago, BashiChuni said:

    ukraine is a simple rook in the geopolitical chess game played by the west post WWII. a chess game where the west has demonstrated strong opening moves but disastrous long term strategic thinking.

    no one in the west, NATO, or the EU gives one flying fuck about ukraine or its people. they are a means to a end.

    to answer your question russia invaded after seeing nato (US) and the cia fucking around and finding out in the ukraine.

    "For years, the Kremlin made it emphatically clear that inviting Ukraine to join NATO would cross a red line that threatened Russia’s vital security interests."

    "Evidence grew in recent years that the United States had begun to treat Ukraine as a NATO ally in all but name. Steps included pouring nearly $3 billion in “security assistance” (primarily weaponry) into the country since 2014."

    "Predictably, such conduct ultimately produced a geopolitical explosion. U.S. and NATO officials used Ukraine as a strategic pawn against Russia and are now fuming with outrage at Moscow’s decision to go to war. Russia’s invasion was indeed a horrid overreaction, but it was far from being unprovoked. The Ukrainian people, unfortunately, are the ones paying a high price in blood for the gullibility of their country’s leaders and the shocking arrogance of U.S. leaders."



    standing by for "the CATO institute is a secret KGB run dis/mis/trans-information campaign!


    "The split between Washington and both Paris and Berlin about admitting Ukraine to NATO emerged clearly in 2008 when President George W. Bush lobbied ferociously for extending such an invitation. French and German leaders firmly opposed that step at the NATO summit. In her memoir, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recalled that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was especially outspoken, dismissing Ukraine as a “corrupt mess” and warning that a membership offer would dangerously provoke Russia. The allied opposition held, and the best that Bush could come away with was a summit declaration affirming that “someday” Ukraine would become a NATO member. "


    standing by for "Angela Merkel is a puppet of putin!"

    Accepting foreign aid and seeking to make alliances (sometime in the future), are now considered acts of war? 

    ...Half the world is now at risk of a Russian invasion, if that's the standard.

    Do you really want to claim that is a valid justification for war?

  4. 33 minutes ago, Lawman said:

    In other news…after two years of war… The last Russian Black Sea vessel with the ability to conduct Kalibr strikes against Ukraine is gone.


    Russia has apparently now lost its ability to conduct strike from an entire domain of modern warfare to a country which has no significant Naval power. On top of that the Ukrainians have begun targeting Novorossiysk which the Russians evacuated most of their fleet too after Sevastopol became untenable. This is probably the greatest embarrassment for the Russian Navy since the Russo-Japanese war.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    I mean losing their flagship because the crew couldn't do damage control properly after taking hits...because their defensive systems were off/inop in the middle of a warzone is pretty high up there on embarrassment...

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lord Ratner said:

    I absolutely hate 1911s for carry weapons. External safety, external hammer, hair trigger pull, low ammo for the footprint.

    External safety is a training issue, but sure, personal preference...

    Why does an external hammer matter to you?

    4.5lbs (avg factory setting) is hardly a hair trigger.

    Agreed 100% on capacity issue.  I'd want more rounds, if I wound up in a fight.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Biff_T said:

    I never ate pasta at home. 

    You are missing out, man.


    We certainly aren't perfect, as a nation...but at least we didn't justify an invasion by claiming a Jewish guy from a family of Holocaust survivors was a secret Nazi.

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  7. 1 hour ago, BashiChuni said:

    two points:

    1. they are not blunting anything

    2. they are not stopping russian advances.


    russia is clearly advancing, capturing territory, and clearly winning this war. and they will win regardless of how much money/ammo we give them.


    The lines have shifted several times.  You seem to only recognize one direction.

    The initial thrust of the invasion stopped, followed by counter-attacks by both sides...doesn't sound like the one-sided war you seem to be describing.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Danger41 said:

    I’ll tell you that if the AF wants more talented leaders they need to stop focusing on exec, aide, PME etc and actually pay attention beyond the spreadsheet of who has leadership talent and who doesn’t. 

    I'm sure they'll get right on that, after fixing acquisitions.

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  9. Zeppelin, Queen, Guns n Roses are all great for rock.

    Mix it up with some Jazz here and there--Louis Armstrong, Dave Brubeck, Miles Davis, and Dave Koz.

    Beethoven or Linkin Park, it depends on the day.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan, and our own border are all valid and *separate* issues.  Our political class continues to display its ineptitude by demanding package deals they know their opponents won't accept.  They are not serious about trying to solve problems, but only about maintaining their own power.

    We need votes about single topics.

    • Like 6
  11. I listened to a good chunk of the interview.  I don't think those low-intelligence voters are likely to stay tuned after Putin's half-hour "history of eastern Europe" monologue right at the start.  He kept playing up NATO's/US's duplicity and broken promises, then acted like he didn't care.  (BS flag flying high there.)

    I'm thinking this might have actually been targeted at the Russian audience more than the western one.

  12. 18 hours ago, gearhog said:

     I believe alternate viewpoints should be allowed on most issues, but those that threaten our national security and global dominance can't be allowed to spread unchecked.

    Freedom cannot be enjoyed unless there is a government that provides it to you.

    So, freedom of speech/thought is good...unless the government doesn't like it.  Also, government is the source of freedom.  Those are your arguments?

    I side with the idea that we, the people, have certain unalienable rights.  Something about governments being instituted to secure our rights rather than the king "providing" them to his subjects.  Always remember that a government powerful enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take away everything you need. 


    As Stalin might say, "dark humor is like food--not everyone gets it."

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  13. 18 minutes ago, gearhog said:

    Why is Tucker Carlson being allowed to publish his interview with Vladimir Putin tomorrow evening at 6pm EST?

    If we're at war with Russia, and Tucker interviews the leader of the country we are at war with, and then publishes that interview on American media outlets, is that not Anti-American propaganda? Is it not traitorous? We already know every word Putin says in the interview will be a lie, so why would we allow anyone to see dangerous misinformation?

    It only makes sense to sanction and bring charges against anyone deliberately causing harm to our national security.

    Because he is a free citizen and we are not at war with Russia?

    I'd actually like to hear Putin's "reasons" so that we can more accurately counter his propaganda/respond appropriately to his abuses.

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  14. 3 hours ago, uhhello said:

    Far from emotionally attached.  It sucks for the dudes over there.  One is defending their country (despite how you feel about it) and the other is in a supposedly modern battle tank by itself not using any modern tactics getting thrown into the front with no support or training and it shows.  

    I don't have any specific hatred against Russian soldiers (the ones who don't commit war crimes, anyway).  I also don't think Russia's invasion is justified in any way.  So, seeing Russian tanks get destroyed and the crew run away seems like a win.

  15. Don't rely on the gouge too much.  Go look at the source material the gouge references.  Get good at word searching pubs, since they are electronic.  

    Study the basics first (IFG).  Then, think through a flight and what procedures/restrictions apply.

  16. 5 hours ago, bfargin said:

    I love how crappy the news is in vetting information. They keep reporting that she is the first AF member to ever compete in Miss America when this thread provides proof that statement is not true. Do news agencies even bother with legitimate fact checking, or is that job relegated to making sure nobody ever (news, social media, politics) says anything against leftist dogma?

    I've seen a HATR reported on CNN with an animation that was in the wrong location and 90 degrees off from what happened....and "reporters" publish pictures of rubber bullets that were actually foam ear plugs (clearly excessive force from the local PD!)

  17. 5 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:


    We seen to be entering a (much welcomed) era where businesses are trying to distance themselves from political topics. Buds Light and Disney are serving as the cautionary tales. I hope it continues.

    One can hope.  

  18. 6 hours ago, BashiChuni said:

    so all you "nuanced analytical thinkers" won't address the root cause of Putin's motivation to go into ukraine: unchecked NATO expansion.

    some of you think putin woke up and decided on a whim to attack ukraine. it's ironic that you pat yourselves on the back as such strategic thinkers but have a massive blind spot

    His desire to rebuild the USSR/Russian Empire?

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