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Posts posted by Pooter

  1. Bottom line: extraordinary allegations require extraordinary evidence. If you're going to claim a nationwide voter fraud conspiracy, you're gonna need to do a hell of a lot better than stream-of-consciousness rants from Rudy Giuliani. 

    You're also going to have to answer why the trump camp isn't actually alleging fraud in the court cases even though they won't stop talking about it in pressers. There is a complete mismatch between their public messaging and the court filings.  (It's almost like they're completely aware they're full of s***)

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  2. These Rudy press conferences just keep getting better. First four seasons total landscaping and now he's got an oil slick running down the side of his face. This stuff is high comedy and that's before we even get to what he said in the press conference.  Today the legal team was supposed to "release the kraken" in terms of fraud evidence.  

    Turns out "the kraken" is just Rudy waving more random affidavits around and telling us he can't show them to us... because people might get doxxed. I wonder if the trump legal team has ever heard of redacting names from a document.  Maybe that wasn't a known technique the last time Rudy was in a courtroom three decades ago.


    It's amazing to see how many people are still clinging to this sinking ship, but I guess that's the magic of internet anonymity. It lets you have all the fun of contrarianism without any of the embarrassment of being personally associated with this absolute clown show. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, Seadogs said:

    This comment section is on par with r/politics on Reddit. Good job guys 👍

    As long as you're upset about it, I can rest assured we're making some amount of sense. 

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  4. 25 minutes ago, Sim said:

    Unironically believing that Trump is blundering idiot that stumbled into building skyscrapers with his name on and becoming POTUS.  🤣 🤥  

    Never said he's a blundering idiot.  He's world-class at many things including: being a shyster used-car salesman,  a self-aggrandizing branding expert, and an incredibly popular TV personality.  Unfortunately none of those qualities translate well into leading a country.  

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  5. "you can only get this quality of steak in my resorts and america's finest restaurants"

    ... and literally any butcher shop, medium to high end grocery store, any other mail order steak service, costco or sams club.  


    Wasn't it a wonderful world back when his substance-less bloviating was limited to nonsense claims about meat quality

  6. If you think trump has exhibited anything resembling good leadership during his tenure, you are not a serious person.  There are some pro-trump arguments I can buy: you like him on policy, or because he's a middle finger troll to the radical left, but good leadership is not one of them.  

    On the topic of administration turnover:

    -yes every administration has turnover

    -no it isn't inherently a bad thing

    -no it isn't surprising the "you're fired" guy has fired a lot of people

    I just wonder how trump supporters justify the scathing criticisms coming from high profile resignees like Mattis.  10 minutes ago Mattis was the most respected military leader in a generation and proof positive that trump was putting an incredible team together. But when he says trump is an incompetent egomaniac who's impossible to work with, it's chaffed off with incredible ease.  


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  7. 14 minutes ago, Negatory said:

    That's fine, you guys are cleared to disagree. I still think you're wrong. There are more republican voters in California, whose votes don't matter at all, than those in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and West Virginia combined.

    If you look into it, you aren't really following the constitutional founding fathers' intentions. The number of electors was always intended to be the number of senators plus the number of representatives. As our society grew from about 35k people / representative to the 700k people / rep that we have now, the impact of the people should have increased proportionally because the number of representatives should have increased. George Washington argued that there should be a representative for every 30k people. But in  1913, # of representatives was capped arbitrarily to 435. This contributed, strongly, to the undue voter weight of extremely small portions of America and the disregard for vast sects of society. 

    Now the tyranny of the minority has resulted in 2 of the last 3 presidents being elected by the minority of voters. Before, this had only happened 3 times. I'm doubtful this was the intent of the constitution or the founding fathers.

    Or maybe California should just split into 5-10 smaller states so that their voices are heard.

    All valid puts, but I still maintain that the left hates the electoral college simply because it doesn't benefit them. See my comment on political opportunism.

    You're arguing on principle, but if we applied that principle evenly, why don't they have a problem with Rhode Island, Vermont, and Connecticut electors or the senate in general? Is every not perfectly representational part of our government bad or just the parts that don't currently benefit the left?

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  8. 4 minutes ago, slackline said:

    I gotta disagree with you on this one. The country is not evenly divided, and it is unhealthy for all the big cities to be making the legislation that governs the rural areas. Electoral college is the best prevention against one specific ideology running the country while alienating an entire half of the country. It's a good way to keep the masses from voting mob rules.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm inclined to agree with you, but let's be honest with ourselves here. In an alternate reality, if big cities skewed heavily republican, you and I both know the right would be railing against the electoral college as un-democratic. 

    This is the most annoying part of politics to me: anyone that pretends that either party actually has principles. Pragmatic opportunism drives 100% of politics. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Negatory said:

    It doesn't "absolutely still make sense." There have been over 700 formal proposals to get rid of the electoral college since 1800, with it almost happening in the Bayh-Celler amendment of 1970. Which was only defeated due to a real philosophical and legal marvel - the filibuster. It's not like it is some philosophical truth.

    In my opinion, it's antithetical to true democracy.

    It's almost like we aren't a true democracy.. by design. 

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  10. You're gonna need a lot more affidavits from election worker randos to convince me that election fraud is the root cause of trump losing virtually every swing state up for grabs and the popular vote by 6-9 million. 

    You can't take "eyewitness" anecdotes from one district and extrapolate that into a broader fraud narrative in an election where 150 million people voted. 

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  11. According to polling data, a majority of democrats thought the 2016 election was fraudulent while a majority of republicans thought it was fair.  Now a majority of republicans think the 2020 election was fraudulent and democrats think it was fair. 

    So you tell me what's more likely:

    Option A: Widespread fraud exists and did a perfect 180 pivot in 4 years.

    Option B: people tend to bitch, moan, and complain when they lose.



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  12. 14 hours ago, pcola said:

    I’m genuinely curious to hear from a few pro-Biden/never-Trumpers just exactly what do you foresee that will improve in your life under a Biden presidency. Will your job security/satisfaction increase? Your wealth or family’s security? Your satisfaction with your identity as an American? I for one have a negative outlook on all of those areas. Curious to hear other perspectives.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

    Pretty much nothing will change for my day to day life under Biden. I don't believe that any president has much of an impact on anyone's daily life at a policy level. But I won't have to do daily mental gymnastics to justify the stream of consciousness Twitter rantings of an egotistical asshat so there's that. 

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  13. I think trumps tantrums grow more severe and indefensible by the minute. The man has never lost at anything, never been told "no," and as a result he will continue this classless flailing for as long as he can. It will accomplish nothing except turn off more moderate voters from republicans and delay conservatives from being able to take control of their party back. 

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  14. Flyovers are excellent training and I don't care who you are or what you fly.  Simply being able to be at a specific place at a specific time has more real world combat implications than any BFM larping you'd rather be doing.

  15. 9 minutes ago, filthy_liar said:

    You are correct.  There will be rioting from the jobless idiots on the left and those that support them. You are also correct, big cities are not the place to be.  They never were.

    This has been one of the only fun parts of the last few months of pandemic/civil unrest: watching something we already knew gradually dawn on the rest of the population. 

    I almost want Biden to win, if only so that it takes away the trump scapegoat and forces the left to take a look in the mirror and figure out why the parts of the country they run are invariably dumpster fires.  

  16. I don't think there's anything a rational person can take away from this debate other than trump being completely unhinged. His interruptions and constant riffing overshadowed any possible Biden missteps and was the absolute driver of chaos throughout the debate. No one is talking about joes policy stances, or his mental slips, or his refusal to denounce antifa because trump simply would not shut up. You know it's bad when you're the republican and the Fox News moderator is fed up with your antics. 

    On top of that, Trump had a few good lines here and there and joe definitely tripped up a few times but it was all lost in the ever-present cacophony of his stream of consciousness jabs. Maybe this style would have worked to dominate a stage of 10 candidates early in a primary.  Maybe it would have worked with a large audience with applause breaks. But this was not that.  It was a one on one debate with clearly defined rules and no active audience to pander to.  He ended up looking like an unruly toddler and that is THE story of the debate. 

    You can say that this is just trumps schtick, and you'd be half right. But this was a uniquely bad showing and perhaps the schtick is getting old. 

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  17. 8 hours ago, Hacker said:

    It is very, very sad that supposedly smart people in the Air Force have bought into a worldview that yields tokenism over competence.

    I knew it would happen eventually but I didn't think it would be this soon.  And I hoped it would be at least a little more subtle.  

  18. 11 hours ago, dream big said:

    I was a minority in a UPT class, I had zero issues.  I know many minorities in UPT classes, they all did just fine to include 5th gen fighters.  What invented issue is the Air Force trying to solve now?

    You're right. This is absolutely a solution in search of a problem. I don't think there is any long term race or gender based washout data that exists, let alone any that supports this idiotic COA.  

    But what's worse is that the people who this is geared toward are actively recoiling against it. The person who brought this dumpster fire to my attention is a female pilot.  When I asked her if this initiative would help female student pilots feel more included and improve their performance, she said not only no, but f*** no.
    Turns out a good way of making people feel like they're part of the team is to not sequester them over on the side doing their own special thing. 

    Women and minorities can do anything in the Air Force.. except avoid being pandered to by generals. 

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  19. 3 hours ago, pawnman said:

    Certainly this won't be compared to "separate but equal".

    Can't help but wonder if the instructors will be similarly segregated.  Can you imagine getting yelled at by your commander as a white male pilot for failing someone in the "minorities only" class when they suck?

    I don't envy the position those instructors will be put in. Washing someone out of that class for performance will be next to impossible, but don't worry, leadership will still insist they aren't changing the standard. And god forbid a student in that class develops an attitude problem. You might have to use your white male privilege to mansplain to them why they're on Mil Cap. 

    But I think the real travesty here is what this is going to do to the students who did not ask to be in this class. UPT is hard enough without being forced into a contrived social justice experiment. And like it or not, the stink of being in the woke test case class will stick with these students long after their time in UPT.. much like the VR babies our wonderful banzai flights are churning out. I really resent that leadership is foisting their political insecurities on these young officers right as they start their careers. 

    To the students: good luck, study hard, and fly safe. Try not to let this political nonsense distract you. 
    To leadership: I cannot wait to watch this inevitable PR sh*tstorm blow up in your face. 

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  20. In tonight's installment of "Ideas that sounded good but JQP will have an absolute field day with"..

    Has anyone heard about this new "America class" initiative at UPT bases?  Apparently AETC leadership has decided to create entire UPT classes of only women and minorities. 

  21. I hear you and I think that would make a great top off for a t-1 complete student.  The problem with that airline style of training for direct from T-6 studs is that they realistically have left the UPT nest to fly off-station twice. Even with great sim fidelity you can't replicate the complexity and randomness of flying in the real world. And that is exactly what the out and snack portion of t-1s accomplishes. 

    High fidelity airline sims are for teaching already experienced aviators type-specific tasks.  They are not for teaching Stanley how not to be an asshat in class bravo airspace. Also high fidelity airline full motion sims are probably as or more expensive per hour than a t-1

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  22. Former next instructor here.  Genuinely saddened and ashamed that big blue took something with a lot of promise and decided to use it to increase quantity rather than quality.  

    Can't say I'm even a little bit surprised though.  


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