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Posts posted by Kiloalpha

  1. 38 minutes ago, Homestar said:

    "The media." What is "the media"?

    Whenever anyone resorts to blaming "the media" I have to just kind of tune out to whatever else they are saying because that's like blaming "white people" for slavery.  "The media" means nothing.  You have a problem with the editorial content of CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, or whatever that's fine.  But you're going to have to be more specific than "the media" because OANN and Fox News are part of "the media" too.

    Slow burn over a decade, then a gallon of gas and a match over the past two months.  You tell me what caused the house to burn down.

    I can’t tell if you’re trying to provoke an answer or if this is a “Gotcha” attempt.

    Regardless, I’ll bite. The print/video media has a liberal bent. I feel like that’s obvious. To @Swamp Yankee’s point, yes Fox has a big viewer base. But they’re small fish in terms of sheer numbers. If you add up all of the major print and video media publications and then add together the WSJ and Fox, it’s not even a contest. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, HU&W said:

    The propaganda I’m seeing out of the ‘conservative’ media is also idiotic and is furthering the identity politic divide. 

    Who/where are you seeing this?

    Asking for two reasons. 1) Haven’t seen any myself, and 2) I need to avoid whoever is parroting that nonsense.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Prozac said:

    Look guys, we’re not perfect. In fact, we’ve been pretty consistently far from it. Welcome to the human world. But despite our shortcomings, this country has, since its inception been the prime example of a nation made by the people, for the people. I’m tempted to lay into some of you for suggesting that we are no different or better than some third rate, corruption ridden banana republic. But I won’t. I won’t because I don’t think any of you really believe that. People don’t put on a uniform and serve with the distinction that differentiates the American serviceman from every other fighting man in the world unless they believe that their country is, in fact, exceptional. No American should accept the shitshow we’re witnessing today as just some expression of the new normal. It’s not normal as long as we refuse to accept it as such. 

    I’m not saying it should be accepted as normal, and even after today I think this country is the best place on the earth. Bar none.

    Having a country as free as ours comes with risks. Shit like this is one of them. This isn’t the first time our country has navigated troubled waters, and it won’t be the last.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Negatory said:

    I assume if martial law is attempted to be declared in 2 weeks, 100% of you will totally set aside all partisanship and defend the constitution.

    Reaction to the events of today -  no, nothing to see here. It's just business as usual. It's always been like this.

    But when it actually matters, we'll care, promise.

    My allegiance isn’t to a single man. That’s not what the Constitution is.

    So, yeah. If he declares martial law and tries to remain past his time unlawfully, I don’t give a shit what party he’s affiliated with. He’s gotta go.

    Today’s actions were bad. However, they are not nation-ending, banana republic, coup to retain power bad. How we move forward from here makes all the difference.

    Also, worth noting that this places Democrats in the absolute best position of their lives to govern in a reasonable manner and lock down power for a decade.

    However, I highly doubt they’ll be able to thread that needle. I don’t think anyone in DC can set aside their own power long enough to figure that out.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Prozac said:

    We absolutely have been and should continue to be “above all this”. That is exactly what American Exceptionalism has always been about. The President (the fucking President....it boggles the mind) has done severe, maybe irreparable damage to that concept. Mayors and legislatures don’t symbolize freedom and democracy around the world. The office of the POTUS does. Or at least it did before today. If “we do have that here” now, it’s squarely because Donald Trump and his supporters decided to. 

    If you think America’s standing was great until 2016, I suggest getting a new prescription.

    That said, his rhetoric is a problem. Has been for a while. But the institutions of this country are a lot stronger than he, or whatever this little band of jackasses who raided the Capital can do. So take a breath. The nation’s business will continue. It always does.

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  6. You can’t blame the average Republican voter for being upset after this election.

    You had DNC-funded attorneys sue states with Democrat-headed Attorneys General/Boards of elections. They “settled” the court cases to get absentee ballot restrictions (passed by legislatures) changed, essentially doing a run-around of Republican controlled state legislatures.

    You had the media and social media completely black out coverage of the Hunter Biden/China story. To the point that people were banned from tweeting about it because it was THAT wrong. Yet now the media agrees it’s a story? Only after their guy gets elected?

    The Biden campaign wasn’t asked any hard, substantive questions during the campaign, and they never once complained about access, despite him calling a lid every morning. To the point that when they did get a chance to ask questions... they asked what ice cream he was eating.

    The media effectively killed their credibility (or what little of it was left). So, the right is searching for their own media to fill the gaps. Yet they’re being called lunatics for creating new outlets outside of the liberal media establishment, when it was the “impartial” media that drove them to it.

    The more the media shouts from the rooftops that the election was perfect, non-fraudulent and therefore Biden won... the more certain folks on the right call bullshit and believe the opposite. Because the media has lied the last 8/10 times, so what’s the chance they’re honest now?

    Listen. I don’t like this shit either, and I think they’re wrong on a big chunk of it. But it helps to try and understand how they got here instead of painting them as redneck idiots.

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  7. 6 hours ago, drewpey said:

    What is your vision of moderate democrat positions that would make Republicans happy?  

    Quit the woke BS, focus on populist positions. Look at infrastructure, building on a return to American-focused labor policy, etc. Raise taxes/eliminate the number of deductions.

    There’s a reason why so many blue-collar Democrat union workers voted for Trump. You don’t get those folks back with a shift to the hard left.

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  8. 3 hours ago, dream big said:

    That logic falls flat when you consider that Trump gave up an insane amount of money to be President. The dude loves the fame, no doubt about it, but he didn’t become POTUS to get rich, no one does. 

    The Obamas/Clintons would beg to differ.

    • Like 1
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  9. 19 hours ago, Prozac said:

    Trump’s potential 2024 run will keep a lot of conservatives in his court. It also has the potential to split the party (a few Republicans are finally getting sick of his shit) and give four more years to Dems. 

    That’s assuming we see the Dems acting responsibly with power... and that’s a hell of an assumption.

  10. 52 minutes ago, GoodSplash9 said:

    2. Count me as a hard no for #2. If you all haven’t heard about it, Moderna and Pfizer are using genetic therapy/modification technology that has NEVER been used for a vaccine (believe it’s called CRISPR) ever before. Most currently approved vaccines use attenuated or dead virus cells to create an immune system response. Modified RNA (mRNA) used in these two new COVID vaccines will reprogram (essentially changing targeted parts of your DNA) cells to produce Covid and Covid like proteins/enzymes/etc...Add to this, it’s the first vaccine that hasn’t had trend data for at least 3-4 years to verify safety before approval for use. Moderna also hasn’t produced a single vaccine in the past. I’m not a doctor/biologist/virologist, but I’d encourage all of you to not take my word for it. Check it out on a search engine besides google. I’ve seen I Am Legend, doesn’t seem like a great idea to me.

    If you’re serious, then no. These vaccines do not change or modify your DNA. They do not use CRISPR. Will Smith will not be aimlessly driving a GT500 in an empty NYC.

    They use mRNA that is processed by the ribosomes (and subsequently destroyed) to make antigens, that then spur the bodies to make antibodies. I get being apprehensive about new tech in vaccines, but let’s keep the misinformation to a minimum.

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  11. 1 minute ago, torqued said:

    Here's a fun one. Nothing is mentioned about party affiliation, Trump, or Biden. Perhaps it's a hoax.

    What is the probability there be shenanigans? Is it low, or is it zero?


    I think the question isn’t if shenanigans took place. It’s if enough took place to overturn the election. We’re still waiting on that info.

    Interesting video if true though.

  12. 2 hours ago, slackline said:

    Hidden Brain podcast episode from Oct 26 is a fascinating listen. Super interesting. Says the bigger problem and divide in the US isn't so much between Rs and Ds, but people who love to talk about politics and those that don't. Point taken, I'm backing out of this world for a while. Gotta stop.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Super interesting podcast, thanks for mentioning it.

    When I was working in politics, I saw people catch party fever all the time. You know it when you see it... the whole "My (insert party) does everything right and they do everything wrong" complex. I fell into it a bit during my first political job, but saw through the charade by the end. Probably because I love playing devil's advocate, even among people I agree with.

    When possible, I'd pull junior folks aside and ask for five things the other side believes that they can respect, even if they disagree. Blank stares always came in response. Some would stammer out a few, and almost none could name five. My favorite was when someone tried to say that I wasn't "loyal" or a "true" member of the party. Like its a fucking religion.

    If you can't respect your adversary in war/politics/life, then you're overestimating your abilities and underestimating theirs. A great way to die/lose/fail.

    • Like 4
  13. The trenches dug on both sides of this election fraud thing are kind of hilarious.

    Both have valid points. The right is wise to be suspicious when the left has labeled the President as Hitler during/after this election. Wouldn’t you commit fraud to prevent Hitler from winning in an election?

    The left is wise to call BS on the President’s claims when he’s lied about so many other things in the past. If a girl kept lying to you about random shit, do you trust her latest excuse? Of course not.

    The burden is on the President’s team to show wrongdoing. This conjecture of “Venezuelan companies changing votes” makes for an interesting backdrop, but doesn’t show me actual fraud or a reason to not assume Biden won.

    I want facts. Numbers. Dates. Names.

    That might be impossible to provide, and yet fraud was actually committed. In that case, you eat this loss and get these state legislatures to fix their damn voting laws. You don’t go try to have states invalidate votes and appoint electors on their own, or whatever crackpot theory I’ve seen floating around the Internet.

    If the “Kraken” doesn’t materialize, but Trump kept telling everyone that it was there ... what a sad end to a fairly successful presidency policy wise.

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  14. Personal anecdote of the world right now.

    A very close friend whom I have known for 10+ years confronted me last night over my vote for Trump. Told me he didn’t know how I could justify voting for a tyrant to my future kids. He then proceeded to tell me he was sickened that I didn’t stand up for the “moral fight of our time,” and said that my weak moral standing was akin to people voting for Hitler (meant a silent enabler, I presume). He ended the rant by saying that if Trump wins re-election because of me, he didn’t know if we could be friends.

    He’s always been a little more left than me, but we had healthy disagreements and generally left politics off the table. 

    Maybe this is happening on the other side as well, I don’t know. But there’s a real psychological break happening for some people during this vote counting debacle, and it’s fucked up. 

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  15. If the news/polls end up being “kind of right” I think we get here after the thousands of court cases/appeals. PA could very well be red, but their ballot counting clusterfuck will likely turn it blue. I have a second, more optimistic map for Republicans, but there’s no way in hell I’d put money on it.


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  16. 1 minute ago, Seadogs said:

    I'm calling it for Trump now. Biden is visiting Minnesota, when everyone is saying Texas is a tossup. Biden should be living in Texas if that were true. Trafalgar has Trump up in Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Close in Wisconsin. People are going to be so mad this upcoming Tuesday.

    Nah. Biden was just in Georgia, which is Republican territory. I wouldn’t read into that.

  17. 57 minutes ago, Sua Sponte said:

    If you’re comparing your four year degree to a HS Civics lesson either you went to the most robust HS Civics program in the US, or your college is scholastically on par with Trident or Capella. My Poli Sci degree landed me a Masters in Cybersecurity from Georgetown, a doctoral program, and a almost six figure military contractor job. My class president, a Poli Sci major, is in college is currently on his full ride to Harvard Law. Sounds like YMMV.

    It was tongue-in-cheek, just using commonly thrown insults. My Poli-Sci degree has been invaluable. In fact, I wouldn’t trade it for the world (but I do wish I double-majored in Business). 

    I’m in complete agreement on the average Civics education being God-awful.


  18. 21 hours ago, filthy_liar said:

    Sorry about the jab on poly sci majors.

    You should be. I paid good money to get a degree in HS Civics that qualifies me to make one hell of a coffee at Starbucks. Speaking of which, what was your order again?

    @drewpey Lucky for you, I have a second after making a Pumpkin Spice latte for Krystyl (emphasis on the two y’s, she says). The federal government sets the date of the election by law. The administration of the vote is largely all states rights, unless the states have created a process that would invalidate the integrity of the vote (fraud, poll tax, etc.), and even then it’s limited. So far the cases I’ve seen where the feds have been involved is when states have decided to count ballots 6-10 days after election. That’s effectively trying to move the federal date, so it’s a federal question. 

    As for the tenor of the thread... Politics today is an all-in high stakes game of my religion (party) vs yours. If “our” side loses, then the whole system will absolutely, definitely, probably, maybe collapse. Republicans scare and mislead their voters on certain issues. Democrats do the exact same thing. I worked at a company who did messaging/marketing for both. They both need fear to 1) cover up the stench of their issues (Look! A bad, bad man over there!) and 2) get you to March to their beat and vote no matter the cost.

    Once the American people realize that politicians are our Pawns and we aren’t theirs? That’s when we right the ship. Until then, they’re playing us all, and it’s fucking frustrating watching reasonably intelligent people turned into lemmings.

  19. 2. You don't need to contact the POC to schedule an AFOQT or TBAS. You can call the local MEPS/base education facilities to take the AFOQT, and look up a place to take the TBAS (probably an AFROTC unit) without any contact from a unit.

    3. I'm kind of outside of my lane here, but the ANG will follow whatever the AF policy is. I'd read up on the FC1 standards (found online), make sure you line up with the pre-op standards, get the surgery done... and document the ever loving shit out of it. Every appointment you made before, during and after should be on paper, to make sure the AF docs will be able to answer any questions. Fairly sure there's a gap between surgery and flying. Can't verify if its 6 months, but it should be in the regs that I mentioned before.

  20. Yes, I'm posting a link instead of writing a ton of information, but I really think Rep. Dan Crenshaw did a good job talking about medical reform with Dr. Avik Roy. https://holdthesetruthswithdancrenshaw.libsyn.com/a-more-sensible-approach-to-fixing-health-care-dr-avik-roy

    Dr. Roy has done some interesting studies that conclude while the US is a good system, we could do better... and Medicare for all is not the answer. He mentions a catastrophic care system (which I've been in favor of for a while) while using the market to give user choices, while not leaving those with pre-existing conditions out.

    Worth the 34min if you have time.

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  21. 4 hours ago, Sua Sponte said:

    So the DNI, who reports to Trump, was nominated by Trump for the job, and been in the job since this past May, says that an email that was “verified” authentic from an anonymous source who sent it to Fox News, a media organization that is Pro-Trump, says it’s not a smear campaign?

    Shocking 😂 


    Yet Giuliani says foreign sources didn’t provide the Hunter Biden emails. He says a laptop containing the emails and intimate photos was simply abandoned in a Delaware repair shop and the shop owner reached out to Giulianis lawyer.”

    Seems “authentic.” So, the repair shop owner random reached out to the lawyer of the lawyer who’s job is to find dirt on Joe Biden, the father of the owner of the purported laptop, who’s running against Trump for President? And he did this possibly without trying to, I dunno, contact the owner of said laptop?

    Oh and the media outlets that are making a big deal of the emails? Fox News and The New York Post which are Pro-Trump.

    Well, every DNI and director of our intelligence agencies are President-appointed. So every one of them is useless? Who would you trust then to determine if there is Russian interference? Adam Schiff?

    It’s a wild story, but Hunter Biden wasn’t exactly on the straight and narrow during the time period this happened. It’s also worth noting that the shop owner didn’t immediately call Giuliani. He called the FBI, who seized the computer, never called him back, and *according to Giuliani* was told to “keep his mouth shut.” After a period of time he started reaching out to people who eventually put him in touch with Giuliani, where he gave him a copy.

    I’m not taking any of this story as fact until I know more. But there’s a hell of a lot more meat here than the Ukraine impeachment. We have actual emails that corroborate a quid-pro-quo when paired with Biden’s comments to the CFR. Sure, you guys are upset at Trump playing golf and taking trips. I’m not happy about it, but it’s legal. Biden using his position as VP to enrich himself via international sources is a crime. They’re different. They might feel equally as outrageous morally, but you can’t put Trump in prison for playing golf. You can put Biden in prison for getting a payday via the Chinese.

    Investigate it. Follow leads. Test sources. It’s literally your job as media. The fact they won’t even do that is outrageous. Our media was terrible before, but this might be the breaking point. They’ll investigate random sources if it’s against Trump but God forbid they do the same to the other side.

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  22. 1 hour ago, slackline said:

    Tapatalk is being weird. Can't get it to post normal.

    I laugh so hard when people wanting to be taken seriously say fake news.

    To an extent I get what you’re saying. I don’t think all negative/refuting coverage is “fake news.”

    But mainstream news has completely fucked away some pretty serious stories. So much so that I have to now spend an hour or so digging through sources to double check them before making a conclusion. The number of times I’ve found BS is very troubling.

    Best I can determine, people are simply judging the number of outlets saying the same thing and thinking “if all of them are saying it, must be true.” If it’s on the NYT, Washington Post and CNN... then it’s basically fact.

    We desperately need to get comfortable saying “I don’t know, I’ll get back to you on that.” Or “I heard this, but I can’t verify it.”

    Instead I’m stuck trying to explain that Trump didn’t say “fine people on both sides” with regard to the white supremacists, while also simultaneously telling another person that Trump did in fact lie about the Portland sheriff endorsement.

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