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Posts posted by fire4effect

  1. 4 minutes ago, jice said:

    The suspects who ran on a busy highway people at risk. The police who continued the pursuit on a busy highway decided to continue putting people at risk. “Protecting and serving” is one way to say what they’re paid for… this is not that. 

    Nobody involved except the suspects knew why they ran, but unless they’re actively murdering somebody in there, that amount of risk for bystanders is unwarranted.

    Naive? Copy. Don’t be a boot licker.

    Force Multiplier.

    Had this discussion years ago with a former military member who was a cop and that's what he called it. Few wanting to fund the cost was and is the issue. Avoid a few multi-million-dollar payouts and I say it's paid for itself. Of course, sophisticated/expensive unmanned systems are another though potentially reasonable discussion. When word gets out you can't outrun it you also have a potential deterrent effect to not run in the first place.


    $18 million on a specialized helicopter ...

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  2. 4 hours ago, Smokin said:

    The only logical conclusion that one can come to is the agents were looking for a fight.  If you think a dude is a gun runner, do you attack him in the place that he would have the most guns?  A six year old could see the obvious absurdity.  Or do you go get him in a place where at the absolute most he has a pistol hidden? 

    I am not against qualified immunity, but maybe it does need some reform when a police state can violate every shred of common sense and seemingly intentionally escalate a situation to the point that any reasonable person would consider their lives in danger and take self defense actions.  If I hear someone trying to kick my door in late at night and yelling 'Police', I'm not going to believe them and I'm going to defend my home.  If I hear someone nicely knocking on my door, look outside, see multiple cop cars with their lights on and police in uniform, I will know that I'm not being attacked by a violent gang and I'll put my gun away before I open the door.

    These ATF agents and the leadership that approved the raid need to be held accountable.  They killed a US citizen in his home when he almost certainly thought he was under attack by a band of lawless criminals, which isn't actually that far from the truth.

    Best way to hold federal agents accountable is by Congress cutting their budget. The courts just aren't effective on this and frankly will never themselves be accountable to the people. Stop giving them a paycheck will get their attention, I'm sure. Effects Based Targeting

  3. 56 minutes ago, brabus said:

    I’m not sure what the best fix is, but this kind of shit has happened way too much in the past several years. I almost certainly would be a victim of it if they fucked up and got the wrong house. I understand allowing no knocks (easy to say you’re against them until you’re an LEO at the door), but perhaps they should only be allowed for extremely dangerous situations (e.g. not just one guy), and if you’re complicit in selecting the wrong house/someone innocent gets killed, you get charged with murder and spend the rest of your life in prison…that’ll at least better incentivize not fucking that up.


    Unfortunately, with qualified immunity that's next to impossible. Especially with Federal officers. Hell, I bet they often times come from out of state and good luck even finding them with DOJ running interference. Fact is if you do happen get "lucky" and take one of them out you get life at a minimum and you're guilty until proven innocent. No matter how bad the cops screw up it's your fault.

    This happened with local cops in Wisconsin, and I suspect this guy happened to live in a bad neighborhood and had a small amount of MJ and fired at the door when they were breaking the door down. Was this guy citizen of the year? No. Did they yell police? Probably. Did he hear that in the chaos? Maybe. Do bad guys ever yell police? Yes. I wouldn't be surprised once a cop was killed, they emptied out an evidence locker and piled it in his house to make the raid justifiable.

    No knock raids should be used in in ONLY very limited situations. Just too many things can go wrong.

    Jordan Fricke sentenced to life in prison for shooting and killing MPD Officer Matthew Rittner (cbs58.com)

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  4. 20 hours ago, disgruntledemployee said:

    The ATF can do a no knock warrant without body cams or notifying local LEO, startle the homeowner, who might be thinking he's being home invaded, then shoot him in the head.  See story of Little Rock Airport Manager.  They probably could have served their warrant at the airport where he worked and not be carrying, you know, an easy, peaceful encounter.

    AU can torture and rot your brain over a series of months of bullshit.

    Absolutely there were a dozen better ways this could have been handled. They had him under surveillance including with a GPS tracker on his car so they had no problem doing a traffic stop or his office. This is a decent report that mentions how the agents violated ATF policy and didn't wear body cameras AND put tape over his ring doorbell camera. 


  5. On 4/17/2024 at 8:25 PM, brabus said:

    Awards/medals are embarrassing compared to the days of old. Even bronze stars and to some extent, DFCs, are handed out for simple baseline-doing-your-job. Everyone gets a trophy for just breathing and doing average shit. Ridiculous. 

    Funny as I get older, I've decided my best award was coming home with everything still attached. I tell people to read between the lines in a lot of higher awards citations. You can usually tell that at least one and sometimes more individuals really screwed up to put any person in a position to earn it in the first place. Do your job right and you get out without anyone knowing who you are and I'm perfectly ok with that. Certainly, you don't get a screenplay written about you.

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  6. 44 minutes ago, Blue said:

    From the AP

    I'm gonna withhold judgement on this one.  For now, at least, until more info comes out.

    It sounds like this is a case of family members battling after a death.  If you've ever witnessed it, you know.  Reasonable people do unreasonable things when a death happens in the family.  Even more so if a step parent is involved.


    1 hour ago, Danger41 said:

    Going through this now with my in-laws. For the love of all that is holy, write out your will in excruciating detail and remove any family member from executing it. 

    Better yet consider putting what you have in a trust. My .69

  7. 15 hours ago, Clark Griswold said:

    I would say that I'm Ukraine War continuation skeptical but not opposed exactly, they passed the "funding" bill but as a skeptic I would be less skeptical, cynical and maybe supportive if they passed a funding vehicle (bureacracy speak phrase for tax increase or creation) to pay for this appropriation 


    Like climate change preening / virtue signalling... if the activist / big mouth / holier than thou person advocating for a low energy life style actually lived that way themselves I'd take them seriously, but as they are not actually for paying for it but thru debt issuance, continued funding seems less than honorable


    I paid a ton in taxes this year, so I guess I'm doing my part. LOL

    Ahh the hypocrisy. Taylor Swift and her private jet. HAD to be there to watch her boyfriend throw his tantrum in person instead of watching it on TV. What would have happened if any of us had done that to our boss? Not to mention all the electricity used for her Era's tour. Generated most if not all by fossil fuels. I wonder how many in the Go Green crowd would give up everything in their life that contains plastic (think cellphone). A big problem as I see it is the lack of true scientific literacy in Congress. Laws of thermodynamics/physics don't care what is written in a law. 


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  8. Very distant relative. I remember hearing the story a long time ago as a kid. Randomly a couple days ago I called and thought to get clarity from another family member and found this. After my own service it takes on a whole new meaning. We had a great discussion how in 1949 when 12 O'clock High came out no one wanted to see or discuss the movie because the feelings were still so raw in the family. Only child. Yesterday I noticed today would have been his 100th birthday. :salut: Lt. Dunn and Crew





    Marshall Clyde Dunn was born on April 20, 1924, in Wichita County, Texas. He was the son of Clyde Stanley Dunn and Merle Sheldon Dunn. He was a graduate of the Electra High School and was a member of the band. He was attending Texas A & M when he enlisted in the Army Air Force.

    Marshall entered the service in February 1943 and had been overseas in October 1944. He served in the 850th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, as a First Lieutenant and Pilot on the B-17G #43-38699 during World War II. He was Killed in Action on February 6, 1945, when his airplane was involved in a mid-air collision with B-17G #43-38167 over France.

    That day, his crew took off from airfield station 134 in Eye, England, for a strategic mission to Chemnitz, Germany. Upon reaching 17,000 feet, his plane collided with B-17G #43-38167 piloted by Lt Schoenfield and crashed near Mittersheim. This resulted in the death of seven members of his crew; 3 survived and recovered. Sgt Johnston, who jumped around 3000 feet, indicated that the survivors were transferred to Nancy, then to Vittel, returned to Nancy, then Paris by rail, and finally returned to the UK in C-47 on February 11, 1945.

    1Lt Dunn is now buried in the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, USA.

    Airmen who perished on B-17G #43-38699:
    Dunn, Marshall C ~ 1st Lt, Pilot
    Philley, Jack O ~ 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot
    Baland, Helmer O ~ 2nd Lt, Navigator
    Horton, Fred H ~ S/Sgt, Ball Turret Gunner
    Mayhew, Donald R ~ S/Sgt, Radio Operator, NY
    McKinney, Clarence H ~ T/Sgt, Mechanic
    Mulvihill, Edward J ~ S/Sgt, Bombardier

    The survivors were SSgt Dean R. Smith, SSgt George A. Naifeh, and SSgt Osvil F. Johnston.

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  9. I guess we can agree to disagree on this but one of the worse things is to suddenly find out a military prediction is wrong because by then it's usually too late. 

    As an example, I admit Hamas hitting Israel like they did was something I would have never seen coming in a million years. I'm still dumfounded Israel could get caught that flat footed. 

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, BashiChuni said:

    because ukraine has NEVER been a US national security concern. we have never and will never care about ukraine.

    it's apples to oranges.

    I would counter that was the thought in the 1930s with Germany. Hitler just wanted a little more territory and he would be good. I have little doubt had Putin been in power in the 1930s-40s he would have been just as bad. 

    What line is too far?

    I'm still as pissed as many over the Charlie Foxtrot that was/is Afghanistan but at least Ukraine is willing to fight.

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  11. 1 hour ago, TreeA10 said:

    I flew part of the a Patriot battalion back from the middle east on a CRAF mission. They were the ones that shot down a Tornado and a Hornet. Had a long conversation with battalion exec about that stupidity.  Target ID needed improvement.

    Of course, to be fair there was a time where some thought Blackhawks looked like Hinds. Deadly serious business and we can't forget the hard lessons.

  12. 2 hours ago, brabus said:

    I said I know a lot of guys who have shot down 5x UAVs with no offensive capability. Point is, I could shoot down 5 PRC CMs (or UAVs) tomorrow and save the CSG or Taiwan, and while satisfied with my work, not 0.1% of me would think about ace status. And anyone who said I was I’d tell them to get fucked. And that is how 99% of modern day fighter pilots feel about it. I of course have to account for the 1% super douche who thinks they should stand along side the likes of Dick Bong.

    Go kill some J-20s, etc. and you’ve earned it. Again, this line of discussion takes zero away from the massively awesome and well executed actions over the last several months (by the way, US fighters have been shooting shit down in the region for over a year, this occurrence is just notable due to the number).

    Sure, that is something that can actually kill you.

    I just finished watching Master's of the Air. Well done series imho . I look at each and every one of them who brought down an enemy plane with a 50 cal as an ace whether in a P-51 or a ball turret. 

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  13. 58 minutes ago, ClearedHot said:

    USAF shot down 70....repeat 70 drones last night.  How many drone aces in the strike eagle community today?

    Only counts if this is how it was done image.thumb.png.795005eaa47cb6a8a23e909cc36ecf7b.png

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  14. 6 hours ago, tac airlifter said:

    Honestly it was a ballsy move by Iran, if they had killed any US with the TBM strikes on IZ I think things would look different right now.  The mood was lethal.  When we had zero casualties (granted many folks had TBI) the decision was made to stand down.  It could have easily gone the other way.

    Fun side note: since they destroyed our hangar with TBMs I used the event to clean up 5 years of property book shenanigans.  Seriously, it was very beneficial.  For anyone reading this: if your stuff ever gets destroyed by the enemy, seize the opportunity to do your unit a solid.

    Unfortunately the last time I needed assistance in this area I was CONUS. But I certainly like the concept 💡 

  15. On 4/2/2024 at 7:06 PM, Pooter said:

    New York has a specific statute 63/12 which grants the AG broad power to go after fraud without having to show standing. The judges have knocked the 'no standing' argument down multiple times because it's completely erroneous. 

    It's been used before and the statute has been on the books since the 1950's when it was originally created by a Republican. 

    And broad power to NOT go after someone(s) and look the other way until it's politically expedient. I'm sure this has been done in New York by the rich and powerful in general and Trump in particular for years and now someone finally decides it's a problem. Bottom line why now and not 20 years ago?

  16. 20 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

    And now the Houthi's may have hypersonics...that might change the game a bit.  They are threatening to hit Israel proper which should be fun for everyone.

    I'm still wondering how they're able to keep their logistics going to maintain their launch optempo. I can see if they've stockpiled a fair amount in the years no one was looking but sooner or later they're going to run out of missiles. Going forward if we catch you with contraband, you getting your A$$ sunk or blown up. No questions asked.

  17. 4 hours ago, TreeA10 said:

    The M-1 in the photo shows the blow out panel above the ammo storage blown out which is what they are supposed to do.  There is a sliding armored door separating the ammo storage from the crew compartment.  The picture might be flipped because I recall the ammo storage on the left side. They never let me drive or shoot it but I did learn to load the gun.  (Years ago ALO with armor battalion w/M-1 A1 later A2 tanks)

    Did they ever give you a 2 pound sledge hammer and send you out to the motor pool to check for thin spots in the armor? 🙂

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