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Everything posted by 08Dawg

  1. Get a -4 instead of an -8. All the fun, half the price!
  2. Because we all know the three basic tenants of Air Force leadership are fear, sarcasm, and ridicule! ######in' co's...I keed, I keed.
  3. My piece of advice, for all that's worth, is to pick based on aircraft and mission. Being close to home is nice, but you're going to deploy, go TDY, and do all kinds of other stuff that will take you away. Once you're used to that, being far from home isn't too big a deal. Besides that, the mission of the B-1 compared to the mission of the E-3 is words apart. I'll give you a quick and dirty (sts) on the Hercs. Others here can fill in more if they want. C-130, a slick- trash hauler, gets dudes and equipment from A to B. Lots of options for bases, but navs are slowly going the way of the dodo with the advent of the J model. AC-130- Spectre, Spooky, gunship. Flies in left handle circles all day, and rains lots of hurt on the bad guys with a 25mm, 40mm, and 105mm weaponry. MC-130-there's an H, P, and W model, the Talon and T2, Shadow and the Spear (Wombat). With subtle variations, all do spec ops low level insertion and exfil of snake eaters, or they refuel helos that insert snake eaters. HC-130- combat search and rescue, refuels helos as well. That's the different Hercs at a very brief glance. Hope it helps.
  4. I agree. Call me what you want, but when I saw the shooter's name, I was not surprised at all. Thoughts and prayers to all our Army brothers and sisters involved in this tragedy.
  5. Pressed to test at the Barksdale gym this morning. Nobody said anything to me about not having it tucked in, but there were plenty who were wearing a nice, neat tucked in PT shirt while lifting or running or whatnot. There were a few who were quite blatantly untucked, and nobody seemed to be giving them any grief either. Maybe it's still new and the SNCO mafia hasn't had time to let it soak in yet.
  6. Have we gone completely fncking insane?? These guys issuing these orders do realize WE'RE FIGHTING A ######ING WAR, RIGHT? You know, that phrase "loss of confidence in ability to lead" seems to have been thrown around alot lately. Well, I am well passed the point of having "lost confidence in the ability to lead" of whoever is issuing these bumble###### directives. How come the good guys get axed and the fnckwits get to stick around and make up more dumb shit?
  7. Since we're jumping on the Natalie Gulbis bandwagon (sts), here's more visual aids.
  8. That's crap. I'm from Mississippi, and I've never heard of such a thing. My first dumbass cop story happened the other day. I'd forgotten something at the squadron I needed for a sim I had, so I hopped back in my car to go get it. Barksdale has all these crazy oneway streets, or streets that are two-way but have no line. So I zip out, and at the intersection the road sortof widens a bit, and to attempt to ease into traffic I start pulling that way. Well, here comes the cop. Now I realize it's a two-way street (never driven down this one before). I'm sitting there at the stopsign and he pulls up beside me. I hear, "Hey!" and look over, and here's this tubbyass staff sergeant gesturing for me to put my window down. "You know you were on the wrong side of the road, right?" as I think "I did when your fat ass drove in front of me". I told him yeah, I didn't see a line. Nothing major, but it just rubbed me the wrong way (sts). Thought he could have handled it a bit differently.
  9. Joined, and invites sent. Viva le resistance.
  10. It might not be much, but it's a start. I want to be there the day some tired, hungry aircrew just back from God knows where is getting thrown out of the chow hall by SMSgt Powertrip, and then finds the belt hanging at the door. "Hey look, I found one, can I eat now?" Edit: Please kick my ass for typing DFAC the first time around.
  11. http://www.katu.com/news/local/64059697.html It seems it is now "offensive" to support the military and display a little patriotic feeling. I want to puke.
  12. Let's not lump all LTs into the same idiocy boat. I think saluting in PTs is ######ing retarded. Somebody's mentioned it before, but the next thing you know we'll have to have some kind of rank insignia on the PT shirt to clear this up. This has bad idea written all over it.
  13. God, I would hit that twice and three times on Sunday! SHIT! Disclaimer: Inebriation
  14. I think my favorite was when one of the EW instructors at Randolph, a dark grey WSO, was giving us a weapons class. He wouldn't even say head when referring to that thing that makes missiles explode. Nope, it was a two-thousand pound warcranium. I was highly amused.
  15. About the only thing that would give this guy half an ounce of cred was if this dance instructor he had was smokin', and he tapped it. Perhaps, maybe, in some wierd obscene way, that might provide an infintesimally small shread of justification. Pics are, of course, needed. Of course, then you think about his, er, "call sign", and that instantly destroys whatever minute little scrap of respect he had, like a semi t-boning a smart car.
  16. Call sign?! YGBFSM... I was at least hoping when I opened this up it was a relatively attractive female captain. Hell, I'd take an unattractive female captain. Anything to prevent what this has just become. Pardon me while I go puke. This might go a small way toward restoring the BO hetero scale. Edit: Because SAC will be back.
  17. Shack. While I don't think letting people wear utilities is such a bad thing (blues suck to wear for one day out of the week, let alone five), I am continually disgusted with the "I am a Warrior!!" mentality. Dudes pushing paper, or making sure I'm getting paid, or fixing my email account for the third time, are not "warriors". They are important in the overall scheme of things in allowing the guys who actually are doing the bomb dropping and missile shooting to focus on their jobs, but there's nothing warrior about it. I would go so far to say that I myself am not a warrior, nor do I really want to be called one. I'm an airman, like a Marine is a Marine or an Army grunt is a soldier or a Navy dude is a sailor. But there's no, or at least there shouldn't be, any warrior to it. Let the guys toting rifles and humping packs down in the mud be the warriors, because that's what they are. While I might be fighting a war from FL370, I'm not a warrior, and the dude sitting stateside handing out towels at the gym certainly isn't. Just my .02
  18. Oh, the shenanigans that coudl insue...I just PCSed to Barksdale, and like I said in an above post, Tops in Blue is performing here I think tomorrow. Well, I'm in the VOQ for a few days till my apartment is ready, and guess who's staying here too? Yep...those guys. Their gaudy-ass tour bus with it's fake Oscar looking thing on the side is right outside my window. Can we write them up for fraud, waist and abuse for that thing?
  19. Of all the luck...got to Barksdale last night, walked into the O Club and what's one of the first things I see? "Tops in Blue, performing August 15th". FML...
  20. "It addresses all near-term Air Warrior requirements". Please do not let any of our higher ups see that document, or I fear they'll have a new favorite phrase for flyers.
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