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Posts posted by Hammer

  1. I think it's funny that the GIF of a chick shoving her fist in her mouth violated photobucket's terms of use...but the other gifs of girls taking thier clothes off and rubbing thier cooters/hooters is perfectly acceptable...what a joke.

    EDIT: Drunk post...this thread is AWEOSME! Is KFC still open?

  2. Can anyone tell me how base housing works at McConnell? Is it a crap shoot whether or not you get one of the newer houses over an old house? I'm getting married right before I report in, how does going about getting a base house work, do I have to wait to get there before I know if there are any open, or do I go on a list and do I need a marraige certificate or anything in order to get a house on base? Thanks.

  3. Stupid question, but we're in the middle of a PCS and the home computer is in storage right now. If I get the iPhone 3GS, in order to activate, it appears I have to go through iTunes. If I activate the phone on another computer is that going to create problems down the road when I want to sync it with my home PC that I normally use for iTunes related stuff?

    With the plain 3G you don't need iTunes unless you want to download large apps (over 10mb), add music, or update the software. Just make sure you know your iTunes username and password. I recently got a new computer and when I sync'd the phone to it all my apps were deleted, but the music stayed (I think I did it wrong and there is a different way to avoid this), but it wasn't too much of a pain to replace them and you don't need to pay again for the ones you bought. Don't know too much about the new version, hope this helps.

  4. I've had a swollen left eyelid for 2 days now and it's pretty painful. I have no idea what caused this, a friend mentioned it could be a Stye (I have no idea what that is). I'm about 6 weeks out from a check so I don't want to get DNIF'd if I can help it. Will it go away on it's own, or should I go see the doc?

    EDIT: Grammar and punctuation patrol.

  5. B) I'd rather look at my "ridiculous" avatar every single second of every day (probably get boring after a while) than your :rainbow: Cartoon fox, or skunk, or whatever that fvcking thing is....of course, forgive my ignorance.

    I think he meant ridiculous in a good way...I can't find a single bad thing about that avatar. :bohica:

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