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Posts posted by bfargin

  1. The big problem is we don't head off the problem before it's a problem. We've done at least 2 rounds of amnesty since I've been old enough to remember them. So here we go again, wait until we have millions of illegals here again, and then deal out another amnesty which only makes more people realize if they can illegally gain entry, the US will eventually let them stay.


    Another issue is the whole anchor baby thing ... thats not constitutional and wasn't what was intended.

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  2. I've used California Numismatic (www.golddealer.com) for 35 years now with great success. They usually had the best margins out there and are established and solid. Lately however their margins are quite high (significant) with gold and silver. Check your state on sales tax as well, TN just started charging sales tax on silver and gold (even US mint coinage like the $1 Silver Eagle and $50 Gold Eagle - seems unfair) which creates an even larger margin. My brother bought some recently in TX and they don't charge sales tax on precious metal coins (bullion or U.S. minted) .

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  3. Heres a 747 at a park near Jakarta Indonesia. I found this when I was doing searches for aircraft used as housing or restaurants. I wanted to buy an old plane and convert it into a guest house. The logistics of getting it to my farm in TN was going to be challenging (read very expensive).image.thumb.png.bac4e10fad9eb4afb3c49e0ab50ab109.png


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  4. Here's a quick and elementary video about inflation and the fix. Simple straightforward and what most on here have been saying.  Get rid of fiat currency and attach our currency to something with intrinsic value (gold, silver, platinum, etc). The standard puts checks on government (why the end of the standard was initiated in 1933 by the douchebag FDR - and finished in 1973 by Nixon) and prevents them from turning cash into fancy toilet paper. It would cause some disruptions/issues as we worked through it, but would be beneficial to our long term existence as well as return some confidence in our government.



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  5. this is the type of feces I was referring to when I said I found it difficult not to verbally bash homos. I spent 5 years sitting alert with crew dogs and one of the favorite sports was to think of innovative ways to insult each other using, admittedly mean spirited, terms for a homo. We would have had a field day with this group.

  6. Just watched “Created Equal” yesterday. Basically a biography of Justice Thomas. Some interesting personal history and worth watching to better understand the man and the Justice. He lived an interesting life through the turbulence of the ‘60s and early ‘70s (a Yale law grad who barely found a job) as the fight for equal rights turned more violent.

  7. Bitcoin and all of the other crypto fascinate and for fun i bought a bit of it. But, they are still basically a fiat currency/money but don’t even have the “good faith” of a country backing them. Im not seeing any actual value behind them or the nft . As mentioned previously, we’re not making product/stuff anymore, so we’re just dreaming up new magic shitte to try and capture money from each other. I can see some value in the blockchain with transaction ease, security, and lowering transaction costs but don’t really see the benefit of crypto. Once the gov figures out how to control it, any value for anonymity will completely disappear too.

  8. 5 minutes ago, nsplayr said:

    Ok this is exactly what I was talking about.

    There are folks who sincerely think being gay is bad and have thinly veiled disgust toward and contempt for gay people, beyond any minor annoyances over pushy pride month videos or whatever. As demonstrated by comments like this.

    I sincerely hope you don’t lead any LGBTQ troops.

    And I apologize for lumping some others who are just annoyed at pride stuff in with dudes like this, but at least now y’all can’t say they don’t exist…

    No troops, been out for a while. I teach at a university and have never told anyone my personal thoughts on the subject. I teach with homosexuals, teach homosexuals as students (some actively proclaim it, others don't) and treat them all as fellow humans worthy of respect as fellow citizens of earth. But yeah, personally the actions disgust me. I'd argue for most people it's pretty gross even with the past decade of attempted forced acceptance. There are probably other actions that disgust me too.

  9. 1 hour ago, Negatory said:

    I mean, this statement here is actually more telling than you realize, and it’s indicative of the centrist “everyone is right” attitudes that are extremely troubling to some of the LGBT folks I know. THIS subtle implicit non-acceptance is what they’re still fighting against.

    You don’t personally actively hate or oppress LGBT folks, I’m sure. Most people and military officers I know don’t. But some don’t oppose those that do to the level that shows any moral courage. Implicitly, statements like these normalize and equalize f’d up beliefs.

    Try these hypotheticals on, imagine you heard one of your buddies say one of these statements:

    “I don’t morally agree that black people should be able to marry white people. In fact, they shouldn’t be allowed in the same place as white people, it’s just not right.”

    “I don’t morally agree that a woman should be allowed to have a job. That’s a man’s right. They just shouldn’t be doing this stuff, their place is at the home.”

    “I don’t morally agree that a person with a different sexuality than me should be able to get married or serve in the military. It’s just not right.”

    If you heard someone say one of the first 2 things, you’d tell that person to fuck off. You’d tell them they’re wrong. I doubt you’d say “I respect your opinion” - in fact, I would expect you not to. Why is the third one different?

    Just because someone has different morals doesn’t make their opinions “totally cool.” In fact, their morals can be pretty fucked up and oppressive. The first amendment makes it legal to say whatever dumb shit a person wants, I get that and am not going down that rabbit hole. But you don’t have to respect someone’s beliefs, and you surely don’t have to say that “it’s totally cool” for them to believe something that marginalizes a group of humans for an immutable characteristic.

    Wow, Ok thought and moral police. Forever, humans have identified homosexuality as a fringe and unhealthy sexual activity, Science literature confirms that fact, social science literature confirms that (even back when it was abnormal psychology), and moral teaching confirms that. I have to temper myself big time to not verbally bash on homos and trans. They deserve mutual respect as humans but earn no respect from anyone for their personal moral choices. We as a society tolerate plenty of things we don't personally condone. Comparing homos to people of color is incredibly offensive and not accurate. Just cause you might be a homo, doesn't mean you can force your choice onto other's value system.

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  10. 35 minutes ago, Negatory said:


    I don't think any of your guys' comments about how the science isn't settled match up with, y'know, the science and/or reality. Would love if you would even look at 2 of the references on this article. Maybe some of the NASA, NOAA, or IPCC reports.

    If it makes you feel better, when I voted for Bush, I also thought climate change was fake. Because, you know, I was told to think that. Was good enough at the time: Go republicans, beat demtards!

    nice straw man ... nobody is saying the climate hasn't/doesn't change.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Negatory said:

    "We can clearly show the causal link between carbon dioxide emissions from human activity and the 1.28 degree Celsius (and rising) global temperature increase since pre-industrial times." 

    What a complete BS claim.

    2 hours ago, Negatory said:

    Brandolini's law strikes again. "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than is needed to produce it"

    Brandolini's law explains how that feces was published in spite of the ridiculous claim shown in quotes in your post.

    There are way too many variables, each with significant variance in climate change models, to come even close to showing a causal effect (even a "relative causal" effect). I know a Senior Editor who should be replaced.

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