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Everything posted by TLAR

  1. This just released... No injuries. I can't even imagine what it would be like sitting in the cockpit when that happens. No training or experience could prepare you for such a crazy situation like this when you're just chilling, parked at 0 knots. to these tow pilots.
  2. Someone find this guy's email address and "inform" him of the potential risks of doing our jobs while drowsy. Even with a full night's rest some missions can put you to sleep.
  3. Someone who points with their elbows please translate this to English. I'm so confused and may up this guidance.
  4. The U-28 isn't being "cut", due to "budget", the fleet has burned through its life-cycle. Some of those airframes are approaching 25,000(?) hours which has already been extended by a waiver. Also most of that article is outdated; the higher-ups change their mind weekly....
  5. How bad is it that I read through over half this thread before realizing the first post was three years old...
  6. When an aircraft fleet is moving bases or otherwise going away, I imagine the 100's of families leaving as well will affect the local housing market. Am I going to have trouble selling or renting my house? Obvious answer seems like yes, but how bad will it be, and should I/could I do something 1-2 years in advance? (like sell early and rent my own house before it happens) Anyone go through something like this?
  7. So let me get this straight, if your wingman breaks off and pops flares due to an incoming missile, it's a bad thing if your system starts kicking them out as well? Sounds like a feature to me. Even funnier when you're in a stack of 12 aircraft and that helo at coord starts the chain. But seriously...why are these F-35 specific problems.
  8. It was not an MC-12, there're a lot of other C-12s out here. Still,
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/10/us/colorado-town-drone-ordinance/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 This is why I love 'murica.
  10. Video released: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/11/04/21308806-exclusive-images-show-skydivers-terrifying-collision-and-chaotic-plunge?lite
  11. So, can someone print out this thread and bring it to the conference? I feel like a lot of the higher ups are completely oblivious. (serious request)
  12. Pretty big "NO" from me. Here is what surprised me the most: out of the ~100 items on the multiple pre-deployment checklists I had to accomplish (many including CBTs such as cultural sensitivity, foreign language modules, sexual harassment, OPSEC, etc), not one of those items was "Sit down and read the three Class B-E mishap reports from MC-12's in the past." All past in-flight mishaps were related to stalls while in orbit with the autopilot on. I would say 90+% of the deployed pilots have not read these, and wouldn't you agree that they would be the most important readers of such reports? I'd say that's a pretty big failure at multiple levels. Not to mention after arriving to deployment, we have another 20+ item reading list, and guess what is still absent from the reading list?
  13. TERRIBLE article. Was the actual report itself released publicly? Pay little attention to this article, it's missing key facts, and the headline isn't really correct.
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