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Everything posted by KB03

  1. <-----2003 year group 12S previous 12M double passed over. Masters, SOS in Res/Corr, 1Comm medal, 1 AF acheivement metal, 15 Air medals. I hope they don't offer me continuation. If they do, why should I accept it?
  2. whats the difference between mc-12s and u-28s?
  3. KB03

    Cannon AFB

    possibility of freezing of PCSs due to sequestration, according to my sq/cc
  4. Im looking for a room in Destin available by the end of this month (february). please PM if a room is available...
  5. I heard 3 in the zone captains got passed over for major in the 73rd december 2011 board. rumint
  6. KB03

    Cannon AFB

    Cannondahar, Clovistan! sounds great! Due to no funds available it looks like my PCS is delayed indefinitely. insert smiley face
  7. I wonder if this falls under Collision or Comprehensive for the truck's insurance policy. Geico commercials dont mention anything about if the government thinks your truck would look better with quarter sized holes.
  8. KB03

    Cannon AFB

    Look forward to it.
  9. KB03

    Cannon AFB

    Please expand on this.
  10. KB03

    Cannon AFB

    What are the local watering holes (bars) there? Also, are the rumors about a 'shifty 50' true about there being some mafia controlling the city? Ive always joked around about opening a bar in clovis if I ever got non-vol'ed there and alas, I have been non vol'ed to clovis so Im wondering about opening up a bar.
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