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Posts posted by Goblin

  1. Where do you plan on earning said degree from? That could be the basis for a major selection.

    I'm doing Meteorology at ERAU and love it, not too hard, not too easy, got a badass internship this summer with NOAA, and still applies to flying.


  2. At NATCON, they told us scholarship increases probably wouldn't be retroactive to existing activated scholarships

    I'm going to be a 5th year senior and my financial statement just came in and it shows $9000 a semester, so it looks like it does apply to everyone

  3. I just found out today that these assholes are going to be protesting at ERAU (Daytona) on March 27-28 for some diversity event the campus is holding. I can only imagine what walking around in uniform those days is going to be like. Any advice that I could pass along to everyone to prevent people from getting into conflicts?

  4. We might as well argue politics and religion while we're at it..

    Difference of opinion I suppose, no use in bickering...

    I just hope we can all get out of this recession soon


    I don't disagree that the Big 3 did some stupid shit, I admit that! I invested well over 10 years ago, didn't think it would ever get this bad! They need new CEOs (except Ford, whos not even part of the bailout), and a new business model.

    My whole point is this: If the auto industry is required to give dollar by dollar detail to where the $17B is going, I think the banks should do the same for their $700B.

    And Lumburgh, I'm sure if you owned a business that employed 20% of the country in some fashion, the gov't may help you out too.

    Read: http://www.autoobserver.com/2008/12/7-myth...free-press.html

  5. Thats a lot of BS with no real information. All I did was make a comparison to the banks, and how they're a) not keeping track of the money and b) worse off than the Big 3.

    Toyota reported a pretty big loss too, must be all those shitty cars too...

    ...or the market for cars just sucks.

    And trust me, I already have stock in Ford and GM...and I lost a lot of my investment, why dont you make fun of me for that too?

  6. Nobody in my family works in the auto industry currently, but I can guarantee that if the white house had allowed the big 3 to collapse, that you ALL would be feeling it. Without getting into UAW politics (which I dont know anything about, and I'm pretty sure most of you are just going off of media bias, same as the public hears shit about whats going on in the middle east and believe it without second thought), but 1 in 5 jobs nationwide are related to the autos somehow. If any one of them were to collapse, it would be a blow to the other 2, and EVERYTHING relating to the industry would fall apart.

    Nobody can keep track of the $700B that the banks had, while their CEOs still fly in their jets as previously mentioned, but the autos asked for a small fraction of that and everything is blowing their tops.

    Detroit is unique in that it ONLY has the autos. If they fail, the state fails, the region fails, the country fails. I sure as hell don't want to come home to Detroit worse off than it already is.

    My $0.02

  7. Very cool. I flew a 172 with a G-1000 and fully integrated AP the other day, and it shot the entire ILS down to mins @ KJAX (minus power adjustments, which I had to do). Similar idea with the C17's flight director? With the G-1000, you just put the wind vector line on the GPS line, and you're good to go. For xwinds landings, though, you have to figure it out on your own.


    Also, I'm gonna throw in a STS for good measure, considering all the use of the "backside approach" (which happens to be one of my favorite)

    I bet it is :bohica:

  8. I have about a year old ipod nano, and my gf has a brand new nano, and we both love it! Works great all the time, sounds great, and itunes is awesome. I use it for all my music (although I don't download from them much). I think it's definitely worth the money, especially with the video feature.

    soflguy, I never thought I'd see the day you would have a girlfriend...

    I never liked my Zune, the software for the computer was nothing compated to iTunes...I sold it and got an iPod and couldnt be happier

  9. Not to derail the thread but I just moved into my college dorm and I got a mini-fridge and I told my roommate that he could put stuff in it if he wanted and i came home and there were 2 bottles of vodka in it. I don't have a moral problem with alcohol, I'll party every once in a while but we're not supposed to have alcohol in the dorms.

    Do you think that if we got written up for having it in the dorms by the college, not by the cops, that they would kick me out of ROTC even if I didn't own the alcohol and never drank it? I remember reading something about a Det/CC getting mad at a cadet for just allowing underage drinking in his dorm, but I don't want to be a douche to my roommate.


    I've seen it happen...reallly depends on your PAS...just be up front with your roommate, and if he has a problem with it, hes probably an ass.

  10. I love how upset "Adam" gets about this:

    Too much detail. This is not a friggin log book! -- Adam Brink (talk) 20:16, 16 November 2007 (UTC)

    Which makes me not think its Doc, just for the fact that hes getting rid of probably the only cool stuff there is to write about him. Why? Who knows

  11. Later after the same pilot made it off the ground, controllers radioed again.

    ATC "Cessna 1234 Say altitude..."

    Student "Uhh.....Altitude..."

    ATC "(Laughter), no no, Say what altitude you're at"

    Student "What altitude am I at?"

    ATC " I don't know you tell me..."

    Student "OH! 1200"

    ATC " Thanks..."

    True story. Gotta love it.

    Haven't heard that one before

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