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Everything posted by Mark1

  1. Haha, classic. But the post did bring up a question (it might be a stupid one but I'm totally ignorant to the situation). Are F-15E WSO instructors F-15E pilots? Obviously there isn't room for a WSO student, WSO instructor, and pilot. Or is all the WSO instruction done on the ground and only practiced in the air (without an instructor)?
  2. I'll bet they get a ton of cars tearing through what looks like a lush green grass field there, and down the sidewalk. There is nothing better than making the issued "camoflauged" uniform visible from space. Unbelievable. Does anybody have any documented cases of individuals being run over on the flight line because of low visibility? I would assume it has actually happened with all the "watch out for the fire trucks if we have to egress" talk, but I want to see it for my own eyes (even though it still doesn't justify this BS).
  3. Yes you will be treated like a child, and moreso that the standard AETC unit. Some of the stuff that goes on around there is extremely demoralizing. "Mandatory fun" and "forced motivation" run rampant and having experienced the squadron prior to the command change makes it twice as bad, knowing that it doesn't have to be the way it is. Your stints in the 563rd will open your eyes. You'll be 10 times busier in the 563rd, working nights and weekends at times, and yet it will seem like a vacation because of the work atmosphere. People just don't realize that they aren't being treated like humans there because its their first assignment, they don't know what its like in a normal unit, so they accept it as "normal". There is a systemic problem right now in that squadron. The squadron has its share of good people too, but not enough.
  4. Pretty harsh analysis coming from an ADD Lt. Sure technology can give you a heading to your next waypoint but it can't replace the extra crewmember. And as of now, it can't replace EWOs. Navs are obsolete on some aircraft but not on others. And lets not forget that the AF doesn't have the money to purchase the technology to replace all navs at the moment, even if it wanted to. Maybe with the next generation of aircraft, but not now.
  5. Good god man. This topic should have a disclaimer, but I got curious and found this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsil_stone Sounds like what F16PilotMD is describing, but has some details that might help you out. Suggests using a Waterpik to clean your tonsils but I would imagine that would be uncomfortable.
  6. I don't want to derail the thread but I have a related question for the next time I PCS. I'm single and have two vehicles (neither is capable of towing the other). One of the vehicles is a classic collectable and it can't be driven cross country (plus I'm single so I would have nobody to do it for me). I would need to have it trailered, out of my pocket or otherwise. Has anybody dealt with this situation and figured a way to get some or all of it covered in the reimbursement for your DITY move?
  7. Mikedjp, the cross countries being shorter has nothing to do with that incident...and the man you speak of is still in the 562nd (busted down to 0-1), however soon to be outprocessed. The cross countries were reduced to 3 days after somebody "fell" through a storefront window and the plate glass came down on top of them doing some damage.
  8. Yeah, you're right...my basic math skills are apparently non-existent. I meant they went from 4 days to 3 days. :(
  9. So you are suggesting that anybody left inside Baghdad/Fallujah/Ramadi/etc city limits is fair game? Damn, we should have dug up some B-29s and gone to town with the carpet bombing a long time ago.
  10. Cross countries never went away, they just went from 3 days to 2 days. Which had a huge impact because you couldn't drink on the last night (bottle to throttle) meaning you only had one night to hit the town. They are going back to three days now, however...apparently we are being let out of the penalty box early.
  11. When I showed up last summer dorm occupancy was 99.4% (1 room available?). That was in the middle of the surge of trainees that seem to come in about the time that most major universities graduate their students (late May). If you come in at a busy time of year you have a good chance of being let off base, even without a good reason. If however you come in when dorm occupancy is low, you'd better be married if you want to get off base. Only four out of our original class of 26 stayed in the dorms...all of them regret it. The dorms are convenient but if you get a roommate off base you'll bank half of your BAH every month. A 10 min commute is worth $400/month. Plus you'll save money by cooking food at home (most of the guys in the dorms eat out for EVERY meal) None of the 4 in my class that stayed in the dorms ever use their pass to the enlisted dining facility anymore...they stopped using that "perk" after the first month.
  12. No arguement. I'm not trying to say that the IP did something wrong or that he was out of line, just that he might have gotten a better response from the stud had he remained "calm" (ie had the problem rectified faster). And again, if the stud can't handle a simple situation with a little yelling in the background then maybe he shouldn't be in the jet, but that can be dealt with on the ground.
  13. Since the main problem here was misunderstanding, I don't think the yelling served much purpose. Raise your voice to get the point across that its serious, but beyond that I think the yelling just puts more pressure on the stud to the point where they can't function (maybe that means they shouldn't be in the jet, but on the spot you're only worried about fixing the problem). Extreme pressure is great if you are training/evaluating, but not so great if you have a serious issue that needs to be taken care of. Having dealt with a few weak english speakers, I'm sure the profanity and slang ("turn the ****ing heat off, jesus christ") wasn't helping any either. Seems like the stud is genuinely confused based on his "what the hell is going on" comment under his breath at around 3:00min. But they both made it back with the jet in one piece, so what the hell do I know.
  14. Yeah I was going to say. First lets define T-ODP for FNGs...
  15. The PDW is a fun weapon to fire but it wouldn't really provide any meaningfull benefit over a handgun for this application. Also its length (with folded stock) is pretty damn compact, but its much more bulky than a M9. If you're looking for accuracy in a small package a bullpup design would be a good place to start, but I can't think of any prominent bullpup SMGs. Plus, as was mentioned, accuracy isn't really an issue.
  16. I know, I've been here long enough to see it and most of the time I agree with the lynchmob. I know I'm just another asset to the AF and they will put me where they need me, which I don't disagree with. I'm not going to kill myself if I don't get my number one choice. At the same time when your choices are to go burn holes in the sky in a 707 on one hand and...well, go burn holes in the sky in a 707 on the other hand it doesn't leave much to strive for. I heard about this a few days ago but as of yet nobody seems to know if Randolph will still drop B-52s and ACs alongside Pensacola.
  17. I'm going to be pretty pissed if I busted my ass at Randolph to try and get a good shot at a C-130 to Hurlburt only to have that option taken away 1 month before our aircraft drop. If they are going to pigeonhole us into one or two (undesireable in my opinion) airframes through Randolph then what's the point in trying to excel. "Excellence in all we do" only takes you so far; there's got to be at least the possibility for a reward at the end of the tunnel.
  18. Some things go over my head, like Batmans phone number, but I'm aware of the fact that there are different size flight suits. I didn't pick out a 44 or 46 because I'm already swimming in a 42. When I said lanky I meant it. I'll try the bigger size next time though and suffer with that and then decide which way I prefer it. I'll look into alterations and custom suits also. Thanks for the advice. Now I'm sitting here wondering if I should call this number just to find out what it is, but I'm too scared.
  19. When I showed up to training about 6 months ago they issued flight suits and I picked out a 42L. It didn't really fit but it was the best I could do. I'm 6'3'' and 180lbs with [apparently] abnormally long legs and the suit is too short. Its uncomfortable to walk around in, plus my shins are horribly exposed to the hazards of in flight fires!! If I lose my shins I don't want to go on living. Will the AF issue or pay for custom fitted flight suits if necessary (I doubt they would consider it a necessity in my case, but it can't hurt to try). If not, any place I could get some? I can't be the only one with this problem.
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