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Posts posted by HeloDude

  1. See, this is where we differ. You only blame one side for the collapse, whereas I blame all that were involved.

    Capitalism isn't looting the payroll to give the CEO a 240% raise while in Chapter 11.

    The laborers weren't responsible for flagging sales and outdated products. The laborers didn't mismanage the company. Yet they are to shoulder ALL the blame for the demise of Hostess? They were the straw that broke the camel's back, but there were other strains prior to that straw.

    I don't care whether they collasped or not--companies will always form and companies will always shut down.

    All I'm saying is that in the end it was better financially for the company to not agree with the Union's terms and thus shut down, regardless of what was done previously. A company's #1 goal is to make money for the owners/stockholders--if they can't do that in what is deemed an acceptable manner, then the company should cease. The CEO pay raise is nothing compared to excessive Labor costs.

    A job is by-product of a successful business, not the other way around.

  2. One example of inept management- ask for major concessions from labor while looting the payroll for the executives.

    Sounds like it was their company and thus their choice. The Unions rolled the dice and lost.

    Are you against Capitalism? I thought you were a Libertarian? Nobody was forcing these workers to work for the company.

  3. Interesting to note that Bud's Police has now sold out of the AR linked above, and the price has gone up by $80. Glad I got one the day after the election.

    Mine arrived on election day and I shot it over the weekend--not bad for a well priced AR.

  4. Yesterday, BCM posted this on their Facebook page:

    I just put in quite a large purchase from sgammo--you could literally see their inventory dwindling everytime you hit the refresh button. My guess is by tomorrow they'll be out of most Russian ammo--especially in 7.62 x 39 and what the little they had left of 5.45. They're a great business as I've ordered quite a bit from them in the past and their prices are typically on the lower end to begin with.

    The Constitution says that it takes 2/3 of the Senate to pass a resolution to allow for a ratification of a treaty...now I'm fairly confident that this won't happen, not mention a good handful of Dem Senators are from very pro-gun states, but it never hurts to be that much more prepared.

    Thoughts? M2??

  5. just hopped on this deal too. as an AR virgin, what do I need to know (sights, ammo, mx, etc)?

    I'll mostly defer to the AR experts on here (which I am not). But for ammo, I'm sure it will cycle almost anything, though I have a thing where I shoot cheap Russian ammo out of my AK's and cheaper brass out of my AR...there are some good deals out there if you shop around. As for sights, for starting out, I would get yourself a cheap red dot and/or some iron sights.

    Good luck!

  6. Yea, valid...Iran is pretty f-ing mountainous. Another reason we should stay the F out of there.

    Agreed on that one...however I hear the B-2 is quite nice at dropping heavy bombs that could destroy Iranian 'special' targets. Full disclosure--I am far from a fighter/bomber guy, so please accept my ignorance if I am completely out of touch on this one.

  7. That's assuming you think we'll be putting boots on the ground in Iran anytime soon :beer:

    The CRH IOC won't be until around FY19...so I don't know what will happen in 6+ years. But to also address your question...if a fighter guy bails out over bad guy land, we go and we get him.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Where else in the world are we needing PR at 11K, let alone above 8K? It's our main conflict right now, but if we're talking future capes you have to think of future conflicts because for today's war, we're stuck with what we have right now.

    Good call...probably wouldn't see too many other high altitude places needing CSAR/PR in the future.

    Oh wait a minute...


  9. I frankly don't understand why folks seem to imply that this is a shrewd attempt by the administration to somehow swing the election.

    Really dude? Just like when Clinton launched over a hundred missiles around the same day the Lewinksy hearings started...just a coincidence? Or just like why Obama said for several days that Benghazi was a result of a video...only much later for his administration to finally admit it was a terrorist attack when it shows they knew shortly after the event? It's all political, especially at this point. I remember pundits saying that the reason Bush was making a big deal about Iraq and WMD's the summer/fall of 2002 was so that his party wouldn't gt creamed in the midterms because of the weak economy(attempt to change the narrative)...I have a feeling that they were at least somewhat correct. Don't be so naive.

    It's easy to say, "Appeasement!" but ask yourself honestly what is the downside in negotiating at this stage in the game?

    The downside is that we appear weak to our enemy(s), and that gives them strength. The only way Iran will discontinue their nuclear weopans effort is if somebody destroys those capabilities or if they have a regime change...negotiating won't do anything to a country whose rulers rule by fear, intimidation, and who quite frankly, could care less about their people.

  10. I have the Best. Friends. Ever.

    Presented to me this past weekend at our annual guys' trip in celebration (commiseration?) of my upcoming wedding... and there was much rejoicing!!

    Or they just really feel sorry for you...

    I kid, I kid...congrats man! And if you can't finish the bottle, PM me and I'll give you the address of where to send it.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Does it seem like a quality gun to you or gimmicky? I've read some mixed reviews on it. Did it jam on you when shooting it? Operation straight forward? It's a lot more expensive than a Mossberg, so I don't want to be a beta tester. If it seemed like a finished as opposed to a rushed product would be good to know.

    From what I can tell is seems quality. It never jammed and was very easy to operate...switching between magazines would take some practice to do it quickly. It's short (bull pup) and fairly light...which means it kicks quite a bit. But hey, it's a shotgun so it's supposed to kick.

    I plan on buying one when the prices come down to MSRP...whenever that happens.

  12. I'm looking for bulk .223 and .45. Where did you find a good deal?

    The .223 was PMC Bronze (brass) from Cabella's...it was $5.99 for a box of 20 and free shipping--yeah, I bought quite a bit. I think their current deal is $6.50 a box and I don't think they have the free shipping anymore either.

    As for .45, I'd check out Buds Police Supply...I think they have a decent deal on .45 brass. Also, sgammo.com is often pretty good, and that's where I bought the .40 this time.

    I go to slickguns.net a couple times a day (click on ammo) and that's where I find a lot of the good sales.

    Good luck!

    • Upvote 1
  13. Hmmm....good point. I didn't really think about the backpack/hiking part.

    Have you (or anybody else) been buying a lot of ammo lately? I saw some great deals recently online and bought quite a bit of .223 and .40...surprised at how low it was actually.

    Also, for M2, are any of your AK's in 5.45? And do you have any Krebs made AK's?

  14. The AK/AR 'pistols' are neat for sure...and what is even more neat is how they qualify as a 'pistol' thus not requiring a SBR Class 3, etc.

    However, from a practical stance, I don't really see the point. If I was really wanting an AK type rifle with a shorter barrel, then I would just jump through the hoops and get a SBR.

    So just like the bump fire stocks, I really don't see the reason to get one...other than the fun factor, which believe me, I'm also a fan of satisfying! Let us know if you get one and how it shoots!

  15. So, I did a search, and maybe I just don't know how to search inside a specific thread, if that's even possible, but anyone have any experience with the Kel-Tech KSG? It looks like a pretty mean and capable HD shotgun, but for the price you could really set up a nice Mossy. Anyone have one, or shot one? Thanks.

    My brother has one and I have shot it several times--what do you want to know?

  16. I've had my SCAR for over a year now but don't have anymore than 500 rounds through it.

    I've added the Tango Down charging handle (still undecided - probably not a required accessory), Tango Down stock latch (worth the money), and a 7.62 Battle Comp which should come with the rifle (most of the recoil reduction with less than half the blast/concussion of the OEM brake). I'm running a Blue Force/Vickers sling with Blue Force loop on the rear and a QD swivel on the rail up front.

    In my opinion, if you want a 7.62 battle rifle, this is the one to get. It has very respectable accuracy and shoots very softly for a 7.62 (compared to M1A, HK91, FALs I've had). I've got no issues with the stock and I don't think anyone outside of living on the frontlines somewhere would. The number of stocks I've heard of breaking is very, very few. There is a replacement stock for it in the works if it worries you...

    If you want decent accuracy and aren't looking for match-grade/sniper rifle groups, I can't think of a better set up for the money...


    Thanks man! Appeciate you and tac airlifter responding to my questions. I recently found a site that has them for $2480 which is the military/LE price. Right now they just have them in black and if I'm going to spend that kind of cash, I'm wanting to get exactly what I want and that's in FDE. Unfortunately they're out of those, but I think I'll pull the trigger when those come back in stock as you can't beat the price.

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