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Posts posted by busdriver

  1. It seems to me that this guy had his heart in the right place, however he gave up on his proper chain of command all together. He should have continued to up channel the problems through the proper chain while simultaneously telling the Ops guys about what he found. In this way he'd have a couple O-5s on his side while still being able to say he was following proper procedure.

    When you find that shit is seriously f'd up, it's time to find high ranking guys to back your play, not just for self preservation but because those guys can actually fix shit.

  2. Of all places, the 9th circuit court of appeals incorporates the 2nd amendment

    Interesting read to say the least.

    To add:

    We therefore conclude that the right to keep and bear

    arms is “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition.”

    Colonial revolutionaries, the Founders, and a host of commentators

    and lawmakers living during the first one hundred

    years of the Republic all insisted on the fundamental nature

    of the right. It has long been regarded as the “true palladium

    of liberty.” Colonists relied on it to assert and to win their

    independence, and the victorious Union sought to prevent a

    recalcitrant South from abridging it less than a century later.

    The crucial role this deeply rooted right has played in our

    birth and history compels us to recognize that it is indeed fundamental,

    that it is necessary to the Anglo-American conception

    of ordered liberty that we have inherited.17 We are

    therefore persuaded that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth

    Amendment incorporates the Second Amendment and

    applies it against the states and local governments.

  3. Yep, pretty accurate. The original intent of transferring CSAR to AFSOC was to combat that cycle. If CSAR forces have a secondary role as SOF, the thought was we could maintain our funding level in times of non-crisis. We never went full AFSOC though, it was in name only.

  4. According to the news, they were shot after pointing an AK at the Captain. In other words, this wasn't an approved rescue attempt it was the on scene commander taking action to prevent the possible loss of life. No doubt the President approved the ROE they were operating under, but to claim the president OKed a rescue plan is false.

    Either way, good job by all to include POTUS.

  5. The programs you mentioned were sole source awards and generally not nearly as expensive, hence less political.

    As to the "more joint" solution to the CSAR fleet, it could mean as Buddha pointed out that the 160th would take over the RV portion; but that would mean many more aircraft and crews, and they already have problems with getting as many crews as they want, so still not a cheap option. It could also mean that the AF would get a "joint" HH-XX (just buy the MH-47, an HH version of an MH-60M/S, etc.) this would be an approach similar to the JSF.

    Or I may be one of the last AF Helo pilots.

  6. I was told it is kind of throwing PCness back in the "man's" face, but way too many people take it waaaay too far. Especially when you say something intentionally double entendre as a joke and they toss that in. Kinda like not saying box or head, I get the history behind it, but do you have to use container in a written document?

  7. Why have dedicated CSAR forces: aside from the doctrine/dogma issue, if we ever end up in a conventional cross the fence to bomb the bad guys war, all other CSAR capable forces will be committed to doing their own jobs.

    That said, having CSAR forces sitting alert solely for recovering CFACC assets in an environment where Medevac forces are just as capable is stupid. CSAR forces should have a primary mission of CSAR, but have stated secondary missions that fall in line with the same skill sets. This isn't a new concept. MH-53s trained to a secondary mission of CSAR, I'd wager a guess that CV-22s do as well.

    While CONUS, CSAR units will assist the CG on as capable basis (ie no alert) if requested for through the RCC. Generally we only do civi SAR if the survivor(s) are far out to sea and getting there requires air refueling.

  8. Do you really think the stealth aspect is what is making the F-22 and JSF expensive? So you build a stealthy Eagle, how much will it cost to upgrade the avionics to JSF/Raptor standards? We'll just ignore the airframe age for the sake of this argument.

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