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Posts posted by EvilEagle

  1. The regular MiGs were no joke in the WVR arena, this one will be better. It's not a case of the jet beating you though. The Viper, Eagle and MiG are all relative in BFM, a lot depends on where you start and who's in the jet. The HMS/Archer combo was tough for us (Eagles) before the 9x/JHMCS but now we get the first shot. The MiG still BLOWS BVR, which is where the fight should happen vs either a Viper or an Eagle.

    [ 29. August 2005, 21:46: Message edited by: EvilEagle ]

  2. Tumbleweed: I know Magic, he's a good dude, but he wanted the 22 all along. He never wanted to go to another ops assignment, but he knew he wouldn't get a 22 right out of LN. He's the only guy that ever talked about it. We kinda leave him out of the picture... ;) There are a few of our former weapons officers flying. (Spanky at Tyndall, and I think one more somewhere).

    I'm going to Mountain Home when I get out of this Maxwell hell-hole. (yes, I'm at 3-letter "S-word" right now and hating life!) I'm excited about going to the goat. I've got some buds out there and I really like the area. I don't think it'll be easier to get into WIC, there are so many talented dudes in the Eagle community right now. It's still an uphill battle.

    Rainman: Nope, haven't been selected yet, still a hopeful. I actually haven't been eligible to apply yet -- January will be my first board, but really more like next summer class before there's even a chance. I'm truthfully shooting for the class starting in Jan 07'. I think that timeframe is do-able. (I hope!)

  3. I don't know that the 80/20 comparison is correct though Tumbleweed. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted ops-to-ops, and everyone that has be doing well at LN has wanted the same. In fact, I don't think we had any C-model guys ask for a 22 from the Reapers yet. Maybe it's just a base-thing? I do agree there are a lot of guys out there that want it, but I'd say it's more like 50/50 from that group you mentioned (hard charging 1st/2nd assignment guys).

    For my .02, I wanted to stay in the Eagle for WIC potential and because all the guys that are flying the Raptor (one of my TY classmates is finishing the TX now) like it, but they don't love it yet. They are show-pieces still and everything they do is under a microscope -- ask Shark Garner! I just love what I do, and love where the Eagle is going right now. Tumbleweed, good luck bro -- that is an awsome jet. I got ROLLED when we fought them, so take it easy on us old light-grey guys sometimes!!! ;)

  4. Not exactly the same kind of story, but close...

    I started flying when I was in High School because a friend of the family was an instructor. So, I did that then heard about ERAU and thought that would be cool, found out I couldn't afford it, then got the AF to pay for college. I thought at that point, I'd just be an AF geek of some sort.

    1996 Daytona Beach Air Show my best friend and I are walking around when the F-15 demo starts. We watch it (in amazement) and as he pulls up vertical right above us, my buddy hits me and says "Dude, they are going to pay us to do that $h!t" That's the first time I knew I wanted to fly Eagles.

  5. Yes, you can wash out in IFF and the B course, a lot of folks do. Somebody in every class has a hard time. Out of 8 in my B course, there was one that went to a prog check (1 ride from being gone), and one that struggled slightly less. Malibu (Giggy) didn't actually do as bad in the B course as it was made out on the show -- they added a lot of drama to try to make the show better.

  6. I'm also a ERAU Dayton grad. Class of 99. I did ROTC and got a degree in Computer Science. I couldn't afford ERAU, but the AF paid for it through a ROTC scholarship. Yes, ROTC there was asspain, but it got me where I wanted to be. I agree with the advice of not needing to have an aviation degree to fly for the AF.

  7. I wouldn't say that roller coasters are a good representative of G's in a fight. Like everyone else has said, you'll know when you get to UPT if you like it or not. You do build up G tolerance which helps a lot. It's not the 9g's that bother you really (usually not sustained unless you are at 5k' and about 450 in a C model or a clean Viper), it's the long sustained g's that most fighters can do -- 7.5 for about 60 seconds. That's the part that get's you when you are already tired, etc.

  8. Originally posted by zrooster99:

    Wonder why they didn't just put a helmet mounted cam on em...

    They did, they actually put multiple small camera's in, on and around Eagles for the shoots.

    Yes, none of the camera crews were allowed to ride on student rides, almost all of the airborne footage was of two instructors. (good guys too, one guy has over 3000 Eagle hours -- not many of those guys around)

  9. Originally posted by x-wing:

    I've been watching the some of the DVD and i noticed that the pilots always pull back on the stick with both hands. Do the IPs teach you to do this?

    It's a technique -- you have to pull ABSOLUTLY straight back with the Eagle (any side-stick and you'll get assymetric G-limits and an EASY over-G) So, a lot of dudes do breakturns with both hands (I do) because it's easier to get a straight pull.
  10. Originally posted by KickChick21:

    Outstanding! I remember him, he used to be stationed at Lakenheath, he was a SOF. We referred to him as The Ken Doll.

    Did it originally air with only 7 episodes, or is that just what's on the DVD?

    He was one of my roomates at Lakenheath -- that's a fairly accurate description. BUT, that dude can fly the jet! He's in the next Weapons School class...
  11. Yes, there is a 6 month requirement. Once you are on active duty, you can get in the program and get contacts (highly recommended) but you have to have been wearing them for 6 months or greater when you start UPT or you will have to fly with glasses till you get your wings.

  12. If you really want to know the major advances in fighter tactics, they basically all came from one man. Read "Boyd - The fighter pilot who changed the art of war" Specifically the first half. It talks about rate/radius diagrams (he developed them). It also talks about tactics from Korea through the development of the USAF Fighter Weapons School (he was an instructor). Definatley some good info in this book!

  13. We (C model dudes) don't do much Lowat stuff, but it is a currency that we have to keep. When we do Lowat, we don't fly routes, etc -- we just go fight air-to-air down low. It's a RAGE, but our airspace isn't setup very well for it at most C model bases.

  14. There are numerous options, but most people either go back to teach white jets (UPT), Smurf Jets (IFF) or ALO (Air Liason Officer) with the Army and call in airstrikes.

    Usually most people get back to their primary MWS. A lot of people will volunteer for a "bad deal" (aka Korea ALO) so they can have minimal time out of the jet (1 year) and they usually get their choice of bases.

    If you've gone ops-to-ops then you've probably expressed interest in going to Weapons School. After your second ops tour is up, you are PRIME for a remote tour or staff tour (something non-flying). Some guys do weasel their way into an RTU job or some other sort of flying gig, but it's fairly rare from what I've seen.

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