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Posts posted by EvilEagle

  1. Good write-up. I did the same thing at Mobile Downtown. 2 flights then the checkride. Cost me right at $1000 as well. I didn't have to do the sim IMC approach though. (Evaluator said I didn't have to do it since I had already demo'd in another aircraft). And my ground eval was maybe 30 mins. Other than that - painless process. The aircraft I had was a POS, but it was cheap-ish - $220/hour.

  2. What the fuck is it about C model guys that makes them feel the need to put themselves in the spotlight. First there was now we have The hardest working fighter pilot in America.

    I mean obviously this guy is the hardest working person in America - he is a father, husband, pilot, works long hours, goes TDY, gets his masters, does EVERY FUCKING THING EVERY OTHER PILOT IN THE AIR FORCE DOES! What an absolute embarrassment to the community. Not just the C model community, not just the fighter pilot community, and not even the pilot community as a whole - but the fucking MILITARY.

    This shit makes me sick. Evil Eagle - do you know this dipshit?

    Ok, two things -

    1 - nope, don't know him. Seems like this was a shameless attempt for $$$. Not what I'd do, and if I do ever run across him I'll flip him shit for it.

    2 - C'mon Toro! "why do C model dudes have to put themselves in the spotlight" You know enough of us, yes there are a few bad apples that make us look like jack-wagons (new commercial cracks me up) but every community has it's bad actors. We've gone through the community bashing time and time again on this board. As much as we are all getting kicked in the nuts with assignments and base closures, none of us are exactly in the spotlight.

  3. Did you have to get special permission from the Wing/CC at Tyndall to do that? Very nice Glassair!

    Thanks fellas. It was pretty short notice. We had a by-name hire for my wife to go to Tyndall (WSEP) but then she got Pensacola instead. (commander issues) Anyway, we had already done 12 months (of the 13 we'd been married) apart, so we didn't want to do another 2 years. The drive is about 3 hours (when it's not spring break traffic) so we couldn't even live in the middle. Buying a small plane was just the best thing (and coolest) that we could come up with.

    I'm lucky that Tyndall has an aeroclub onbase, so it's easy to get permission to land if you are an aeroclub member. It's been working out pretty good, been commuting for about 9 months now. Went with the Glasair because it's 150 knots at about 7.5 gph. It's NOT roomy though. We're happy - first plane so it's a learning experience.

    Brabus: I take that as a compliment! :rock:

  4. You have got to be kidding me?!? I've been in the Air Force nearly 4 years and they are going to force to me to live on base? I might just have to get married real quick for tax and housing purposes....

    I heard that they are letting 2-3 dudes go together and get a house on base instead of having to live in dorms or whatever. Might be a better option if it's available (and you are stuck onbase).

  5. You haven't been in long enough then.

    My wife and I were both at Mtn Home, then I got an assignment to Tyndall. We got a by-name hire for her to go to TY as well (at the WEG) and her Mtn Home CC/AFPC would not support it. So, now she's at Pensacola, I'm at Tyndall. There are worse assignments, but there is NO reason she should be at Tydall. Big Blue just doesn't care about families that are both rated.

  6. 10 additional years or 10 years initially in the Air Force are 10 great years of job security, amazing opportunities and you get to have one of the coolest jobs around... In today's world people who do not want to do 20 I think are crazy, granted military life can be taxing, but the benefits/job enjoyment far outway the sacrifices.

    And how long have you been on Active Duty to know enough to judge those getting out after their 10? If you're closing in on your first 10 years in the military, you are entitled to that opinion, if not, STFU.

    I'm about 11 in and I know people getting out at 16, it all depends on the fit for the family and the USAF. Big Blue isn't taking care of it's people like it used to, I can't blame guys for getting out.

  7. I just got passed up in ROTC for a rated slot, so I won't be flying in the AF unless they pull me from the alt list; I'm not counting on it. Anyways, I want to fly for a career once I get out of the AF and as of now have ASEL Comm and CFI, working on CFI-I and AMEL Comm. Not only do I want to fly while on AD, but I want to instruct and build hours. I have several questions that I will put below.

    Assuming there is an aeroclub on base, would I be allowed to instruct on the side? If none on base, how about instructing off base?

    What are the clubs normally like? What kinds of a/c do they usually have? Just light singles or twins too?

    Would I even be able to work there, or is it normally old guys who have been around forever and won't leave?

    Would most LTs even have time to instruct due to workload?

    Sorry you didn't get a pilot slot. Keep applying, you never know what will happen.

    Many of the aeroclubs are going away, but the ones I've seen usually have civilians running the show. I have no doubt that if they need another instructor, you could work there. The club at Tyndall just doesn't have enough business to warrant two instructors. They have a few guys who will instruct there occasionally, but not full time.

    The aeroclubs I've seen are light twin's only.

    Good luck!

  8. Steve, there may be new knee-jerk reactions coming down the pipe (STS) from big blue about the time between the G ex and high G maneuvers. I totally agree with Beerman that it doesn't make a hill of beans difference, but a recent high-G "incident" with an experienced Eagle guy has some non-fighter dudes raising eyebrows that it was about 40 mins between the G ex and the G incident. Hopefully we'll get no additional guidance but skulls up - it could be a new "safety" requirement... :banghead:

  9. Alarm Red - one of us is clearly getting the wrong message. I'm wondering if that load out is the Day one configuration (fully LO, no external pylons). If so, I can't imagine all that fitting in a fighter.

    I hear you about the strikes needing lots of gas. I didn't put Hogs in the mix because - everyone knows there's no replacement for a Hog. If you are doing a lot of CAS (I'm asking here) - wouldn't you rather have a 2 ship of strikes (with lots more iron) than a 2 ship of vipers? Yes, it costs more gas, but the amount of iron is a big difference.

  10. SNAP talk abounds these days! If you've been gone, have family duties or are just worn out - don't show up on Friday. However, it is part of your job to spread camaraderie with your brothers in arms. If you skip out on part of your job, you have to pay a fine. If any USAF member on flight pay can't afford the $1 fine, you've got bigger issues. SUCK IT UP and pay the money, it helps keep the bar running for those in your squadron that care about traditions. Consider it your tax for being in a flying squadron and not keeping up the heritage! :banghead:

    My first squadron charged $5 if you weren't there, but noone bitched because that's part of the job. Like someone else said, stay for one beer/coke/story/whatever - but show some support.

  11. I'm starting to think each community is getting drastically different F-35 briefs. I've seen quite a lot of completely wrong info posted here about it...at least wrong compared to the info/briefs I've seen. I'm not in the know, but I do know what I've seen on powerpoint presentations and SIPR, and it doesn't correlate to things on this site. I expect wrong info posted by those without the access, but surprising to see those with the access. I don't really care, just an observation.

    And like superwso said, with no real replacement for either the Bone or Mudhen on the near horizon, I think WSOs have a good amount of time left.

    I think it depends on which kool-aid you are drinking. I've been to the factory, seen the "timeline" they are on - and the problems they are dealing with. The capabilities as they stand right now are just not all that great - and seeing all the problems we are having keeping Raptors in the air doesn't give a lot of positive feedback to look at the future of the F-35. From what I've seen/heard/talked to people about, we haven't learned enough from the mistakes made on the 22 design. Hopefully I'm wrong and the F-35 is the best thing in the sky, but somehow I doubt it.

  12. I'm not in a position to know much about the future of WSOness, but talking about the Strike Eagle vs. JSF, what exactly can't it do that the Strike Eagle can? Also I'm not sure many people consider the Strike Eagle to have remarkably long endurance. I don't know when the last F-15E was made either, but last time I was through BAF there were some with 7,000 hours on them - that's old as shit to most people.

    If you haven't gotten the gouge yet - the F-35 is shaping up to be quite the POS. It will be able to carry less than a Viper - that alone should tell you it can't replace the strike pig.

    The Strike Eagle has legs longer than most fighters - def longer than other fighters carrying bombs. AND the gas it carries doesn't mess with it's ability to carry lots of iron (in most cases).

    Strikes are not all that old, I flew a C model back from Langley to LN in 2004 with 2 brand-new strikes - they had less than 5 hours on them. The Panthers got 15 or so new jets in 04. The F-15SG line is still open, so we could actually buy more if the money was there.

  13. Does this mean more classes at Tyndall then? Or opening the rumor mill of more classes there anyway? Or is everyone still slated for K-Falls?

    Still unknown. We were told a 6 month slip, then a 90 day slip, then "well, uh... we don't know". So we are still standing by to standby. The 2FS is supposed to close in Apr (original plan) and the 95 in the fall. No for sure words yet, no jets leaving for the boneyard or anywhere else yet. We are just flying what we've got and doing lots of RDS right now. :bash:

  14. Just pure conjecture, but I would think there's still at least a few more C models to be dropped in the future. Definitely very limited, but I wouldn't think we've seen the no shit last one.

    We just got told to expect at least a 6 month slip in our closing, I think we'll see more Eagle drops.


  15. We got the message today that officially the wing is planning on at least a 6 month slip to the closing timeline. There was a congressional policy letter that got forwarded to us a few weeks ago. It proposed a new study or something that would add 6 months onto the timeline for the closure. We still don't have any official word either way, but I wouldn't mind if we got extended for a bit!

  16. Word from the ACES guys is that based on the sequencing, Capt Udell was likely close to subsonic when he actually left the Jet.

    The current Fastest Man Alive is "Lucky" Shultz.

    636knots in a block 50 from Shaw in full AB pointed straight down.

    Also badly beaten up and all-around awesome guy.

    Also, Jon "Jughead" Counsell - he punched as a student in the C model after a GLOC. He ejected at 1.14m. Took him 2 years to learn to walk, but I flew Eagles with him a few years ago. See his story (and many others) here: http://www.ejection-history.org.uk/Aircraft_by_Type/f-15.htm

  17. I flew the AT-6B and did an assessment for the USAF, performance is truly excellent. In the clean configuration the aircraft will do positive energy loops up 10 16K, as I recall I was able to gain 300' doing a loop at 12K. Adding weapons (rockets, .50 Cal guns, and bombs), as well as a sensor pod will increase the weight and drag, but in my opinion the AT-6B still has plenty of performance even for Afghanistan.

    Has anyone flown it with all the external stores? I know that the basic airframe is very capable, but I still wonder what the survivability is of a low, slow (relatively) single engine aircraft carrying all that stuff that you need to get fairly close to your work. Again, I hope it's the right airframe for it, the mission sounds like a blast and something I'd be interested in since I'm on my last tour in the Eagle. I just hope that we actually test the combat version (in it's final form) in an area that is similar to what we are buying it for. (current AORs) Anyone know of any plans to do that?

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