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Posts posted by EvilEagle

  1. Sorry M2 but your dead wrong. I have owned 3 Aprilia's (RSV, Tuono, and a Futura) and had not had a single mechanical problem that was major. Only issue was a turn signal switch breaking, and that was covered under warranty on the RSV. I have put over 20k miles on those bikes and loved every single minute of it. Do some research and you will retract your statement.

    Find yourself a dealer down there in TX and go for a test ride....I wont be surprised if you end up buying one.

    I suggest www.af1racing.com or www.apriliaforum.com Some great info!!


    I've had my Mille R for about 10k miles now (about 3 years) and I love it! I've had absolutley zero problems with it. It's been a true joy to own. I had two Duc's before that and countless japanese bikes. The Mille is the heat!

    Also "2" about www.apriliaforum.com!

  2. Without getting too classified The F-16 beats the F-15 in every regime of every arena every time period dot. Substituting an Arrow or a 172 for the F-16, the F-15 has a slight advantage only negated by the skills of the average private pilot in said arenas.


    Wow. Here we go...

    Clearly a wealth of knowledge and experience.

  3. I race motorcycles (Aprilia Mille now...). It's a hobby, but you can't get too attached. I spent all winter getting my bike ready and signing up for all the races I could. Now I'm 3 weeks into a 2 1/2 month TDY (short notice) during which I'll miss about 6 race weekends. Oh well, them's just the breaks...

  4. "Dead Bug" is the command of execution. When refering to it, it's the "Deceased Insect Game". A friend of mine who was an Intel Col back in the Regan days enlightened me on it. Basically while everyone was drinking someone would shout "DEAD BUG" and the last person to make it to the floor would buy drinks. Usually there was some question about who was last and the event would be repeated for several times throught the evening. Obviously there were many injuries related to suddenly hurling yourself backwards off a bar stool onto the floor, so the base commander took it upon himself to address this at the next Officers Call. So, in an auditorium of folks dressed in blues the General began with this statement "It's come to my attention that many of you have been injured in a drinking game called 'Dead Bug'...". The statement was never finished due to the fact that everyone had thrown themselves to the ground with their arms and legs in the air! Good times!

    In addition, the person that says deceased insect must produce an actual deceased insect or he/she buys the round, not the last person on the floor. This part of it has been left out quite a bit in recent years, it is a very important part of the game.

  5. Anyone on here ever ridden up at Deal's Gap - the Dragon? I rode my first Harley Low Rider there - awesome ride!

    I grew up about an hour from there, been riding it since I was a kid. Great road, but it was much better back in the mid-90's, not as many people knew about it and the cops left us alone.

    I currently race a 00 Mille R, but I cant upload pics for some reason. Anyone else race at MMP?

  6. From talking to the Viper dudes here, Hal isn't supposed to give them more than 9 g's, sometimes it happens though. And, sometimes they are expecting 9 and Hal only gives them 7.5.

    When they get more than 9, they have to go through the tapes frame by frame, they count the total number of frames that were above 9, then refer to some table with fuel weight, PA, etc to determine if it's an over-G.

  7. Originally posted by UWpilot:

    One more question, are the pilots more inclined to stay in their sqd bars or go to the O club?

    We normally stay in our squadron bars unless there is "mandatory fun" at the O-club. It really depends though, we hit the club occationally.
  8. A buddy and I took 2 Eagles to an airshow in Norway a few years ago. Great party, but loads of the same questions. Lots on the ramp (as expected) but some in the hospitality tent:

    Brit Jag mx guy: Hey are you the Eagle guys?

    Us: Yup

    BJMG: What's your real name? (Had my Evil nametag on)

    Me: Capt so & so...

    BJMG: Oh Capt so&so, you are the pilot for 86-160, and you fly with the "Hitman" callsign don't you?

    US: Uh... geez...

    TY airshow a few years ago...

    Old dude: When did we used to fly these birds?

    Me: (standing next to one of 75 Eagles on the ramp) Uh, yesterday I think...

    Old dude: Really? I didn't think we flew anything that wasn't brand new.

    Me: What country are you from? Do they need pilots there?

  9. Yes we say "blivit" -- if you are in the vault or referring to a b-word in a tactical environment, then we use the actual terminology ("JDAM", "GBU-15", etc..)

    The C-model community is crazy with all the other words we can't say. Not everybody buys into it fully and it even varies squadron-to-squadron.

    Rainman: No shit, broken record... we don't like not having a job to do either. ONE isn't exactly "tactical" you know...

    If anyone thinks that it's the Eagle drivers that are too proud to change missions, you are kidding yourself! We want to go to the fight. My squadron was all set up to start straffing, but ACC dropped the hammer on us.

    As far as b-words go, it's not like we can just strap those things on (STS). We don't have the appropriate software to support any new weapons.

  10. Originally posted by Toro:

    They're both correct, you're missing the point - they're talking about different types of flights. You would be getting an incentive ride, not FAM.

    We fly cadets on ops air force, and they are all FAM rides. I've never seen a cadet get an ncentive ride.
  11. I'm a big Boyd fan, so I second whitman on "The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War"


    "First Light" by Geoffrey Wellum

    RAF Spit pilot in WW2 -- awsome read

    "Fighter Boys" by Patrick Bishop

    Good overall coverage about the effect that the RAF (and Eagle squadrons) had on the Battle of Britain

  12. I would recomend it. If we have cadets that are in town for Ops Air Force or something we can sometimes give them a fam ride. Fam rides are the same as when we fly the flight doc -- we do a normal sortie. If you don't have the card, we can't do anything but an incentive ride and you'd be at the bottom of a very long list for those.

    BFM for us starts at 20k' so you couldn't even do that.

  13. There are guys in my squadron that went through both. K-falls is a great area, and they get a lot more tankers for the b-coursers (fight-tank-fight's are fun).

    From my .02 as an IP, it seems that the guys that go through TY get a bit better training. As for the women, it all depends on where you live and what time of year you go there. But, it's always the redneck rivera no matter what time of year...

    [ 17. October 2006, 21:52: Message edited by: EvilEagle ]

  14. Originally posted by SnakeT38:

    Anyone know if Mike Love is still in the USAF,

    he was a PIT when I went through the second time

    in 97, then he went to Vance and moved up pretty fast for a B-1 guy. I remember him getting the F-15, they were handing them to ANYBODY that asked along with other jets since the "line to get out"


    Makin' is still in. He's on the Saudi exchange right now...
  15. I'd say (like most things) it depends. If you are one of those dudes that yells at yourself when you f$#k up (like I used to do), or yells at someone else when they f$#k up, do yourself a favor and turn the intercom down after you title in.

    For a while, dudes will want to hear your G-strain, so you might have to at least keep the intercom up for that. I had to stop my cussing habits (or at least try) once I became an IP because I talk into my tapes about stuff the stud is doing.

  16. The cost associated isn't that much for the gov. It's a VERY normal thing, most of the guys in my old squadron at LN bought new cars over there because it's cheaper and they ship them back for you for free. If you do ship it back, make sure your insurance covers you -- the gov only insures them to $20k or something.

    It depends on the state and how long you've had the car as far as the tax issue goes.

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