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Posts posted by FourFans

  1. Perhaps a stupid question, but shouldn't an event like this be handled by the uniformed cops and an attorney showing up at his work, or even his home during dinner, with a warrant and taking him into custody?  The no-knock raid by 35 un-uniformed dudes armed for full assault in unmarked cars has a very gangland feel.  There's gotta be more to this story.

  2. 2 hours ago, uhhello said:

    Russia/Ukraine war pushing the boundaries on modern warfare yet again.  Tanks are apparently being targeted.  



    Considering the unbiased source and their historic proven track record of finding and then publishing all the details of the stories they cover, I'm sure CNN has gotten a complete picture of what's going on there.  I mean, they obviously talked to at least one tank crew, so surely they've got a circumspect view.

    //Sarcasm - off//

    I was shadowed by two CNN crews for a day, once in Iraq, once in Afghanistan, against my will while flying C-130's with multiple stops in theater.  My crew and I outright refused to talk to them.  Both of those CNN teams published articles that were completely fabricated and included exaggerations of danger encountered and even went so far as to quote my crews and their supposed negative opinions of their experiences in combat.  I had several other crews report similar events with both CNN and Fox reporters.  Never trust a single word of their field reporting that you can't corroborate from a third party source.  Beyond that, I've had several other events with CNN reporters.  They lie outright.  CNN and it's reporters have no integrity and they exist solely to push whatever agenda they choose that day.

    I have no doubt that tanks are bullet magnets.  They're kinda supposed to be.  Modern combat is evolving fast, and I have sincere doubts that Ukrainian tank crews are able to keep up.  Enthusiasm can only get you so far.  Tactical proficiency is mandatory.  They're definitely behind  the power curve right now.

  3. 1 hour ago, contraildash said:

    Curious if it is a TOLD thing or just preference.

    I remember watching Harriers doing partial down vectored takeoffs routinely at Kandahar as well.  Always puzzled me as the airfield should have been plenty long enough.  I would speculate it's a procedural thing.

    • Like 1
  4. On 5/24/2024 at 6:35 PM, Smokin said:

    The last vaccine rollout went so smoothly with a highly effective vaccine and zero reported problems, so let's just run that play again...

    ...sounds exactly like the USAFA offensive coaching staff.   Run the option again, they'll never see it coming...

    • Haha 1
  5. 22 hours ago, gearhog said:

    I think the probability is high our adversaries realize their best opportunity to create the most destabilization in the US is during the next 6 months.

    Why do you think that?  It's not like we have a weak-on-international-policy presidential administration right now.  I mean, come on...look at how secure our own borders are!  I'm sure the world is more than happy with the limp-wristed enforcement of our international presence right now.  Nothing to see here. 

    /sarcasm switch - off/

    • Haha 2
    • Upvote 2
  6. 25 minutes ago, BashiChuni said:

    You speak like you know exact Russian military objectives.

    No, he speaks like he understands the dynamics of modern high-intensity ground conflict.  His points about non-static defense and breakthroughs are spot on.  

  7. 3 hours ago, BashiChuni said:

    here come the excuses

    let me guess the ukranian offensive last year failed because they were out of shells.

    Did you write that article a while back about the F-22 pilot not being able to fly because he was distracted by not being able to breath?  Classic Chang

  8. 8 hours ago, Bropofol said:

    Hello! Mid twenties working in healthcare with few logged hours under my belt. Been considering a career change and try for a guard spot. Current job is somewhat interesting and rewarding, but it just feels like a job and like I am putting my life on pause until I clock out. Does flying ever start feeling like that? I have read enough from pilots leaving service to understand there is a lot of desk work and duties outside of flying, but at the end of the day you still get to do some amazing flying, with amazing people, wear flight suits, and all the prestigious things that come with being a pilot. It just feels childish to quit a stable career I built so far to start from 0 with no guarantee it would work out. Cheers in advance for any advice !

    Any and all occupations can feel like nothing more than a job after a given amount of time.  How you view it is 100% up to you.  If you're a pessimist at heart, you'll be pessimistic about it.  Likewise if you're an optimist. 

    It's all perspective.  Choose yours, every single day, wisely.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, herkbum said:

    So what’s the deal with this SWA/UAL feud?

    UA new hire jumpseated with a SWA crew, then filed an ASAP on that crew without telling them she was doing it.

  10. 3 hours ago, HuggyU2 said:

    Looking for opinions on the CZ series of handguns.  Many are DPRK compliant. None of the ranges near me have any to rent.  

    BX sells:

    CZ 75 SP-01

    CZ 75 Compact

    CA 75 D PCR Compact


    Move to Florida.  Seriously.  I've seen multiple CZ's at my local indoor range.  And that's saying I've also seen guns that simply shouldn't be at my local indoor range.  For real, the guys here don't care WHAT you shoot so long as you're professional about HOW you shoot.  I haven't hit the less-than-local outdoor range yet...but it's 1000+m long.   I'd imagine @ClearedHot could definitely say more to shooting around here.

  11. 5 hours ago, brabus said:

    Meh, the 401k is going to be taxed at a 96.9% rate by the time I retire. Might as well spend more money now on shit that is way more useful and life enriching - not stressing over not quite making a max. Dying with millions in the bank isn’t my jam…but leaving 5 airplanes and an undisclosed amount of guns and knives to my kids is!

    quoted for posterity.  Immensely.   Maybe not FIVE airplanes....but yes.  

  12. On 4/28/2024 at 12:05 PM, fire4effect said:

    Do your job right and you get out without anyone knowing who you are and I'm perfectly ok with that.

    Gotta second this statement.  It applies in almost every situation.  When I retired from the AFRC, dudes were calling me the next few UTAs wondering where the hell I was.  It's my goal in my current airline job to retire and have the bobs see the paperwork and say "who?"

  13. 15 hours ago, uhhello said:

    I hope to god we're innovating like we did in those earlier years.  

    We are, but not how or where you might think.  A very good friend of mine was heavy into the test world while on active duty.  He's now retired and teaching AI how to conduct aerial combat.  In his words, he's now doing far more to help the war fighter than he ever did before.

    • Upvote 1
  14. On 4/27/2024 at 8:55 AM, herkbier said:

    Welcome to the jungle, lead in with banging on trash cans

    ...and kicking doors...

  15. On 4/26/2024 at 10:49 PM, brabus said:

    G48 with a vortex defender is my carry gun. Put a better trigger on it to really up the awesomeness. I’ve also had good luck with Shield Arms S15 mags…31 rds on me at all times, even in shorts and t-shirt. 

    I still haven't found a holster that I thoroughly like.  Currently an alien gear.  Thinking of trying the vnsh.  Any recommendations?

  16. 2 hours ago, DirkDiggler said:

    Ole Buddy Lee isn’t someone you should casually trust/turn your back on.  He’s one of Dag Andersen’s boys. 

    Encountered him at Ramstein while he was on staff.  Immediate impression was that he's a back-stabbing douchebag turd snorkler.

  17. These are students and this is learned behavior.  Punish the students, yes.  They are adults and deserve adult consequences.  But nothing will change until the source of the behavior is addressed.  Parents?  Teachers?  Media?  Political leaders?  I don't have that answer.  My gut says that until we get conservative, intelligent, and sincere leaders in our country, it won't end.

    BTW: This is precisely why you use corporal punishment with your kids when they are young.  If you don't issue physical pain as a consequence to your kids, someone else will have to later.

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