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Posts posted by sky_king

  1. I agree with some of you that the government has no place spending its people's money going into space. As much as I'd like to keep paying for the awesomeness of space, I feel companies that work for a profit could do it better. You can't say that velcro came from a government run space program, therefore we'd never have velcro if the government wasn't dumping money into the space program. A civilian program would have likely come up with something similar (and for a cheaper price tag no doubt).

    Somebody please tell me anything that any goverment does better than a civilian contracter would do with some proper competition.

  2. I remember the "get the ammo container from the platform without touching the rocks" thing. I just grabbed a branch laying on the ground, reached out, lifted up the container and brought it back behind the line. The field training instructors shit themselves and I ended up doing pushups. Leave it to the government to punish an idea that takes one person, 30 seconds and $0 to implement as opposed to a committee of 8, 10 minutes and succeeds only 50% of the time.

  3. TIB has been at the frontlines of every major conflict...

    "Korean War"

    "Bob Hope Show"

    "Operation Enduring Freedom"

    "Mount Rushmore"

    Some pretty rough locations there. The first chick in the video I thought was Tyra Banks being over dramatic and it took me until abou 4 minutes in to realize that it wasn't an Onion video.

  4. For the visual learner....


    Note the diamonds on their rank. This is a picture circa Sept, 2009, of the "Desert Diamonds." The thing that strikes me the most about the picture is that most of them could probably care less about the flag hanging at half-staff in the background as compared to busting people's chops about reflective belts and sunglasses on the head.

    Desert Diamonds: After Dark

    * artist's rendition


  5. In their defense, they are rendering a salute. Therefore, if that airplane took a hard right 90 degree turn and then continued taxiing forward for 69 seconds and had break failure, each person would only have a few precious minutes to make personal decision between breaking rank and running for their life or dying via Indiana Jones method. Because nobody died immediately after, we can safely say that less that $30 of reflective technology saved 12+ lives on the ground, an aircrew and several million dollars in Air Force Assets.

  6. Just had a septoplasty and tubinate reduction because I was about 80% blocked in the right nostral and 40% blocked in the left nostral. Currently, I am 28 hours post op and this shit sucks. Constant blood oozing out of my nose and I can't breath through my nose at all due to the swelling.

    Anyone have this surgery before that can offer words of encouragement or tips they used to make the recovery easier? I can't wait until Wednesday when these splints come out of my nose.

  7. I don't know. If we allow people to fly flags, maybe they'll start standing up when the flag passes them in parades or start taking the pledge of allegience in elementary school again. Who knows, people might take some pride in their nation and work to keep it the greatest country in the world. I'm just saying, it's a slippery slope.

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