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Posts posted by hispeed7721

  1. It's definitely not "out there" to go to UPT when you're 29/30+. As long as your class start date is prior to your 30th bday, I don't think you need a waiver (you'll have to check me on that). But even after that you can get an age waiver (there is literally a waiver for everything)...and that's for active duty, ANG and AFR. Don't let a recruiter tell you no. In my UPT class there were 4 of us that were over 30.

    If it's something you want to do, keep asking and pushing. Find the regs, and if a recruiter tells you no, show them the regs. They may not know, or they may not want to do the work to push a waiver. In any case, it's certainly still a possibility for you if you decide it's the path you want to pursue.

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  2. So... word on the street is Kirtland's pretty much done with the HC legacy course... i.e. soon to be HC-Js only. What happens to the Guard/Reserve bubbas coming out of LR? (or even brand new UPT grads). 

    I'm assuming in-house training at individual ANG/AFRES units could be a possibility for LR grads. Fresh out of UPT folks though... maybe Dobbins and then back home for the HC bit? 

    Anyone have the latest on this?

    I was under the impression that AC and EC were the only variants still going through LR, that everyone else had already cut LR entirely

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  3. Personally, I think that's very realistic. When I was at UPT, lunchtime Sunday until last duty Friday was 100% UPT. When I wasn't at the squadron studying I was in my office studying or at another students house studying. But Friday-Sunday was 0% UPT and very much needed decompression time.

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  4. have been chair flying on video games since the age of six.

    Hahaha that's...well that's something I guess

    So as a prior nav turned pilot - yes, you can definitely have a great career as a CSO. Unless you can't handle people giving you crap for being a CSO, then you're going to hate life.

    The airframes you mentioned probably aren't going anywhere anytime soon, but things can and do change, sometimes very quickly. So trying to plan out over a decade away for airframes, that's difficult.

    Marketable to civilian flight world...nope. At least not from a flying perspective. Development/engineering definitely. Just don't plan on being in the seat in the civilian world unless you get your civilian ratings, but then your CSO flight time won't count towards, so you have to account for that.

    Don't let people talk you out of it because you're "not a pilot." I obviously haven't experienced every community out there, but from my little corner of the AF, it was a great time.

    Also don't give up on being a pilot if that's what you really want. There's a waiver for just about everything, and it takes some digging to find something that will flat out disqualify you. If being a pilot is your dream, keep going for it.

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  5. Yah, I was referring to the line specific to the form 215. Again, no clue how they will look at it on the board. one question though, how would a captain's push note go against a brand new lieutenants push note? Seems like the captain would definitely have an edge. Or do they look at your year group and match you up against others in your year group? Just curious. 

    For that 215 specific ranking, it's not going to be detrimental to you at all, because you're the only one applying and that ranking has to be filled out.

    For Lt vs Capt, just like Argo said, hopefully the Capt has some more responsibility and therefore some stronger bullets.

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  6. Yeah I'm familiar with the 215...just from their wording it seemed like their raters wrote in 1/1 in their bullets section, hence my comment.

    Flyingforce and Nh26 - if y'all were referring to the line specific to the 215, then forget what I said in reference to the board. Definitely keep it in mind for OPR's though.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Flyingforce said:

    That's the first time I've had anyone comment on that, and I've been asking around trying to figure out how a 1/1 strat will help or not... Unfortunately, obviously out of my control, I was the only one in my wing to apply. How will the board look at this opposed to say a 3/6 strat? 

    I've never sat on a rated selection board, so I can't really offer how that will/won't affect things. While the push line is the most important, for a rated board/OPR/etc the rest of your bullets do help as well.  I certainly wouldn't stress over it, just some future advice :thumbsup:

  8. On 15 Jan,2016 at 0:27 AM, Flyingforce said:

    LOL! I have a 1/1 wing strat with a 77 pcsm... I have absolutely no clue where I stand! Pretty nervous though


    On 25 Jan,2016 at 3:20 PM, Nh26 said:

    Well, the board starts today! Good luck to everyone. What does everyone think it will take to get an RPA slot? I have a 79 PCSM with a 1/1 strat.


    For you guys with 1/1 "strats"...(obviously it isn't relevant for this year's board) for future OPR's or if you apply to anything in the future...make sure things like that are left off. Its a complete waste of white space to have a number like that, and it really isn't a stratification. If you're the only one in whatever sample your rater is looking at, obviously you're number 1.  It hurts you more than it helps you. 

    Don't take any of this as a downer to your chances this year. That's not my point. Just trying to offer some advice and things I've experienced, both as the rater and the ratee.

  9. words

    Through all the complaining, there are some very real issues with the AF. Some of it is just the kind of sport bitching you'll find in any career field. I'm AD and have been for my entire time. I personally don't have a whole lot of complaints, but there are a few.

    It seems like you're at least ahead of some guys, understanding that you're not going to show up day 1 and have it all figured out. There's some unavoidable naivety, but that comes with anything. There's some great guard bros here that can help you out with that side of things, but really just don't show up and act like a douche and you'll be off on the right foot

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  10. You'll learn over time that 75% of everything in the AF is timing and luck. Make sure the 25% that you can control is as strong as possible, and beyond that don't sweat what you can't change.

    Your numbers do look strong; that being said, there are some things you can do to improve. If you do decent on the TBAS, think about the risk/reward of taking it a second time. If you do worse the second time, too bad, they take your second score no matter what.

    Look at the flight hours required to raise your PCSM. Fly as much as possible and raise your score there. Other than that, you can't do much on the numbers side of things.

    If for some reason you don't get picked up on your first go around, read my first sentence. If this is something you want to do, persistence and dedication will come in very handy.

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  11. Just got out of "13 Hours".

    One of the better movies I've seen in bit for multiple reasons. The filming and feel of it was great. I love John Krasinski, but after The Office I didn't know how well he would fit as a team guy. The entire cast was spot on in their roles. It definitely didn't feel like a normal Michael Bay film, where the explosions need explosions for their explosions.

    It was a very tense and engrossing movie from start to finish. I liked that they kept politics directly out of it, at least compared to how it could have been. In the end, it was about honoring the men involved, not smearing government officials.

    It's a complete gut wrencher, but still a must see

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  12. The cinematography was outstanding but I wasn't really impressed by the movie as a whole.

    That was the vibe I got from it when I saw the first previews. I am a fan of both DiCaprio and Hardy, and usually love the outdoors/survival movies but something about it just said "meh" to me

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  13. Rocky's are the most comfortable boots I've ever worn, but the Oakley's are a close second...having them issued makes them even more comfortable.

    Do people really care about boots?

    There was a brief time in my last squadron at Hurlburt when a Good Idea Fairy decided that boots should be a mandatory item on checkrides but that only lasted about 48 hours.

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