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Posts posted by hispeed7721

  1. More important than all the tactical ninja stuff is understanding the law of self defense.


    Too many people think they can just carry a gun and shoot anyone who threatens them, with no negative repercussions. Having the requisite knowledge to understand the law as well as your rights after you've used your carry weapon is incredibly important

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  2. As soon as you show up and get in processed, talk with the STUS FLT/CC. Like viper said, if it's something legit and you actually do your part getting in processed they should at least be willing to work with you. Just don't let it get you in a situation where you are showing up late coming back and get you in a rut from the get go

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  3. Can an ART take a military leave of absense from their civilian job. ie: can i keep my airline seniority if i get picked up by the reserves? I know i can keep it up through seasoning but will i be forced to quit after that?

    Check out the "leaving the AF for the airlines" thread, its been discussed there. I'm fairly certain there is a legal requirement that you keep your seniority

    I will be putting in for the upcomming UPT board but I'm a little conused on the submittion date.  On the recruiting website the powerpoint says packages are due dec 15 but i've been seeing on the internet that the date was moved up to November sometime.  Where did this change come from and why is it not on the Official website?

    You may be confusing the active duty rated board with the OTS UPT board. The active duty rated board is for already commissioned active duty officers, and that board has had a submission date of November for the past 6-9 years at least. I have no clue about the OTS board.

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  4. There have been some rumors floating around about bombers starting to drop from the T-1 side.

    The latest word I heard from UPT bases involved track select becoming 3 fold instead of just T1/T38. It would consist of: heavy (T1 only), fighter (T38 only) and bomber (T38 to start then transition to T1 at some point)

    I don't think it's the most insane idea I've ever heard, but no clue as to it's validity

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  5. Stupid question I’m sure, does the Air Force allow its pilots to plan flights with an EFB like ForeFlight?

    Does the AF explicitly allow it? No clue. Do we do it all the time? Definitely.

    We can't use ForeFlight (along with the stratus puck) for primary navigation or weather avoidance, but it sure makes for a good SA builder in the air.

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