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Everything posted by hispeed7721

  1. It was a good action movie...it had its moments of good tension and I got pretty into it, but only as a movie. I felt a lot more invested in Act of Valor
  2. IF those are your only two options, take it out of the Roth. Let me be clear that I wouldn't chose either if it was me. Any Roth withdrawals are ALWAYS tax/penalty free. That's the point of a Roth. You pay taxes on the front end so the gains are non-taxable. I'm not sure where you're getting this idea that you only get a "one time house withdraw" with the Roth
  3. Not endorsing any of your ideas, but if you have a Roth, it's already taxed and you can pull as much out (sts) as you want w/o penalty. Your original posts makes it seem that you think you are penalized and taxed for withdrawing money, which is not true. Just want to make sure you make a decision with correct information :)
  4. Even the most firearm-illiterate person can change a magazine in well under 1 minute. Horrible argument. And now there's 40 clips to a magazine? Awesome! For some reason I was under the impression that clips hasn't been used in decades, silly me
  5. Is there a silly airplane flown by silly people? That might fit the bill for some people better :D
  6. That is EXACTLY what is happening, both past and present. Basically every single defining piece of "assault weapon" is from looks. If it LOOKS scary, then it's an assault weapon. They have no idea what the actual functions are. Do you guys remember this interview? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSPrHl_6bO4&sns=em
  7. Checks. As long as there are two separate standards there is a line in the sand that can't be overcome by adding people to different career fields
  8. Oops! I guess I didn't read it carefully enough...that DOES change things I think. I agree much more with you now, I don't really think the city can (or should) mandate something like that. That should probably be left up to the company to decide if it wants to mandate a change of that scale l
  9. Granted private property is a good thing, but they didn't HAVE to use that electric company. If they wanted to figure out some other way to get electricity they wouldn't have to do the conversion. But if they are going to choose to have the benefit of that electric company I think they don't really have a leg to stand on with this. I'm surprised the company didn't just turn it off as ^^ suggested
  10. That professor seems to be a bit out of touch... If you can say a part of the Constitution is "no longer relevant in today's society" then doesn't the idea and purpose of the Constitution suddenly disappear?! What a hack...good on everyone of those guys that showed up and said what they did.
  11. :applause: :applause: :applause: That's outstanding
  12. Definitely one ill be looking forward to...it might be a shallow movie but the action looks great
  13. There is pretty much zero pistol ammo available in NW Florida. All .40, .380, and 9mm are completely gone...there's one small(ish) local store that somehow has boxes of it left and I've been going there regularly to stock up but I simple cant believe how quickly this is all flying off the shelf
  14. Totally fair assessment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to banter back and forth, I just don't think that AD jets will be civilianized...I don't see civie A-10/F-16/etc squadrons or C5/C17/heavy going the way of contractors. Maybe it will, I most certainly don't know. I just don't think mission-centric flying (ie post training) will go that way
  15. -they (blue suiters) teach sims so the green suiters can fly -when was the last time anyone needed to qual in an F4? Yeah I'm pretty sure that isn't a concern -at pcola the tan suits don't instruct in any formal sense. They fly the Toner while a green suit instructor sits jump seat and instruct the STUDS I agree that MOST jobs can be outsourced to the civie side, but AD flying is NOT one of them IMO
  16. Those were some pretty sweet kicks to the face for a stunt haha
  17. Whaaaaaat....holy crap that dude is lucky ( the one who DIDN'T get shot) Funny watching them all beat the crap out of that guy
  18. I bought my wife a Bodyguard (the .380 version of the shield) and it is perfect for her. Super small frame, reliable (from my experience of putting hundreds of rounds through it), and she gets a kick out of the built in laser. It's too small for my hands (sts), I prefer my Glock27 and HK .40C, but a good little gun nonetheless
  19. Yes, for the love of God...lets agree on these two points and move on
  20. Omg I can't believe that...AETC did something smart?!
  21. Love this. Now I just wish I could actually buy some!
  22. I asked people about it when I was getting ready to go...and I'm really happy they didn't tell me anything. It's legitimately good training and showing up with no (or very little) idea of what to expect is not a bad thing.
  23. I don't know if it's just our squadron that does it but we walk out the door home station in MC flight suits...so no...you couldn't do that. We've also got about 5 policy letters from the CC's at KAF about proper wear of the MC flight suit hanging around. I'll try to get a digital copy and post it.
  24. Right or wrong, I figure that any time you're given the opportunity to fly, is good time. I understand its an "elimination" program and so ppl want to avoid it; I just don't personally see a reason to turn down free flight time. But that's me, and I certainly wouldn't think badly of someone for choosing to skip it.
  25. That's why I said "from what I saw when I was there" I'm sure there are cases when guys who worked hard didn't make it...but I think it's safe to say the vast majority of people who work their butts off do just fine
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