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BFM this

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Posts posted by BFM this

  1. Jarheadboom: 96-0202. And I wasn't even there...

    CrewReport: two posts earlier, based on discussion in this thread, the number is playing Waldo in the picture you provided as well. C'mon, you can do it...

    For those that have been trumpeting on the 18yo just out of training = IB FAIL. But if you're satisfied with that...

    For those that ask why this is important to us, 2 reasons:

    1) most of my trips to the boom were just a welcome change of scenery during my last depolyment. A chance to stow the pod and fill a piddle pack. Ocaisionally though, I didn't have you up hot mic b/c I was working three radios and plugging grids while you were looking for the next cloud. Ever wondered why you heard my voice talking to Wizard while plugged?

    2) you've got your 18yo baby boom, I've got my just out of MQT wm. I'm trying to hammer radio discipline into him while you want to fill out a travel voucher over the radio. This is an important skill that may save someone's life someday (read turning a TIC into a controlled bad-guy killing environment post above).

    Before the flames, I'd like to recognize the crews that get it:

    To the pilot who unexpectedly rolled out one afternoon while I was on the boom. "Understand you wanted to turn back uptrack?" "Yeah, but the sun is in another 20 degrees, so we're rolling out till you're complete" I nearly cried. :salut::beer:

    To the pilot who figured out how to do a 200fpm tobbagin when that's all that I needed and 300fpm would've put us in the clouds. :beer: To those who insist I disco before you'll start a tb: :flipoff:

    To all those who give TCAS SA based on bearing :rock::beer: instead of "I show you at my 10 o'clock" :banghead:

    And my all time favorite: thank you to the booms who refrain from starting a metronome with the boom just after I start forward to contact. :beer: WTF is that, anyway? You understand I'm flying vis-refs, right?

  2. It's easier to sell a cake that has some frosting and decorations on it.

    I really don't think the "swearing", "outbursts", "public humiliation", and """assault""" charges are what got this Captain canned. Those were just the easy to digest illustrative points that made good copy for the editors at Time and the reading public. My gut feeling is that some folks with quite a bit of collective officer rating and mentoring experience might have, for once, done the right thing before others' mistakes turned into a mishap investigation at worst.

    Of course, I could definately be wrong.

  3. Don't think this is a valid use of reconciliation though - a completely new healthcare paradigm is not exactly "fixes to previously passed budgets". It's like equating developing/acquiring a new MWS to signing off on TO -1 interim change 69.

    And therein lies the debate...

  4. [...]Apparently even recommending a look in AFSAS on here is a foul.

    The word AFSAS is not privileged or classified. Recommending a look in AFSAS with the help of your FSO is not a foul. Those that would say so are only on a break from thier "calling" of multiple 365's to the Died...

  5. This is total BS! Why is it that any time we try to get to the business of bashing Died bufoonery, there's always some idiot that's got to go around critiquing "forum etiquette" and "intertnet skilz", and "grammar". Leave us forum pros alone to tell Died stories damnit!

  6. Wow, this thread sure went ugly early...no pun.

    Vetter, I got to be the designated-LPA attendee to an airshow a while back. NS, put 7 body-bag sized duffels into one pod. Some keys to success:

    -Don't jam pack the bag to capacity. You don't have to under pack to the point that you ask yourself "why didn't I just bring a jansport?", just leave enough room to manipulate the bag thru the door. Any bags with frames or rigid structure (sts) are not ideal.

    -If for some reason, you end up doing an airshow or being the designated "hey, bro, can you throw this in your pod for me?"-guy, the key here is to get the first couple of bags all the way in the extreme fore and aft spaces of the pod. Typically leaves room for at least three more in the main middle section of the pod, depending.

    -As mentioned, pods are dirty, this won't be the bag you'll use on your future legislative fellowship...

    -That said, try to have a two-pod standard as much as possible. This will allow your crew chief to direct all mx stuff to one pod, so that you can have the other. Single pod jets end up being a food fight btw you and super when you get to the jet.

    -Pods also have sharp edges, so heavy canvas is preferred for larger bags, but the Northface referenced earlier should do fine if it's small enough to fit through the door cleanly.

    -BOOZE needs to stand upright, preferably in a plastic bag (or several). Standing upright ensures that any pressure release is only air. The plastic bag is for just in case. If you can get your stuff packed around the booze, that should help with stability. You should be good for your planned LATN, but I'd avoid the inverted stab demos for this leg... I put booze toward the back since the jet spends most of the flight in a slightly nose high att (again, just in case).

    -As always, hit-n-run should be the last bag in if you don't use the crows nest.

  7. Oh, no doubt!! I was referring specifically to the *phrase*, "Do more with less," not the underlying assumptions/problems. I'd thought that was a new-speak coined in the early 90s, not dating to the late 70s.

    I'd be willing to bet Billy Mitchell used that phrase during his CM.

  8. [...] And I'm not going to pay some arbitrary amount for every week missed if I paid my landing fees in full; F that in the a$$.[...]

    I'd throw the BS-flag pic in here, but I don't feel like looking for it.

    EvilEagle touched on this but I wanted to drive this to a conclusion: It's not about the $1 (or whatever easily afforded fine your sq has). It's about YOU looking your Flt/CC in the eye and saying, "I cannot hang with the bros and contribute to the sq's comraderie and morale tonight". Not necc anything to feel bad about: I've skipped out on a whole quarter's worth of roll calls when I felt that home was where I needed to be at the time.

    But when word gets through the wive's network that there's a RC, my wife reminds ME and plans accordingly without prompt or IP intervention.

    It's not about the $. If you think it is, you're missing the point.

  9. [...]Without it, he never would have had the courage to run into the middle of the street in front of oncoming traffic, and his workout might have been momentarily interrupted.

    Quoted for truth.

    I noticed shortly after I entered the military that I had to consciously recage my brain when on leave: I couldn't just saunter across North Michigan Ave on a tuesday afternoon and expect the cabbies to politely wave after stopping for me. Yet, sometime before I was on the yellow footprints, before reflective belts were all the rage, we began conditioning folks to walk first look both ways later.

    Here's a thought: no more reflective belts, crosswalks and crossing signals at all intersections, and SP's go on a 6 month jaywalking citation push. You'll be the safest pedestrian base on the planet.

  10. [...]Seriously, are there statistics showing that people hit by cars is down with reflective belt wear?[...]

    Before some shoe logs in and pulls the pin on this one, I'll say it: yes. There are statistics supporting reflective belt wear. But I will submit that these are the same stats that support no headphones on base.

    These stats say that if someone is hit by a vehicle and doesn't have a RB (or was waring HP's), that is the cause. Now before I cite the number of times that I have gone running in my neighborhood (to include rural roads), at night, sans RB, keeping pace with OAR, and lived to tell the tale, I just want to point out the unnamed third horse of this trifecta, soon to be ignored at a Died near you: the vehicle operator.

    Yes, B&G's, theres some dips#it out there right now, ignoring calls from MOC on his brick, texting away, while driving the finance sixpack to the shopette for a 1L Monster. I could be jogging in neon lights, with my portable RWR set to xtreme, and this dude would barely miss me.

    Here's my K4AD fix: Mishap happens--the driver gets charged with everything in the UCMJ from the table of contents to index. For one thing, he just destroyed govt poperty. Second, disrupted mission essential activity (PT).

    Real world fix: pin our faith and responsibility on a $8 piece of reflective plastic.

    Personal responsibility? Nah: too hard to codify in an AFI.



  11. Hmm,

    I remember hearing the same rumor in the rtu. Four years ago.

    There's more current info to be had (try www.usfkforums.com for starters), but as of about a year ago, the 3yr normalized tour was at best a leadership pipe dream, still several years from reality. That's based on in-place and under-construction infrastructure (medical, schools, etc). Hell, dependants weren't allowed routine dental care.

    Just take your wife unsponsored like everyone else--really, it's a good time.

    Edit: (update) Newest dude in my sq just got back from 1 year at Osan. Two dudes on their way have 1 year unsponsored and 2 years sponsored, respectively. KAIP, however, is alive and well if $300/mo is incentive enough for you.

    More data.

    More data.

    Enjoy Korea, it really is a good time.

  12. To comment further on random ID checks on base IAW RAMs: I think this is a great policy. When personnel come through the gate, they know what they have to provide and what they can "hide" when pulling through the gate. When you are on base, however, people tend to let their guard down. This is the prime time for calling someone's bluff, so to speak. When people somehow smuggle unauthorized people or items on base (caught an individual who snuck someone on base - when questioned how, he admitted to putting them in their trunk) you can catch it. The bottom line is people do silly things when they suspect no one is watching, which is the point of the random ID checks on base.

    So, let me TRY to get this straight. RAM's are to there to catch the stuff that got into the front gate in the first place. Not for security. (my surprised face here)

    Common sense goes a long way. For instance, I totally agree with you that there was a CS breakdown when you let someone through an ECP without a line badge (actually, I think line badges are silly and every military person on the flightline should have a 9mm on their hip, but I digress).

    But when you play a game of "gotcha!" with some Amn who sneaks his gf on base for overnight nookie; WHOGAF?

  13. BFM

    First, your questions...


    Cheers! M2


    Awesome info. Thanks! Looking forward to your impression of the 709. It appears that it would be a great BUG companion to the PT111, although I've also eyed the airlite for that capacity as well (prob w/38+p rounds).

    I admit, my impressions of Taurus were always negative, begining with their knockoff of the 92F (took a bad design and made it sh!ttier). I had a chance to carry a buddy's PT911 for a while last year, and although it seemed like a solid gun, again it had some design flaws. For one, the safety stuck out, literally, like a sore thumb. Every time I transfered it from the seat holster in my jeep to my waist, I'd found the safety had come off along the way. At least it had a decocker like my USP. But I'm liking what I see in the smaller PT series, and if they can get the details right, they've always had competitive pricing.


  14. M2, this one's for you.

    So I've been looking around for a good CC piece for a while. Looked at the Warthog, Kimber UC, etc (I've had a jones for a 45), but one model that I've been drawn to is the Millenium for price as much as anything. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near a rental-range, and there's a derth of info for the PT/Mil series. BL: you're now the belly button for my research. Lucky you.

    Based on capacity, I've leaned more toward the 9 for carry, and I'll pick up a 45 for papa's side of the bed at home. 147grHP is a good compromise, imo.

    Price led me toward the PT. But the Taurus website is very vague on some specifics:

    Based on your posts so far, double stack. Capacity?

    I see three levers just under the rail. I'm guessing takedown/slidelock/safety? Anything ambidextrous? (I can't find any right-side pics)

    DAO, DA/SA, SA?

    Does the safety have a decocking function?

    Hammerless? Any first shot SA capability?

    Have you found a holster you like yet?

    And of course, any good links that you can clue me into?

    Thanks for the info.

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