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Posts posted by BADFNZ

  1. 1 hour ago, bennynova said:

    I think 1/15 lt cols is better than a "more broad" 1/19 FGOs, but maybe that's just me

    I have heard that a strat in your rank is the best you can get.... even a major strat over an FGO strat for instance.  FGO strats are given more to lt col (s) who don't need major strats and aren't really in the mix for lt col strats yet 


    Well that's because a 1/15 Lt Col strat doesn't include a lower rank, whereas 1/19 FGOs does.  So it's not just you.

  2. 1 hour ago, Lstcause257 said:

    Why the hell does this matter? For all we know he was tasked to work with the FAA to come up with a solution (something that has been discussed for a while). As a result a part of the equation to help the national pilot shortage (both military and civilian) is to lower the time.

    What's wrong if they lower the hours for FOs, a lot of the issues mentioned are completely in the control of the airlines. (Showing without rest, pay, training)

    I was crossing oceans with just over 1K hours with a brand new FP. So according to some posts here we should have been a death trap waiting to happen.

    If you are an AF pilot and you believe this is doing you an injustice the problem probably isn't flights hours...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Because, like any normal human looking for employment, I'd like to increase my chances of being hired post-AF.  If you all of a sudden flood the job market with newly qualified applicants, wouldn't supply and demand dictate that my chances of getting hired would be less?  It's not hard to understand so I'm not sure why you're having trouble with it.  Then again, looking at your negative rep, I'm probably just feeding the troll.

  3. 52 minutes ago, Gazmo said:

    This is not going to slow anything down. Most of us have 1,500+ PIC and then some. I know a bunch of SQ mates practically beating major airlines off with a stick, getting multiple interview opportunities with multiple legacy airlines.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

    I think you're missing the point.

    The current requirement is 1500 hours TT for any airline including regionals.  If you lower that requirement, you're basically opening up the hiring pool to more off the street types that didn't have the luxury of logging monthly pond crossings or 8 hour orbits over Afghanistan.

    • Upvote 1
  4. On 1/7/2017 at 1:46 PM, innovator said:

    Is anyone familiar with the current  C-130J ops tempo at Dyess vs Little Rock?


    Same exact TDYs and deployments.

    If you're comparing the flying, most will agree Dyess is the place to be if you want to fly the Herk the way it's supposed to be flown.  Way better airspace, less brass, less queep, more tactically focused.

    If you're comparing the locations, one is in the middle of nowhere where people either drive to Dallas/Austin on the weekends or push it up at one of the local bars.  The other is in the middle of the Outdoorsmen's paradise with hiking, fishing, and other similar shit to keep you busy.

    Decide what's important to you and choose accordingly.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 10 hours ago, MooseAg03 said:

    So the next board finishes in early April, that means those guys could start pinning on within a month or two of being notified of promotion.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    '08 YG board starts the last week of Feb.  Based on this year's board, results should be released by May-June and dudes will start pinning on by Sept.

  6. 1 hour ago, flyusaf83 said:

    So hopefully they have the forethought to up the bonus for both MAF and CAF types.  If they up just the bonus for CAF only... oh just watch the mass exodus ensue.

    The mass exodus is going to happen either way.  I can name 2 out of ~69 pilots in my sq that are planning on staying in past their pilot training commitment.

  7. 2 hours ago, nsplayr said:

    It depends on the type of days you burn while flying and what your goals are.

    You will have at minimum 48 UTA points, 48 AFTP points, 14 AT points and 15 participation points available to you. That's 125 points right there without a day of title 10 orders. That amount of work can be accomplished in 62 days of service since you'll be doing 2x UTA or AFTP period per actual calendar day. AT periods are 1 per day and the participation points are on the house so long as you're breathing.

    You can do more if there are orders to be had or less depending on your commander and the unit's requirements.



    So it seems like 100 would be a realistic minimum if I'm looking at worst case scenario.

    4380 (AD) + 800 (ARC)  = 5180 / 360 = 14.39 x 2.5% = 36% x $7319 (O-4 w/ 14 yrs) = $2685

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  8. 2 hours ago, matmacwc said:

    O-4 with 13.56 years.  BUT, get some orders and you can easily get the magical 7200 (or is it 7300) points get get a full retirement right away.  You get Tricare at 60 as well, almost makes the whole thing worth it.

    I do think your point system is guessing pretty low though, might be a good idea to look into.


    2 hours ago, nsplayr said:

    A) WIC answer: it depends on what type of orders you're on for the 4 days flying per month.  if they are Title 10 days, 1 point a piece.  If you're flying for drill or otherwise Title 32, a drill period is 4 hours so you can likely pull 2 for a flight, same for AFTPs.

    B) I would plan on earning more than 63 points in a year.  I absolutely min-ran last year in the Guard as an unqualified aircrew member awaiting training in my unit's platform and still earned 53 points showing up to about 1/2 of the drills and doing a couple of random work days.  Plan on your fly days (4 per month) plus your drills (4 per month) plus your AT for the year (14 days), plus your 15 points for just showing up.  Right there you're at 125 points, and you haven't burned a single AFTP yet either, of which you have 48.

    C) In your scenario, you retire with 34% of your Top-3 base pay, so if you just pinned on or "leveled up" in years then it's not necessarily your final year salary.  Based on the normal pay scales, there aren't any hidden ARC pay scales other than they conveniently group together what you earn per drill period.

    D) Read this: http://the-military-guide.com/reserve-retirement-calculator/#toph2_1

    Thanks for the help fellas. 

    Regarding the low estimate of 63 points a month, that was just a complete guess.  The limited amount of experience I have with ARC flying are the dudes I flew with in T-6s.  I just knew they generally flew one week a month (Mon-Thur), then we didn't see them again until next month.  I know it all depends on several factors, but would a white jet IP flying one week a month be closer to 80 points?  100?  120?  Just trying to do some rough financial planning for the future.

  9. Can someone explain the AFRC retirement system like you are explaining it to a 5th grader?  I'm trying to wrap my head around it and have read many articles, but I still have questions.

    So let's say I separate from AD at 12 years service (4380 pts earned).  From this point, I would need 8 qualifying years in the AFRC to retire.  Let's say I join a white jet AETC unit at a UPT base as a TR.  If I fly 4 days a month, do these days count as AD days (earning 1 point a piece) or does this count towards a drill?  If they count as AD days, then I'd have 48 AD days a year, plus my bonus 15 points, giving me 63 points per year.  So if I earn 63 points a year for 8 years, then I'd hit 20 good years with a total of 4884 points.  At this point, I can retire, however I will not collect a check until the age of 60 (with some early retirement exceptions).  So 4884/360=13.56 years.  13.56 x 2.5% = 34%.  So this tells me my retirement paycheck would be 34% of my salary at retirement.  So is this based off the AD pay scales?  For example, if I retire as a Maj in AFRC with 20 years qualifying years, do I use the AD O-4 with 20 years value?  Or do I use O-4 with 13.56 years?  Or is there a separate AFRC retirement pay scale?


  10. Everyday I run into more and more first assignment guys in my AMC squadron already talking about getting out and going to the airlines.  I think it's pretty telling when the FNGs fresh out of school, full of the blue Kool Aid, are already dreaming about cutting bait.  I've never seen anything like it.

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