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Posts posted by guineapigfury

  1. OK, so what happened then? Was he a good guy or a bad guy?

    If he was a bad guy he missed an awesome opportunity for a story. I imagine it going something like this:

    So there I was, landing roll at Bagram when I saw a glint in the darkness. Imagine my surprise to see a Taliban wandering the runway holding an AK-47. Since I was already in the flare, using the gun wasn't an option. I put in just a touch of rudder to displace from centerline and caught the bastard right in the eye with the pitot tube. Not wanting to slow ops on a busy runway, I taxied to the chocks with this clown dangling from the pitot tube, well and truly skull######ed. Erratic airspeed indications were a small price to say for this glorious moment. After the walk around, I had the crew chief stencil a smiley face with only one eye on the side of the jet. Then we high fived in slow motion, just like at the end of Tango and Cash.

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  2. I'm in the next class, 2004 year group guy, I consider myself lucky to go because there are a lot more people that need to go and not enough slots for them all to go. Word on the street is that it won't matter if you went in residence or by correspondence... until I hear that from the CSAF I won't believe it.

    I'll believe it when I see the promotion stats for in residence/in correspondence guys being exactly the same.

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  3. If you fail ASBC you aren't fit to lead a wino into a liquor store.

    Honestly, of those 8 passed over, 5 are clean kills. The 3 washouts depend on the circumstances I guess. It sucks if they are all dudes who just couldn't get past the airsickness, but if they are those clowns who show up knowing they are going to SIE after their dollar ride then they deserve what they got.

  4. Seriously? I know it ended badly, but she sang THE BEST NATIONAL ANTHEM OF ALL TIME*. This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHmdu_I_0zI. There is no amount of crack rock induced drowning that can make that go away.

    * The only thing that even comes close is the tape they used to play in Army Theaters before the movie back in the 80s where the video had the tank crashing through the mud. If you're an Army Brat of my generation you know what I'm talking about. America, ###### Yeah.

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  5. I cannot comment on her, but in my experience we need less of the non-essentials deploying as it is.

    2. If you aren't actually needed downrange, all you're doing is costing the taxpayers $500,000 per year, which is about 10 airmen give or take. I don't begrudge anyone not deploying if they aren't needed there.

    Edited: Decided I was over the line.

  6. I remember said WG/CC's staff meetings, too (was before joint base took effect) and ops was -69 seconds of the meeting.

    I remember my first staff meeting. I sat there for 2.5 hours listening to in detail stuff about queep and I remember thinking "Well, they're going to start talking about flying now." Then the Squadron Commander walked out of the room and we were done. Blew my mind.

  7. I would just find someone else to approve the leave in leave web.

    But then the douchenozzle who came up with policy which literally steals from the people under his command doesn't get his scrotum nailed to the wall.

  8. Knew of a squadron deputy revising the leave policy in a squadron while the majority was deployed... since the guys deployed couldn't take leave, neither could those that stayed behind.

    I'd find a copy of that policy in writing and drop it off with the local IG.

  9. Check the Deid thread

    Sweet, I'm a big fan of people getting what they deserve, especially when what they deserve is a proper jollystomping. I passed thru Manas twice last year whilst coming and going to OAKN and heard the story with slight variations each time. I'll invest some time sorting through the Deid thread.

  10. I agree. I kept waiting for this one to be as funny as the one from Balad where the guy punched a shoe in the face for reaching into his shower (which this guy was clearly trying to imitate) but it just never happened.

    I heard this happened at Manas when a chief took it upon himself to ensure people didn't exceed the allotted 3 minutes for showers and someone broke his face for violating their personal space and then had the SA to call the SARC on him for "sexual assault" as the cherry on top of a beatdown sundae. Urban legend or epidemic, take your pick.

  11. Considering the vast majority of dudes do a casual stint at their UPT base prior to starting UPT, it's a wash. Nobody is getting screwed for having casual time. If you don't make Maj down the road, it has nothing to do with how much time you spent on casual or where it was (which your UPT base has been the only option for years now with minor exceptions).

    But this will be many guys' 2nd stint on Casual. UAVs started dropping the UPT class after mine, and my understanding is those are the dudes escaping. Average time on casual for my generation of dudes was 9 months. Figure that happens again and guys are missing 1.5 years on casual, and about 2-3 years for training out of their first 8 years. That's a-lot. I hope I'm missing something here. I'm making myself angry just thinking about this when I should just be happy for my friends leaving UAVs. I just see an easily preventable/foreseeable shoe-clerk fumble costing alot of pilots the game.

  12. If a guy is "getting screwed" by being casual...he probably wouldn't have made the cut in the first place. You have to take care of yourself. Anyone who thinks they can sit back for a period of time and get carried through is an asshat. A dude on casual after training can take some of the pressure off the dudes on the line...taking care of office queep is pretty easy to do as a casual dude, and you know that dude isn't going to be in the books anyway.

    Alot of this depends on where that casual status happens. If you're casual at your gaining unit, they should feel they have a stake in you and might find you that job or whatever else that helps you out. If you're casual at a UPT base, they probably won't give a shit about you because you are TDY guy.

  13. What? There's a whole shitload of dudes who spent 6-9 months on casual, then a year plus on BIT after UPT doing jack shit. While obviously a crappy situation and not ideal (but infinitely better than other possibilities), they've got OPRs and will be fine...no way they get passed over for Maj just because of that.

    I suspect there's a difference between Lt time being squandered and Capt time being squandered. Some dude spending 8 months of casual status at the wrong time could easily miss out on that all important DP because he is in limbo with noone to watch his back. I can definitely see some guys getting sent off to SOS or grinding out a Masters in their downtime and coming out ahead from this situation but I also see some guys getting crushed by "bad timing". I really hope that you are right and I'm wrong. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Anyway, congrats to the guys who found a way out of UAVs.

  14. So, this is going to be fun to see how it is implemented. With most all classes behind the timeline this is going to be comical to watch.

    What's not comical is these guys who were lucky enough to escape preds getting passed over for their next promotion because they got an empty OPR because they were sitting around for 8 months of casual status as captains while their peers were Flt/CCs and Shop Chiefs. I hope they make these dudes and dudettes priority 1, they deserve it.

  15. If the sheep would've been wearing a reflective belt, this wouldn't have happened. Just a simple case of mistaken identity. If they'd shot the sheep, the AF would've held them accountable for the spent ammunition.

    It could've been worse. They could've pissed on it after they beat it to death.

    Sir, you have won the thread.

  16. Yepp, don't every rely on a shoe to have your back. Keep copies of everything, including emails, know the regs, be right, and plan ahead.

    Don't forget to GO IN PERSON because they must at least acknowledge you. If you call, you will encounter the automated menu with no option to talk to a person. If you email, they will play farmville til 1630. Congrats on OTS: don't quit the first week, don't time-bust on your briefings and you will be fine.

  17. Not sure what it says about my own personal psychology when the idea of this video pisses me off to no end but pissing on the dead taliban didn't cause an ounce of emotion either way.

    The thing is animals didn't deserve to suffer. The first time I saw a taliban killed in afghanistan, I laughed. The circumstances of the kill were kind of ridiculous(borderline Darwin Award) and that was part of it, and some of it was the joy of watching the enemy die, and some of it was the temporary insanity which afflicts any gentlemen after he is deprived of fermented beverages and sexual intercourse for months on end. So what I'm saying is that you are normal. Liking animals and hating the enemy are both good things.

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  18. Flyers are generally better at stuff, to include BS taskers? C'mon man.

    This is true. The level of talent you will see in an average flying squadron far exceeds what you will see just about anywhere else in the military. The skills required for flying tend to translate well to success on the ground. Situational awareness, self-discipline, ability to correctly prioritize in the midst of a chaotic situation and so on.

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