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Posts posted by rancormac

  1. I call bullshit. A Hornet has about as much of a chance of going supersonic as this dude does getting a date with Katy Perry.

    He should just ask the chick that did the vocals for the video...


  2. I didn't call it airshow related. In fact I pointed out it wasn't at an airshow. The focus on "quite a few" was the "recently" part, being the irony that as this topic on baseops is going on, another pilot goes down. My bad if I don't share the same metric as you do for what is considered "quite a few".

    Airshows are not too dissimilar than aerobatics, which is what my link was referring to. It also piggybacks on the general consensus here that let people do what the want. The risks are known, and no one is forcing them to do it.

  3. I like this line.

    The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, can not and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheep dog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours.
  4. Ive seen it on 29 and 11, and I have done the practical SFO formation full stop to 11, I was just wondering why the airliners deal with it.

    I've wondered this while being a passenger coming in on 11. Between 5-10Nm remaining, airline has done a few check turns upwards of 20 degrees it felt like. I was nervous we weren't lined up by then

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