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Everything posted by HeyWatchThis

  1. What stage are you at? Have you been sponsored by the wing? If you have been sponsored by the wing then you will work with the recruiter. I worked with my unit/hiring officer until I was officially sponsored. Once I was sponsored, I started working with my regional Officer recruiter. He would forward the necessary docs to my wing for signature, etc. Scheduling MFS, compiling my application package, etc was all done thru the recruiter who then coordinated the documents with the wing for signature. Once the package was complete, the recruiter was the one who submitted it to AFRC for the board.
  2. ^^Yep AFRC/CC has to sign off on the results prior to releasing...at least thast what I have been told......
  3. lol now this thread finally picks up......
  4. Not sure if everyone saw but AFRC posted on their Facebook page that they hope to have the results released by 13 July
  5. Do you want to join as a Nav or go for a UPT slot? My recommendation is just give em a call. In my experience the units were all cool and willing to talk over your options, if they were hiring, etc....
  6. My recruiter told me that AFRC was given roughly 100 spots to split between the two boards this year. Not sure how accurate that is. I thought I remember reading somewhere that they picked up 43 guys in November....If those numbers are close, the 50 app's that are in for June would be about right......
  7. Sure, if you have proper coaching for the oly lifts but you know the Air Force is going to have some ridiculously structured approach thats a civilian, who has probably never done a dead lift read a paragraph on "proper form" for a dead lift and then tell them to have at it...... This is a retarded idea to have a bunch of kids, 90% of whom have probably NEVER done a proper deadlift, much less, max it, perform the test with their potential dream job on the line. This is going to do wonders for the contracted physical therapists we now utilize.... And FYI, I get it, the complex lifts are great, but isolation movements combined with complex movements will maximize both hypertrophy and strength.....not just doing one or the other all the time.....
  8. ^^No clue man...you could probably ask the AFRC Facebook page and someone who is in the know might reply. I thought I read somewhere that the November boards selected 43/50 guys.....Other than the June 2011 board which was an anomaly (so I've been told) due to MFS moving to WP, selection numbers seem pretty good...... What unit picked you up?
  9. Good luck man! I don't know where everyone else is...in the past these threads would normally get a lot more activity right around the board.....
  10. Just got this gem blasted to me from the CGO All distro email......3000 hrs of "professional development"......ugh......and planning for a conference that will probably get cancelled again...sweet!
  11. Well, packages were due last week.... who's info is heading to the board next month? What unit? These next few months are going to drag...................
  12. Theres a lot of strongly objecting in that there second link......
  13. I think we all know the answer to that....they obviously didn't have their reflective belts on from dusk-dawn But in all seriousness that they are safe!!
  14. Reviving this thread since we are getting closer to the board...any updates, new sponsors, etc?
  15. My sarcasm meter broke? Chief Fatass is a "girl"....
  16. One of the pilots in the unit that sponsored me is a Jr High teacher.......from what I understand works out pretty well for him because he flys during the summer a lot...good extra income......
  17. Just for a time reference....I was at WP for MFS the week of Feb 22-23......I had a PRK waiver along with a slight lattis (sp?) waiver.......just got word that my physical is approved and in the system...so roughly 1.5 months from MFS to approved FC1 for me....
  18. My trip to Africa was rejected 4 times....and each time I had both a finance troop AND the "Finance DTS guru" looking over my shoulder saying everything looked good.... Cherry on top.....it was the LOCAL finance office that was rejecting my DTS voucher ....UFB
  19. Ugh... Bradley Manning (dude who leaked classified docs) is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize..... http://mashable.com/2012/02/27/bradley-manning-wikileaks-nobel-peace-prize/
  20. If she deployed like that, I would bet she is a Contracting Officer, not an Acquisitions officer (2 seperate career fields). The contracting career field is on a 1:1 dwell and has been for years now and will be for the foreseable future. We just sent 2 dudes to Iraq because we are still doing contract close out there.....Acq officers rarely, if ever, deploy, and when they do its to fill positions like XO, etc
  21. A small sigh of relief....got my MFS date. I was a little worried because I only had 1 week I was actually going to be stateside and able to get to WP on a Wednesday......
  22. ugh...I feel ya on that one........June couldn't come fast enough lol....luckily I have a decent amount of travelling over the next few months that will help time go by fast......
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