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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2012 in Posts

  1. "Good afternoon, 369th Fighter Squadron. These two lady pilots are here from Eglin test (callsigns Candi and Mandi), and they're here to talk about the latest changes in the recommended BFM gameplan given the latest AIM-9X upgrades. Today's academic focus will be the rolling scissors. As you can see, the top surface of the bar has been covered in a satin pad, which will be used for the rolling scissors demonstration. I hope everyone read my email and remembered to bring their $1 bills." "Tomorrow, Candi and Mandi will discuss 2v1 tactics. LPA: decide which one of you will be 'red air' for the demonstration."
    2 points
  2. Fraud waste and abuse would be requiring that 100% of your pilot selectable tailkits be hardwired to low drag every year. Oh wait.
    1 point
  3. I think I'll have some fun with this... Apparently this Chief is intrigued by menial bullshit too. Being corrected is one thing. Being anal about stupid details that don't matter and/or hamper gettng the mission accomplished is "getting chiefed". Helping a colleague fix their collar is not the same as a superior enlisted person correcting a junior enlisted loudly & impolitely in front of his peers. Puh-lease. I've seen people get chiefed by people who merely want to be Chiefs Pray tell: how does correcting fleece wear correspond to even the "tactical" (much less "operational" level)? You never go into that do you? Oh goody! The whole reason you "have to" single people out over truly insignificant details is because no one else already did that? How about you just assume that they made an honest mistake or help them with whatever their problem is. I've never once menioned a uniform problem to someone without the intent to help them. I was always respectful and did so in private: "Sir, your nametag is crooked"/"Ma'am, your collar is folded over". I did so because I know most military personnel inherently want to perform their best and look their best at all times. Being Chiefed is stopping someone who is carrying a large box into a building just as they enter the building and loudly querying "Why don't you have your hat off?!" Yes, by the regs, the person should remove their hat even if that means setting down the box and picking it back up again. However, what is actually gained other than wasting time or potentially breaking whatever is in the box by setting it down twice. Instead, why not ask the guy "Can I get the door for you? Want me to get your hat?" to which I'm sure the airman would say, "Yes please. Thank you" I see. You are beneath such work. "If I have to get involved, then chiefs are failures." I'm still not seeing anything in here about applying common sene to a situation... Right. The color of my socks is the difference between life and death. So is that crooked nametag or folded-over collar. Something as simple as wearing a fleece more than 2 steps inside a building is NOT critical to fighting a war and never will be. No, it's the discipline to know what the rules are and make proper judgement calls that makes us better warriors. Blind adherence to rules without an application of common sense and decency simply erodes unit/individual morale. YHGTBFSM!!! The mission IS the most important detail!!! If you spent 2 hours every day to look perfect in uniform down to a lack of any trace of lint, but the jets don't take off, what's the point? If you stop that wrench-turner (a term of endearment for my maintenance brethren) from completing his job so he can "Go back to the dorm and change uniforms. That one is covered in grease" you have decided that appearances are more important than substance. Promote the AF Core Values by living them, not by making the lives of others miserable for trivial details...(see the AUAB thread)
    1 point
  4. 240000 tons is a week of breakfast for the new leader.
    1 point
  5. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=aDBPvuPkjD4
    1 point
  6. First off, edit it so it can be read without me zooming in to 3000% on my computer, and then put the Chief's name back into the article, so we can all email him and correct his mistakes. And then send me a 6 pack. Additionally, the "Chief" and I use that term loosely, might want to read up a little on AFI 36-2903..."Exception: Local commanders have the authority to allow indoor wear of the sage green fleece jacket as mission needs dictate.)" On the plus side, I can wear that nice Authorized Leather A-2 Flying Jacket wherever the hell I want, indoors, or outdoors, in front of the Chief, or beside him, and he can't say shit about it. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.....moron.
    1 point
  7. "Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad, the committee chairman, said that given the country's fiscal crisis more savings must be found in the core defense budget, and that it would be impossible to address the nation's deficit without doing so." Bullshit. If you applied this logic to the average family, people would be selling their cars so they buy a new mansion. The nearly exponential increase in the big three entitlement programs are going to bankrupt our country, not defense spending. And your reference to the $850K per soldier per year is similarly illogical. Obviously war is expensive and when fly in Baskin Robins for 800 Chiefs who shouldn't be there in the first place, it doesn't get any cheaper. But they're not talking about cutting back on downrange spending, they're talking about taking away the entitlements of the military. Finally, if we're going to cut entitlements, we should start with those who have done little or nothing to earn them rather than those who have earned them with blood, sweat, and tears.
    1 point
  8. Yea, I just read that and got a good chuckle...looks like she's still looking for others to make sure there's enough fuel in her engines
    1 point
  9. Not sure about the rest of my generation, but I was raised to expect to have to support myself entirely for my entire life - no government entitlements, pensions, etc. I was raised to never expect anyone but me to care about taking care of me later in life, and my parents promoted saving/investing to make sure i personally procured enough for retirement. Maybe my parents were super paranoid, but they were right when they told me life isn't fair. Healthcare and retirement had absolutely nothing to do with my decision to serve - probably because I was too young and dumb to realize that they are a really big deal. I just looked at it as a cool, exciting adventure with some perks. Now I'm not saying the government doesn't have an obligation to people who signed up with certain expectations of the reimbursement they would receive for their service, but I'm just saying in the end, there's only one person/entity you can ever expect to take care of you - and that's you.
    1 point
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUacUmhI7U4
    1 point
  11. I don't really give a crap if they apologize or not. It would be meaningless to the wife and two young daughters of the AF Lt Col and the family of the Army Major. That thousands of these people are violently demonstrating because of a perceived "lack of respect" is indicative of gang/thug mentality borne of ignorance and lack of education - the fixes to which are being thwarted at every turn by those we are trying to help. That after their "holy day" on Friday they are motivated to hundreds of acts of violence by thousands of individuals belies this "religion of peace". That our PC society, leaders, and politicians aquiesces and attempts to appease this crap is beyond the pale. The fact I'm sitting 2km from where it happened and still can't put a magazine in my M9, much less a round in the chamber infuriates me... oh, I might have an accidental discharge is the BS rationalization. Sorry, this is a bit of a rant, but I am pissed. In many ways I had a front row seat, and even a degree of participation in yesterday's events. I am extremely angry that two American families have lost a husband, father, and son in this manner. rant off...for now..
    1 point
  12. Personally, I can't wait to make general. I'll be using my first 0530 CC call to convert all of you filthy infidels. My first rule.......WWFSMD?
    1 point
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