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Chuck Sargent

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    Macho Grande

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  1. I'm outside of my lane on this subject, but we talked about this alot in my firepower class this week. I'm told the cost per hour of maintaining the Hog is what is driving it to its grave My land componenet peers love the Hog more than anything. Would it make sense to open up an A-10 assembly line again? No improvements to the latest version to keep costs low. Just more units of firepower employed with fresh metal? Maybe stronger engines? That's the only thing anyone says about its shortcomings. Bullet in their body should be the most important goal with CAS from what I see. We are trying to save money. What am I missing? Very respectfully, Chuck
  2. JarheadBoom- I see what you're seeing with the pallets in the pictures now, so I agree that, assuming the wood blocks would prevent it from coming off the pallet, it wouldn't matter. However, in the C-17 picture, it is floor loaded like vehicles are in the Herk. That's what I was envisioning. V/R, Chuck
  3. Wouldn't it be smarter to have vehicles being airlifted to have their steering wheels turned hard in one direction for just this sort of thing? (Kind of like when you park your car on a steep pitched street.) They are always straight on our aircraft but I don't know the logic on it.
  4. I recall us watching a movie at the AIS about century series fighters doing this. I think they called them "Rough Riders." Ring a bell for anyone?
  5. Both, and I completely agree with you! My final brief to AMC/CV was how the AOR was the "Las Vegas of fuel savings - what goes on there, stays there" and how when we put on tan flight suits, all the fuel savings goes out the door. He said he would pass that on to AMC/CC who was going to the desert shortly after, but I was a dot by the time that happened. I have to believe they addressed it, but who knows where it went from there. Keep asking the tough questions! That is how things will get fixed.
  6. Believe me, Lips knows the situation. MIF is not the swing that will connect to produce the walk off HR - it is an RBI along the way, or maybe just a base hit. There is only so much we can do here and now, but it is one of those things that can be changed. Bottom line - for the cargo dudes, flying empty is our biggest threat. Flying less than full is the next. For the tankers, launching for no receiver is our biggest threat. Not passing what is scheduled to carry is the next. Even at a full sprint effort at all levels, it will be years before we will be where we should be (like FedEx, Continental, or NetJets). Those guys know that. You know that. Sigh... That being said, whatever you all can do to help the FEO would be most appreciated. Final remark - As always, A code has the final say. Take care of your crew and Fly Safe! Very respectfully, Chuck
  7. Can't see the bottom part of this chart. Are we supposed to scroll up and down as we fly? I can barely hold my flight parameters with both hands... BTW- I am ALL about the EFB. Looking at this, it just hit me why AFSA set the standards that the display must show the entire chart at the same scale as the paper copies. I can't tell you how many times I've had cell phone flexing from 4 inches to 2 feet from my eyes to read stuff [not that I was driving]. I'm just getting old, Bros.
  8. Sorry, Brother. I hope you close your eyes tonight knowing that we are with you in heart and soul, no matter where we all lay to sleep at the end of today.
  9. Okay, found it. Here's a link. https://afkm.wpafb.af.mil/community/views/home.aspx?Filter=OO-ED-SA-01 Found it through the AF Portal searching for AFFSA. Go to AIS COP. On the left side, click "AIS HELPER" Hot Topics and Presentations available and you do not have to join a COP. ALDS IRC doesn't work at Al Udeid. Probably beacause the lack of beer.
  10. I have looked and found no links to the AIS webpage nor the hot topics page, only the master test bank. The COP is a pain in the a$$ program. Guess I'll have to try muddle through it though. Thanks, FireMission. If anyone can give more direct routing, I'd appreciate it.
  11. Does anyone have the link to the IRC hot topics webpage (or AFFSA IRC / AIS webpages)? All the links in my regs are broken and my web searches are going in circles. V/R, Chuck
  12. I thought the reasons for flight suits was the nomex providing fire protection during a crash. Start with safety, and work from there to get the mission done. The OPR bullets will follow.
  13. Guest: Why do you have windows in the cockpits? Me: So the colonel can keep an eye on us when we're working. Guest: When you come in for a landing, how low do you go? Me: All the way to the ground. After giving a tour to some kids, one asked about the devices below the control panel. "Those are the pedals." How long can you guys fly? "About 12 hours." This little girl looks at her mom and says, "Boy they must get tired after peddling for 12 hours."
  14. Thanks for the replies; bottom line though... are they truly mandatory or not?
  15. What's the latest with the Eagle Cash cards being mandatory? Our leadership says they're mandatory but I recall reading someone else here saying they weren't. Any other advice before we head over?
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