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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. And here I thought SCOTUS ruled he couldn’t forgive student loans without going through Congress? But yet Trump is threat to democracy…
  2. States should most definitely have the option of seceding if they want…if not, there’s not much of a “union”, is there?
  3. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Dude, I literally just came on here to post this lol.
  4. The best posts are where they talk about how officers don’t get disciplined for DUIs, etc, especially compared to the enlisted. And then of course they also talk about how much more work the enlisted do and how they’re so much smarter than the officers.
  5. I didn’t say anything about Biden. Just that Trump knows that only women have pussies whereas it seems everybody on the left says that men with dicks can be women. So if it’s between Biden and Trump, I’ll vote for the one that understands basic anatomy. That all being said, RFK Jr does make some interesting and compelling points on some issues.
  6. At least he knows only women have pussies…those on the left don’t seem to believe so.
  7. But the administration says it’s all Trump’s fault.
  8. It’s all about luck and timing. The only time AFPC isn’t BSing you is when their lips aren’t moving.
  9. You can always call (if they’ll answer the phone) or email your assignments officer…however, depending on your rank and community, they may only want to talk to your CC as they want to make sure the CC is aware/concurs with your desires. Not sure what you fly now, but go be a UPT IP—it will make you a much better pilot. It can also (maybe) help open up other doors after that assignment. Good luck!
  10. Will your core functional release you to a mechanical crossflow? If not, then it’s most likely not going to happen. Have you been a UPT IP?
  11. Sweet. “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”
  12. When person runs for NY attorney general, a political position, on the platform of taking down Trump, don’t be surprised when people think the take down attempt is…wait for it…political.
  13. According to the left, nearly everyone is a victim…and when people feel like they’re victims, they’ll listen to those who tell they’re a victim. And with that then comes being able to control the victim. It’s all about control and power.
  14. The left promises free money to just about everyone, so why not get in on the action? And yes, that’s sarcasm, but hopefully it kind of shows the hypocrisy of the issue, on both sides.
  15. But you’re not thinking how his inner circle thinks. Look at the border situation…they’ve doubled down on it.
  16. If you’re submitting a BDD claim, a VA doc will not be doing the assessment (ie C&P exam) nor will a VA doc determine your rating once all the claims/documentation is submitted. Not 100% sure about submitting a fully developed claim (if not using the BDD process), but I think it’s similar in that a VA doc will not be examining you/reviewing your claim. For a C&P exam, they contract that out, and usually it’s not even a doctor giving the exam, as it can be a PA, a NP, etc.
  17. The beautiful thing about the US is that as bad as the federal government is, a lot of the state/local governments differ quite a bit—move to one that more closely matches your values and desires.
  18. While that’s good advice (also not a bad idea to always keep your medical situation to yourself others than who need to know/those you can trust)…just because someone “looks fine” doesn’t mean they are, and the records and exams will speak for themselves. But yes, if mean people are wanting to try and screw you, then it’s best to keep the information closer to yourself.
  19. It kind of baffles me when I read on FB how many guys claim PTSD or something mental health related for VA claims and then all of a sudden are concerned about how it will affect their FAA medical. I know plenty of guys who are 100% and have their class 1, they just just have a ton of little things to claim, the vast majority of which are muscular skeleton issues, but nothing mental health/sleep (other than maybe sleep apnea) related. I do hear of some guys who have PTSD and have a special issuance (ie FAA waiver), but they can definitely be tricky/time consuming to get and depends on severity, symptoms, etc. My overall advice: Like others have said, start 2-3 years before separating/retiring in getting all your aches and pains well documented, and hopefully some care if it can help. If you have something mental health related in your records that you think shouldn’t be there/has improved, etc then spend time getting the appts and documentation done while you’re still AD and my guess is it will be a lot less cumbersome getting it approved with the FAA if you want to continue to fly. But in the end, if you truly need help with mental health concerns (and you probably know if you do), then please get your help—you deserve it. Your life and well being, and that of your family, is much more important and valuable than being in pain/completely miserable while flying post military.
  20. But they’re not all talk…look at what they did in 2020. They believe the ends justify the means. And I would argue that current Trump is in a stronger position today compared to 2020 (especially considering how Biden has done over the last 3 years)…so it begs the question of what the left is willing to do this year?
  21. If election officials in X state or Y county truly believe that our democracy is over if Trump gets elected, that he’ll be a dictator, our right will end, blah blah blah…why wouldn’t they manipulate the vote if they can? If you truly believed you were going to be living under a gestapo style police state, wouldn’t you do something in order to try and stop it? Manipulating the vote if you’re able to do so is a lot easier/less dangerous than an armed rebellion. What I’m saying is we have to start listening to what these government officials are saying and not just assume it’s 100% political rhetoric. Arresting people for being on beaches during Covid wasn’t political rhetoric…it actually happened.
  22. I’m not a historian, so I don’t know the finer details when it comes to 200+ years of our national elections, but I would agree that there is always some level of voter fraud, that by definition I suppose qualifies as cheating. But I’m referring to something of the scale of 2020 when those in the federal government outright worked directly with big tech/the media to silence the legitimately of the Hunter laptop story in order to help Biden. I think this definitely could have effected the election results on a national scale. https://nypost.com/2022/08/26/2020-election-outcome-would-differ-with-hunter-biden-laptop-coverage-poll/
  23. Not sure if I follow your post—are you saying there’s always been lying and cheating (on a scale that can change the outcome of a national election) since the country’s existence began?
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