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Bears To Cuba ?


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Hmm the airplane pictured isn't a Tu-95 Bear, but rather the Tu-22 Backfire.

Anywhooo, I don't think it makes much of a difference. Let the Ruskies put em there. Who cares? It's not like it would make any difference in an actual conflict. The people who are worried about bombers in Cuba are either dense or should constantly be freaking out because ICBM's and SLBM's are always in range. It's not a bomber we need to be worried about if it comes to a "game-on" war with Russia, its this:


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Hmm the airplane pictured isn't a Tu-95 Bear, but rather the Tu-22 Backfire.

Anywhooo, I don't think it makes much of a difference. Let the Ruskies put em there. Who cares? It's not like it would make any difference in an actual conflict. The people who are worried about bombers in Cuba are either dense or should constantly be freaking out because ICBM's and SLBM's are always in range. It's not a bomber we need to be worried about if it comes to a "game-on" war with Russia, its this:


THE RED OCTOBER!?!?!?!?!?!

All kidding aside we were just talking about this today and I think we can all agree that really it would mean nothing (Although a Blackjack loaded with nuclear tipped cruise missiles blasting out of Havanna doesn't leave much time for a reaction) but do we really want Bears and Blackjacks flying in our backyard? Yes we have Forward Deployed locations for bombers and such but this would definitely be an unprecedented move for Russia. Lets hope it doesn't bring about another Cuban Missile Crisis.


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