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  1. I misread his post and thought he simply said LL. WE did NVG mod-contour (some years) and MSA-500'. Were you even in the TII when gunships flew LL? and now I come from the new J model...and an AC-130J doesn't need an FE. :)
  2. Based upon the workload of the Nav in a CAS/TIC situation..and based on what I dealt with over certain countries in the AC130 in the past, I'd want both the Nav and EWO.
  3. There is a LOT for the NAV in a AC-130...J or not. The Nav is the liaison between the ground party and the aircraft...in addition to being the navigator and working with the FCO to confirm the actual target in the 1)NAv system, 2) on the chart and 3) on the LLLTV or IR. the FE - nothing for that person to do..correct.
  4. They did for the Desert One debacle and did in the 80s and 90s. It was stopped because of the wing box issues the low level environment created. Someone on here commented on the "precision package" of the Harvest package...it will be nowhere near as precise as hard-fitted, boresighted guns/sensors,huds with the appropriate Fire Control software. AFSOC is going the cheap route...which is not the best when you want to put a 40 round at someone's feet.
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