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Posts posted by Seadogs

  1. 10 minutes ago, hindsight2020 said:

    *yawn* this whole discussion is a same ol same ol. Two neoliberal corporatist cartels squabbling over labels and cultural issues that don't put food on the table, yai. "Normie" Americans get what they vote for, when they fail to see the deficit as one of class. Typical achiles heel of a multi-cultural society. Divide and conquer 101. I digress.

    This forum is mostly samurai/Centurion class beneficiaries anyways, so the clamor for neoliberal Empire stasis of any flavor is understandable. Of course saying so makes one the g-damned Khmer Rouge all of a sudden (in Europe you're just a centrist LOL), which is why I don't engage on here. At any rate, my point being most of the people swinging these elections are not members of the de facto Second Estate (e.g. professional managerial class et al), so it pays to look outside the PMC echo chamber. Now, I'm not a proponent of actively fostering accelerationist socioeconomic dynamics, but if they end up moving the brackets on the Overton Window, well... to quote ol Billy. "We didnt start the fire....".😄 

    Now back to lurking this thread for another 4 years, y'all have fun with the kabuki show.



    English, please. 

    • Haha 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, stangles said:

    This seems to imply invites for a meet and greet have gone out already, am I reading too much into this statement?

    Any others confirm/deny invites have been sent for a meet and greet with the 457th?

    No I didn't mean to imply that. Was just throwing the idea out to see if we could get a group of guys to go even if we didn't get an invite. Assuming they don't ID us. 

  3. 6 hours ago, tarheelaviator said:

    Perhaps but if you have that attitude you are going to hurt your chances of getting what you want.  

    Having a "Plan B" Can Hurt Your Chances of Success

    It's a similar philosophy that SOF hopefuls have that go through BUDS, Q-Course, RASP, etc.  The one's that make it have an attitude of, "I'd rather die, drown, freeze to death, or break my leg than fail this evolution."  Burn the boats.  If you want a combat aviation mission what about the AF active duty route?  Navy/USMC aviation?  There is more than one way to get what you want.  

    Sure? But if only the top .5% can become fighter pilots, then statistically speaking, we all can't be fighter pilots. 

    • Upvote 2
  4. 55 minutes ago, bigdreams said:

    Just help a dose of reality. Persistency is indeed a very good trait to have. But we've all met many great dudes who have interviewed countless times and did not get the fighter slot they wanted originally. But they did still end up flying in the end. And thats what we're all here for. To fly and serve.

    Hate to admit it but you are right. We always hear the advice "just keep going and you'll get picked up! It took me 50 fighter interviews with 30 alternates before I got picked up, you can do it too!" That's not realistic for everyone and people need to realize that.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, tkownedu5 said:





    Fighters would be cool and I wouldn’t turn down that opportunity but I’m leaning more towards heavies. I’ll try my best to get this ppl knocked out.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    So heavies then. Got it.

  6. 10 hours ago, slackline said:

    Choke yourself!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Lack of empathy, then in the same breathe you tell someone else to go choke themselves. OK. It is literally sad that the left is using the mentally ill like they are. 

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  7. I don't want to get DQ'd for bad hearing, but with little ones running around the house screaming in my ears I'm getting a little worried. I'm starting to wear earplugs more around the house and especially during diaper changes when they start screaming like banshees. Has anyone had any significant hearing loss from kids screaming? 

  8. 31 minutes ago, Yeeyee said:

    Thanks man. Definitely agree with that. Do you think a webcam in front of a desktop PC will suffice? 

    iPhone with the selfie stick will undoubtedly give you the most style points. If you're feeling ballsy, you can do the selfie style with an iPad and that could land you even more style points, given the execution is good. If you are able to pull it off, hold a laptop with a camera selfie style. This will be the hardest to pull off but if you do it correctly and well, you are almost guaranteed an interview.

    • Haha 2
  9. Looks like you have a pilot slot in AD with your name written all over it. It's up to you after that point whether you get heavies or fighters. For the ANG? It depends on what you want to fly. Heavies are definitely in reach. Fighters seem like a super long shot unless you rush specific units multiple times and mesh well with the group. Also, read through the FC1 physical thread, apparently a FC1 pending MFS completion is useless.

  10. 17 minutes ago, N730 said:

    I'm going to start all of this by saying that I assume you have your taken your TBAS and have a PCSM as well. If not, that is the next step before you can do much of anything.

    But I would definitely start reaching out. A PPL isn't a hard requirement for most units, and "I'll finish it in December" seems like it would be an acceptable answer.

    The whole process takes a long time, as @CharlieHotel47 said. And odds are, you probaly won't be hired by the first board you apply to anyway, so worst case, you get some feedback on your package.

    If you wait until you finish your PPL, you will miss an MC-12 board, 7 heavy boards, and 2 fighter boards. And that's just what is on Bogidope. Start sending out your package now, even if you haven't visted the units. Try to get to drills when you can, but you are guarantee not to get a job you don't apply for.

    Why'd you tell him about bogidope? Now we have 1 more person to compete against...

    • Downvote 1
  11. 1 hour ago, MCO said:

    Your score on whatever the hand eye coordination test thing was, and previous hours in an airplane. Abilities as a student? Mostly irrelevant. It shows a drive to succeed. Lots of “bad” cadets are great in UPT, and lots of “good” cadets are terrible.

    So if you got at 69 PCSM score, you are screwed and SOL for UPT?

  12. 4 hours ago, iRobot said:

    I still wouldn't worry too much. Unless you're quitting your job to make this opportunity come to life, then you have nothing to lose. If you give it an honest shot and don't get picked up for your criminal record, or low scores or *insert reason here*, then you can sleep at night knowing you did something about it i.e. tried to pursue your dreams. Keep applying and obviously highlight your strengths. No one is a saint and it may even show you are human if you don't have a perfect slate. 

    I had a record for "disturbing the peace" (school fist fight), which happened to be an entertaining story for the studs I interviewed with. Don't sweat it too much. Just work hard and hope for the best. 🤙

    Bro you calling dudes studs? I could of swore it is the shortened version of "Stud-ent", but you straight up out here calling other dudes studs. Pause.

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