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Everything posted by Jefsterman4u

  1. I would assume you have never been to California. Outside of San Francisco, there is no mass transit in California. My plan was to buy some little crappy car for UPT and buy something good once I graduate. I appreciate the advice, but that still leaves the issue of how I get to Columbus AFB without car
  2. Not a spouse but I will be going to UPT at Columbus supposedly this September. This is a generic question for all of the UPTs but what should I do in regards to a car. I am coming from California and not planning on driving there as I will fly into local airport. Does it make sense to have a car while at UPT if you are living at the base? Am I correct I would definitely need one if I live off base? For those who fly, how do you get from the airport to the base if you dont have a car. Uber would seem to be pricey and if I were to rent a car at the airport, would there be somewhere in Columbus to return it to.? At some point I am planning on getting a car, should I buy it in Columbus? I am going to buy something cheap which I would want to get rid of once I graduate UPT. Would it be easy to get rid of? In other words, as graduates leave, do they sell their cars or other gear to new students?
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