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Posts posted by ItnStln

  1. 4 hours ago, Breckey said:

    I’m glad they’re going against decades of uniform patch configuration standardization for this uniform. It’s nearly identical to the Army’s layout. 

    That’s why I am wondering if they change the flight suits configuration. It would have made sense to configure the OCPs the way ACC did instead of AFSOC due to the patch configuration. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, viper154 said:

    I was wrong, deleted my post, haven’t had my morning coffee yet, ran upstairs and checked. Right side is flag and command patch, left side is squadron patch. 

    Thanks! Since that is the layout for the OCPs now I wonder if they are going to change the flight suit so the patches are in the same location. 

  3. What’s the reason for putting the squadron patch on the left sleeve vs the right sleeve like it is on the flight suit? I think ACC  puts the squadron patch on the right sleeve of their OCPs and AFSOC on the left but I am curious why they changed it from the current flight suit? Will the flight suit patches be switched to match the placement on the OCPs?

  4. That’s what I mean, tax-free growth. You are correct with Roth that you pay taxes on contributions now  
    I’d much rather pay taxes on the principal right now when I make the contribution and then on the back end withdraw the principal as well as the gains tax-free.
    This is my favorite article discussing the relative advantages/disadvantages of Roth vs Traditional: https://blog.wealthfront.com/roth-401k-vs-traditional-401k/
    YMMV and if you are in a very high tax bracket now traditional has more advantages, but as the article states, the name of the game if you do traditional is, “Do I have the discipline and desire to save an additional sum to cover my future tax bill?”
    One opinion among many, but one I find convincing and that led me to choose Roth whenever possible in my current financial situation. 
    Back on track: FU big blue for artificially keeping flight pay and bonuses lower than Congress allows. They will reap what they sow here and the retention crisis will get worse. 

    Thanks for the clarification and my apologies for misreading your post!
  5. IMHO every officer O3+ should be maxing his/her Roth TSP ($18,500 per year) as well as their own Roth IRA ($5,500) and their spouse's Roth IRA ($5,500) if married as a baseline for savings. $29,500 total that can grow tax free. In some situations traditional makes more sense than ROTH so YMMV slightly.
    And if you can swing that sooner more power to ya.
    Since when are Roth IRA tax free? My read of everything, including my own Roth IRA, is that you don't get a tax deduction like youndonwitj a Traditional IRA but you don't pay taxes on it when you withdraw.
  6. The "F" Word;

    There are only 11 times in history where the "F" word has been considered acceptable for use.

    They are as follows:

    11. "What the @#$% do you mean, we are sinking?"
    -- Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912

    10. "What the @#$% was that?"
    -- Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945

    9. "Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from?"
    -- George Custer, 1877

    8. "Any @#$%ing idiot could understand that."
    -- Albert Einstein, 1938

    7. "It does so @#$%ing look like her!"
    -- Picasso, 1926

    6. "How the @#$% did you work that out?"
    -- Pythagoras, 126 BC

    5. "You want WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling?"
    -- Michelangelo, 1566

    4. "Where the @#$% are we?"
    -- Amelia Earhart, 1937

    3. "Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ***!"
    -- Noah, 4314 BC

    2. "Aw c'mon Monica. Who the @#$% is going to find out?"
    -- Bill Clinton, 1998

    1. "There is no @#$%ing way Trump will ever become President"
    -- HilaryClinton 2016

    Very truth
  7. You could tweak it to awarding the electoral votes by congressional district, with the extra 2 electoral votes awarded to the popular vote winner of the state.  That would avoid the need to adjust the length of Senate terms.  I think the primary virtue of the electoral college is that it precludes us from ever having to conduct a nationwide recount in a close presidential election.

    I'd support that!
  8. - ANG units do their own recruiting. Find some units you are interested in and call them direct.

    - AD recruiters are supposed to help you get started, but local offices don't really recruit officers. They should be able to point you to their squadron's "Officer Recruiter", or Google "USAF Recruiting Units", find the one that serves your location, and call that unit. You may apply to an OTS board if you are within one year of graduating. If a local office is too busy, try going to www.airforce.com and using their site to get started.

    Thank you for your help HiFlyer. I'll make some call to the local ANG units after Christmas. Just out of curiosity, who is the final decision up to? Is it up to the recruiter or is there a board? Ultimately what I am looking for is someone who will look at what I have done since my charges and how I've made the best of a bad situation.
  9. Found this on a google search. Poster said it was current when he ordered in March of this year.


    Just curious, is any aviator allowed to partake in this program, or is it only pilots? I know the form says pilot but I don't know if other aircrew is included as well.

  10. I was told that "expunged" cases are removed from view but are not removed from every data base, and that proper authorites with appropriate keys are able to examine records. Don't know the details. As for "better" I don't think it makes a difference for an OTS purpose. I know of lots of applicants with expunged cases who made it thru the process without a problem so I doubt if it will be an issue. If it were serious enough to be an OTS issue, it probably wouldn't have been expunged in the first place.

    Thank you for confirming what I suspected, HiFlyer! I asked the court clerk that and she flat out told me that nobody can view expunged cases as they are deleted. As I figured, that sounded too good to be true. Do you by chance have contact information for an officer recruiter for either Active Duty or Air National Guard that you can share? The recruiters that I have spoken to won't discuss being an officer as I do not have my college degree yet. That should be completed by the summer as I only need four classes to graduate.

  11. Nope, you still have to report them. The DoD sees records even if "expunged". Depending on what they were, how long ago they were, and your record since, you may still be okay.

    Just out of curiosity, how can DOD see expunged cases if they are deleted from all of the databases? I am not doubting you, just curious as this is against what I was told by an attorney. Again, I believe what you are saying I just don't see how an agency can see an expunged case if it was removed from the federal database. Would it look better if the charges were expunged or pardoned versus just left there?

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