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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Crap, I'm so sorry. If I run into you in the future, I will buy you beer.
  2. I am also a chosen one, so thank you and congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!
  3. My recruiter said they'd release the selects on March 6th. *looks at calendar* *crosses fingers* I'm just a civilian chick with 95 pilot, 94 pcsm, and 100-something hours. We'll see how this goes...
  4. Regarding Active Duty pilot selection: What is the general timeline for things if you find out you're selected? For this board we're supposed to have the results in February. Approximately when could you expect to go off to officer training, UPT, etc?
  5. Yes, that one. They're having the board on Jan 23. Either they have pilot slots or I've been grossly misled. Recent quote from my recruiter: "I am very optimistic that you will get a pilot slot!" Well, none of y'all seemed to know about this, so.... less competition maybe? Muahaha.
  6. I was going to apply to that board but then my recruiter said there were only RPA slots. She she called me some months later and said they have regular pilot slots so I applied. An officer recruiter confirmed this. Can you ever find out how many and what kind of pilots they need (fighters vs. heavies)? I'd kinda prefer heavies...
  7. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I'll see how this weekend's interview goes then very seriously consider seeking professional help. ...hehe that sounds funny...
  8. Your perseverance and success are inspiring. I feel ashamed for saying anything, haha. Thank you for sharing
  9. I just got another "no." That's three "no's" and one "we have to say no but we really don't wanna so please apply next time and we'll probably maybe say yes....???" What do y'all do when you get discouraged? I feel down because look great on paper and get an interview wherever I apply, but I seem to just stink at interviewing (yes, I've practiced with people). Just gonna keep tryin' and look into active duty....
  10. Is the 136th AW really having a board soon? And the 193rd SOW? I can't find any information...
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