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Posts posted by Herkasaurus

  1. Thanks- 2 years from date of separation request or two years from now?

    Just curious because thats about where I am now. It will be under at date of separation though. I do have an intent to hire attached.

    2yrs from requested date of separation.

    Duck - I had the letter and a line number from the unit that hired me.

  2. Clear cut to me. You don't give up the TEB as long as you serve your time in the Guard/Reserves. Thanks for the help man. My app is at my functional right now. Hoping for a clean cut.

    Good luck, my functional said no despite the fact I'm overmanned according to AFPC...then SAF/PC also said no. I had a yes from Sq & Wg. Not that any of it matters since it's all what the Pentagon says.

  3. I'm currently a second assignment guy (O-3) leaving RPAs for C-17s. Just curious what the latest is with reserve units and requiring/desiring advanced degrees? I've gotten the bug to get out of AD ASAP to create a more stable life for my family in one place. Anyway, my pipe dream now is complete this next assignment, then hopefully PC to a reserve unit while starting up with an airline.

    Focus on being a pilot first. With the insatiable need for ISR, I'm sure you heard of bases getting massive UAV bills to fill. We had a UAV guy who didn't quite cut it and is heading back that way. You've escaped for now, but I'd still watch my cornhole if I were you.

  4. I'm not competitive for the airlines and with my low hours, I have a feeling it would be awkward to go back and cross train to J's.


    I don't understand this rationale...you have 130 experience. You would go to the J, get 50hrs, and upgrade to AC if you were previously an AC. What's awkward about it? Unless you're worried about hitting your PRF as a copilot, but that hasn't affected the community since 2010 ish with that round of RIFs.

  5. Take this with a grain of salt.

    Have you ever parked on Guard ramp at CLT? No F-ing way they are going C-17s. Don't have the space for it.

    Based on the rumors - the 130 is likely to remain in the ANG for a long time and your best best to fly legacy. AFRC might see the day of some wings going away, some being associated to active J-model wings. Kind of depends on how long current AFRC leadership stays around, how much Congress pushes back, how quickly Big Blue gets new J-models off the factory line, how well current AFRC 130 wings justify their existence.

    St. Jo is probably safe due to AATTC and the WIC being there. No idea on Minneapolis - after all the Congressional and Army push back on Pope likely to see AFRC try another 130 wing to close. My money is on Maxwell (again) or maybe Niagara, but who knows.

    Again, this and $8 will get you a Denny's Grand Slam.

    It is a small ramp, but that hangar is built to C-17 specs because they thought they'd get ol Buddha back in the mid 90's. The AMC/CC made a visit there last fall too. But again, it's all about jobs for the state. Do the senators want to lose 2 crew positions and the ### amount of jobs that goes with that decision? Not to mention they're a MAFFS unit, and that's something you want to hang on to.

    My $0.02

  6. False.

    In my experience, I have many more deployments from being a KC-10 bubba than a safety dude. Did I deploy once for a wing safety position? Yep, but it is still only about 20% of my total deployed time.


    Over generalizing it with my math, but it increases your chances since you fill more of the boxes. Damn near every safety guy I know got hit with a 365. They all had close to the same STRDs as dudes without the safety stink, but they all got popped.

    Things are changing slightly since the 365's have "decreased", so maybe this was specific to '09-'14.

  7. Anyone ever Space A'd out of Jackson, MS or know any of the dudes out there? I have an SMS account but I'd like to touch base with them before the trip leaves since I'm trying to take the family and burn some of my 36 days use/lose.

  8. Someone/DT mentioned I should take the DLAB just like all the other boxes we should check. I left that one empty. I think I'm good to go with my future.


    It's pretty amazing that the DLAB is in the strat matrix here at LRF. Because taking a test is a great differentiator in officership.

  9. I looked hard at PC to an undermanned unit. I wasn't eligible for the VSP or FY15 PC program. I was never a me to get a straight answer. The guard/reserve units thought they had enough juice to make it happen but I didn't want to press to test badly enough to find out.

    How are you ineligible for PC? I thought anyone could apply.

  10. The J model is replacing the Herk.

    Part of the issue with Js replacing Hs in the ARC is that units lose jobs. They would have the same issue with Js. Maybe yall know something I dont, but the C17 production line is done. No way to replace the hundreds of herks in the ARC with 17s. Could you do it with a unit of two? Probably, but where do the tails come from?

    The 17s on the ramp at Charleston are underutilized. If they redistribute Buddha then there's no need for new tails. But I'm sure they'll just order more and continue the stupidity.

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