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Posts posted by WABoom

  1. That was a pretty good read. We see the same thing on the E side of the house too. We do not promote the right people with the right focus and that's why we will continue to get more E-9's than Chiefs. Careerism is IMHO one of the biggest problems for the AF. We had a Chief at the KC-135 FTU give the same new class day speech to booms, and something he would say has always stuck with me. He said "at some point another country(s) would have the same technology as us, the only thing that would separate us would be the skill of the operator. The skill set and knowledge that we gain in tech school and beyond would carry us to victory because we were the most prepared to deal with the situation". So I paraphrased a little but you get my point. We need to be focused on the mission of fighting and winning, and if we aren't doing that then lets look at what can be dropped and lets get back to basics. I am not sure what it will take to make this happen, but maybe sequestration could be the catalyst to a well needed culture shift.

    Edits for grammar, spelling, and generally incoherent rants late at night.

    • Upvote 1
  2. "They don't like listening to enlisted guys so that's why they never spoke up." I was slightly offended, but I really couldn't disagree.

    This is why I love flying on the KC-135. Pretty tight crews, sts, and we work very well together. Officers and Enlisted are on the same page and if something needs to be said, we speak up without hesitation.

    I'm just glad no one died and that this turned into a great CRM lesson for all crew members.

  3. Everybody is already way too happy there (I mean what's a better assignment right? MAYBE Hickam) so they figured they needed to take you all down a notch. Dude, I am so glad I let that ######ing place! You getting paroled any time soon?

    PCS in June back to Fairchild, looking forward to it.

  4. Is there a "Most tail numbers copied" award?

    Never heard this from you before, complaining about tail numbers. Say it ain't so?

    Isn't A/TA the only conference that wasn't outright canceled this year due to budget? I wouldn't complain too loud...

    Why is that?

  5. Anyone else get "bumped" from A/TA? All I know is that there are quite a few questionable career fields going, I personally would of gained a lot, but F that I guess. Oh and here's the kicker. They told us 6 days prior and still charged us a $20 cancelation fee. What about the dues I just paid? If there were only x amount of slots why did the AF go over that number?

  6. The tumbleweed was pretty big. At 70 mph I didn't have much time to react and I really don't remember much. I did see a video from the news a few weeks later and it showed my bike with the core of the weed still stuck between my front wheel and the frame. Without turning it into a fishing story I guess the tumbleweed was as wide as my 55 in tv as I look at the tv right now trying to reference the size of it. These things are no joke in Oklahoma, I just never imagined tussling with one on a bike!

  7. I would hope that someone (crusty MSgt like myself) in the chow hall would of pulled that TSgt aside and told them how ridiculous they were and "mentored" them on how to deal with this situation in the future. I have said on this site before, if I am ever going to say something to an officer I will pull them aside, not openly yell. And that's only if the infraction is so bad (rarely seen) that it warranted me saying anything at all. Again, a firm believer that officers should correct officers and I will continue to teach my subordinates my way of thinking. Mission being the focus is lost, that's why this happens. Happy Labor Day folks!

  8. I'll preface what I'm about to say by thanking the admins for the removal of the dislike button...

    But I think whatever they are wearing is pretty cool and it would be nice to have a dress uniform that ATRACTS women as opposed to them thinking we are wearing poorly fitted 50's bus driver uniforms.


    I ATTRACT the ladies without a uniform (used to, now i'm just married), in my head at least I did.

    I say keep what we have, lets start building some kind of tradition. I think the dislike and WTF moment is because we have never seen this uniform in this sort of ceremony. I guess to someone it made sense, but it makes me wonder what these people thought we were going to think once we laid our eyes on this monstrosity.

    How bout this, lets just be the AF and stop trying to be someone we aren't. That'll be a start.

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  9. I ride every day. I am bummed every time someone gets hurt or killed on a bike, especially when it could've been prevented with some proper gear and some attention to detail.

    I will be fortunate enough to give 2 riders in my group when I wrecked a safety award in front of the wing on the 24th. We did everything right, wore the right gear, had a plan, and even though something bad happened we are still here to talk about it. I couldn't be any happier to give them this award (something I insisted on) in front of everyone. I hope these guys know how much they mean to me and my wife (she still has a husband) and this is a small way to thank them publicly.

  10. I too had noticed a lot of deaths recently from motorcycle accidents. Wasn't sure if it was because I almost took the long nap in January and I was more aware of it, or if it was happening that often. Definitely not good though.

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