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Posts posted by UDEL09

  1. Got some gouge on Pinnacle (Vance AFB Housing):

    Pinnacle/Hunt are currently in the process of renovating 122 duplex and single units at Vance AFB. They will be demolishing about 29 units (mostly older 2 bedroom). They have built 30 brand new units. Their original plan was to transfer 30 families from the non-renovated homes to the new construction, opening up 30 units for Hunt to begin renovation on.

    Somewhere along the way, between Aug-Nov, Pinnacle allowed to many people off the wait list into housing. The problem compounded itself when Hunt failed to deliver the first renovated units by their scheduled delivery date of October. This higher occupancy rate led to a decrease in the number of units given to Hunt. This is a big deal because if Hunt doesn't have 30 units they begin to lose their sub contractors causing even further delays. Instead of admitting this to the future residents, Pinnacle kept up the charade of "you will have a house in 30-60 days". To further ruin any credibility Pinnacle might have had, one of their former employees was incompetent and could not manage the wait list properly (using wrong eligibility dates for applicants).

    In December the first steps were taken to alleviate the situation. The wait list was "frozen" in order to get the required number of units to Hunt for renovation(allowing for a more predictable turnover). Pinnacle hired on new staff and began to tell the situation "how it is" to residents and future tenants . The wait list is now prominently displayed in the office instead of being some secretive document that only Pinnacle staff can view. Forced relocations are still a certainty for people in non-renovated units but an effort is being made to conduct them around training schedules and PCS dates.

    Long Story Short:

    Expect to wait 6-9 months for housing at Vance

    Call or stop by the Housing Management Office and they can help you out with off-base options

    Forced relocations are a reality in non-renovated homes(You can get DITY pay)

    If anybody has any specific questions don't hesitate to PM me. :beer:

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