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Posts posted by DFRESH

  1. Hey folks, over the next few weeks, I'll be migrating to a newer server. There may be some random down time and/or a few lost posts when I "flip the switch". I'll alert everybody with a sticky post and it'll be in the middle of the night sometime in the next few weeks.

    • Upvote 2
  2. 19 hours ago, Darryl Hopkins said:

    We offer fully furnished pet friendly Pit Pads for our Pilots that are bringing families to RAFB during their TDY.


    We also offer $500 referrals if you know someone looking and they book with us.


    Please move your advertisement to the Marketplace thread.




  3. Sorry gents, 

    F#kin Google took over again. The point of the ads is to cover the basic costs of maintaining the sites, which they typically do without the Google AI terminator ad bot taking over. My apologies, not sure how it happened again. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. Admin note - Filthy_Liar went off the deep end. I was allowing most of his posts until they were all complete crazy-town, "shoot em' up", civil war nonsense. It's a tough line to draw because I'm all about letting folks post whatever they want, but there's definitely a limit, and Filthy_Liar exceeded it. My hope is that it was some kind of drunken keyboard warrior stuff... That said, I've tipped off the appropriate authorities. "Free speech" doesn't apply to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, nor "I'm going to start shooting". 

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    • Upvote 4
  5. The Baseops app was actually just a skinned version of the Tapatalk app. Unfortunately, they (Tapatalk) really quit making that an option. I'm trying to get it working again, it'll just take some time.

    • Upvote 1
  6. On 11/18/2022 at 12:47 PM, GrndPndr said:

    Just to be clear, those of us with Chrome cannot access BO at all.  On Firefox (as you all know) one has to click through with an exception.

    Do we need a go-fund-me or something to pay for the new SSL certificate?  I will donate to that (or even pay for it outright).

    Thank you for that offer. The advertising covers the cost of the server, domain name, and now the SSL. I was doing certificates myself, but it was time consuming and when life was too busy (like the last few days), I kept dropping it out of my crosscheck. I've added automated certificate management and it shouldn't happen again.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  7. With some of the last drops of Jeremiah weed being consumed as I write this, a bro and I have been discussing a Worldwide roll-call to finish off the very last bottles of Weed known to be in existence. If you and/or your squadron want to get in on the action, message me. More to follow on other platforms as well. 

    • Confused 1
  8. 1 hour ago, FDNYOldGuy said:

    If you find one, let me know! Haha.

    All kidding aside, always down to discuss ideas, experiences, and options when it comes to investments/wealth management/managing businesses/etc. I miss being able to talk about investment ideas that are a little more complex and in-depth than, "Buy GME/Bitcoin/TSLA and print money!"

    I heard Doge is going to the moon. 

    • Haha 1
  9. Any recommendations for a Financial Advisor/CPA? Looking for a unicorn that can handle stuff like helping establish trusts, tax advice/shelters, managing long-term investments, multiple LLCs, real property across multiple states... you know, all the standard active duty crazy stuff. I've been self-managing up until now, but my father-in-law recently passed and his sizeable life insurance policy, plus maybe taking the blood money, plus probably selling some real estate soon is making me want professional help to really grow wealth over the next 9-10 years. Thanks in advance.

  10. 3 minutes ago, demmatony said:

    If you are interested in flying fighters, I am going to be doing zoom calls with people who have been recently hired by guard units. I will chat with them for about 30 minutes and then we will open it up for questions. We will discuss a lot of topics/questions brought up in this forum. 

    I have been flying F16s for 8 years now both on active duty and in the guard. If you are interested in listening in on these zoom calls please send your name and cell phone number to fighterpilothumancapital@gmail.com 

    I will reach out to you and get you added to the zoom link distro list. 

    Confirm no cost? Is this an advertisement for services or just a bro opportunity? 

  11. 4 minutes ago, tbro96 said:

    Hello everyone,

    I'm a 25 year old (almost 26) looking to get an ANG pilot slot with a Fighter Squadron. I just recently received my AFOQT and PCSM scores back, and they are as follows:

    Pilot: 94



    Acad Aptitude: 78

    Verbal: 89

    Quantitative: 59

    PCSM: 65

    Flight hours: 0


    I am currently trying my best to save up for some flight time, but it's just getting more expensive for training, and more expensive to live with inflation, and my area is blowing up recently so my COL in general is going up. I am considering taking out a loan but I am apprehensive, as I would be taking on a lot of debt to learn something that I would be payed to learn in UPT. However, I understand the flight time increases my PCSM to potentially an 89 with 41 hours of flight time. So I am torn.

    Also, if asked a question along the lines of "How do you even know you want to be a pilot if you don't have any flight time." I'm not sure how to answer. I do have my student pilot license, and I've got some time behind a stick (less than 1 hour and not logged) in a 172 as well as a light multi-engine jet. It's hard for me to describe the feeling I get deep in my soul of how amazing it is to be there flying. I just *KNOW* that I want to do this. Like it's what I was put here to do.

    My undergraduate GPA was a 2.68, and I recently obtained a Master's degree in order to show I am capable of more. I finished with a 4.0. I was not focused during my undergrad years, and just got a degree because "that's what you're supposed to do." Whereas my M.S. had the purpose of becoming a fighter pilot behind it.

    I currently work for an aircraft OEM as an SMS analyst, if that has any effect on how I would be viewed. I have a letter of rec from the Chief Pilot in my org, as well as the Director of Flight Operations.


    Any and all help would be very much appreciated. This is my dream, and I want to do everything I possibly can to make it a reality. Thank you.

    If it's your future career, and you can pay money to help get yourself there, would you? To me, even $1500-$2000 to help ensure my future career seems worth it. I would get the flight time. 

  12. Bros, I just let google do its thing. I went in and tweaked the settings, so it should stop the "anchor" ads. The goal was to have just one ad in the same spot on every page (top right corner), but somehow the google monster went full auto. Should be fixed within an hour.

    • Like 2
  13. 19 minutes ago, Justonethought said:

    This entire forum and website used to allow pilots to throw crap at each other and think about it, really consider what is being said.  Not so much any more.  Just look at your webdata and metrics, I am sure it is declining.  The ad dollars willing to be paid will follow.  Goodbye.

    What exactly makes you think you can't throw crap at each other here any more? 

    • Upvote 2
  14. From wikipedia about Stoel Rives:

    Stoel Rives publishes a series of "Law of" handbooks, intended to provide a general overview of the legal and business issues involved in specific emerging or rapidly developing areas of law. The series include The Law of Wind—A Guide to Business and Legal Issues, Lava Law—Legal Issues in Geothermal Energy Development, The Law of Solar Energy—A Guide to Business and Legal Issues, The Law of Outdoor Industries—A Guide to Business and Legal Issues, and The Construction Lien in Washington—A Legal Analysis for the Construction Industry.

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